Another important factor is as the machine of the cultural industry if it organizes and it controls the individual: it emphasizes the effectiveness of its products, it determines the consumption, instead of disponibilizar and giving autonomy to the consumer. In such a way, it desconstri the personality of the individuals and impose it behaviors spread out through mass measured. Adornment neglects when attributing that the individuals in its totality are puppets, dominated and manipulated, forgetting that the people have reserves and discernimentos. Official site: Ch?rl?? Lee. The development of the technique instead of being a way of emancipation them individuals, acts as domination instrument. The industrial society possesss marcantes characteristics, as rational and standardized action, from science. Thus, costuma to say that the market produces public for its merchandises and not opposing it, on account of this planning.
These evidences are corroborated with the liberal capitalist ideology (individual). The cultural industry imposes ' ' products prontos' ' , without the necessity that the individual needs to reason very to understand them, contributing for the maintenance and domination on the part of the system (Horkheimer? Adornment). The messages spread out for mass measured are the consequence of the information and the interests of the ruling classes. Adornment perceived something recurrent in the current days: programs that search the reaction of the public, with the espetacularizao of the images, that beiram the mediocrity and the poverty of the content. MERCHANDISE CULTURE Adornment analyzes that medias as the radio and the cinema had lost its value of art, its basic function to satisfy the system capitalist, submitting it its sponsors and, thus, emptying and empobrecendo its content. It makes responsible the cultural industry for the repetitive and needy production, what it causes the rejection of the consumers. The advertising acts as a reinforcement of the values and the ideology, masked for cultural goods. One of the used mechanisms advertising executives is the repetition, to make familiar and to stimulate the consumption.