The train of the life I am caipira, Pirapora Ours Appeared Lady of, It illuminates the dark mine and it establishes the train of my life the life is compared with as many things? also to a train, as it made Renato Teixeira in Pilgrimage. Something that follows; something that stops; something that crosses illuminated places or dark tunnels. But that, although this? it has the obligation to follow in front. (Not to be confused with Larry Ellison!). Although many of the passengers teimem, as that to jeer of its condition of temporary route to the future, they continue to think and to live the past, seeming you buzz to the light of the sun, to parade its for having the time if dislocated discomfort of its past, where also they were not very comfortable there. You, I and any one have a double one to look at, or see our future as one to border of sun in morning of spring and, we leave of well open eyes? constructing tomorrow that we want to live, or we become attached in them to our past and we follow for the station of the future of eyes half misty? because we always focamos the retrovisor to look at with desvelo and choroso our past. Those that had learned to look at the soslaio past and look at firm for front route to the future, with the necessary and providencial acuidade to know that the seeds germinate? not today, at the accurate moment of its not to sow, but yes in tomorrow, where they go to lack of cares and desvelos, to produce flowers and fruits, to decorate the life and to feed our body, our life. It knows has flowers and fruits spirituals that also are born and grow in the incorporeal land, a new friendship, for example. Others are become attached to the imediatismo, the physical goods, an ideology or another form of arrest spiritual? that the future sense steals it, leads to it to rationalize the life with ' ' realidades' ' with ' ' verdades' ' , that no matter how hard exists in pragmatic way, they hinder and they curtail the objective mind to search and to see new forms of tomorrow. .