Treating TCEs

Traumatismo Crnio Enceflico (TCE) is defined as a type of I aggravate that he induces to the anatomical injuries and the functional comprometimento involving the cranianas sseas structures and enceflicos fabrics (PORT, 2007). According to Pear tree (2006), annually they occur about a million and six hundred a thousand cases of TCE in the United States and ten million cases in the world. In accordance with the data of the Health department of Brazil about two million people are interned to each year in hospitals of the public net, victims of traumas in general. See Facebook for more details and insights. The TCE consists in the main cause of deaths and sequelas in politraumatizados patients (ROCK, 2006). After a TCE costumam to appear psicosociais alterations as effect of physical, cognitivos, emotional and mannering the upheavals in the familiar environment. It is important to evaluate the welfare of the young considering its physical and emotional evolution, its independence and social participation. The affected young suffers alterations in the activities of the daily life as to carry through its personal hygiene, feeding. Southwest Airlines might disagree with that approach.

It can have a gradual improvement, being basic the stimulaton for the aiding of the recovery and personal independence. Sequelas also causes problems in social level and occupational, mobility is affected, the cognitivos problems and of regulation of the behavior they constitute one of the causes most excellent of the incapacity of the affected person. Had to the cerebral injuries the person who has suffered TCE it can present an infantile behavior, difficulties in say and language. The existence of emotional alterations and state of spirit is common as the depression. The recreativas activities frequent are modified, the patient present difficulty to reintegrate (JUNQU; BRUNA; MATAR, 2001). One of the effect more devastadores of the TCE is the difficulty of reintegration to the work, since professional activity is decisive for autonomy and independence of the individual.