Berlin Estrel Convention Center

The first and only service provider er fair in the German capital Berlin. ‘Capital fair’ – powered by broker pool Fund financial Berlin, Berlin, we’re going to Berlin! This motto is for once not to a football summer fairy tale, but the first and only financial services provider er fair in the German capital Berlin. Capital trade fair”- so called our new trade fair in Berlin, which will be held on October 1, 2010, and to which we invite all financial service providers. Around 150 exhibitors and 2,500 visitors are expected at the first capital trade fair in the Berlin Estrel Convention Center. Both representatives from insurance and corporations as well as issuing houses and media companies belong to the first capital trade fair exhibitors district in 2010. You also have the opportunity, at various workshops with topics of interest and top speakers, such as Jorg Laubrinus, Hans D. Schittly, Marcel Schlee and Thorulf to Muller. As a counterpart to the Munich brokers and multiple agents fair, the we annually in the Bavarian Align the city, you can look forward even in the capital city exhibition in Berlin about a personal atmosphere.

In a clear frame can make important contacts, in one day and meet personal financial all Agency managers, regional directors and the team of the Fund. You expect the following lectures rolling from 09 h 17 h: title speaker new customer contacts with social media m. SCHLEE prospecting Hans D. Schittly even more new customers Jorg Laubrinus new dates at a PKV is existing customers of Jorg Laubrinus of each customer customer Thorulf Muller PKV, quo vadis? Thorulf Muller in the grip of the acquisition until concludes with venta C1 FinCon Fund introducing financial Fund financial we are pleased us on coming! Registration see: press contact: Fund financial broker GmbH, Ferial Abu Riesstrasse 25 80992 Munich Tel.: 089 158815-380 fax: 089 1588-350 E-Mail: Web:

HWCV Revolutionized

The HWCV offers solvent investors thousand euros per consultation, if the promised conditions are not achievable. That has never been there in the private sector. The Munich-based technology transfer company HWCV, brings together worldwide the first funds on the market, which pays out yield investors from the beginning, so in advance, and even without that investors must invest their own money. The contractor and owner Hans Weidenbusch explained on the question how this can be possible: this is possible only on the basis of the currently marketed technology, and this Fund is offered only until a certain amount of investment is achieved “.” On the question, the creditworthiness of this offer for what is, the entrepreneur said: As you know, my brother is a member of the Bavarian Landtag, weidenbusch/index.html. It will therefore each activity of the HWCV alone strictly from opposition parties and case of irregularities, an appropriate intervention would be immediately. The new technology also has the HWCV Stiftung Warentest for testing is presented. That would make guaranteed no one, which in its approach is not beyond all doubt.” And more references about Hans Weidenbusch said: we have the most environmentally friendly energy concept of all time and among even the world-famous environmental organization GREENPEACE,, has followed this issue.

That alone speaks for itself. “Not to mention such renowned institutions such as the University of Berkeley, berkeley-universitat-weidenbusch-perpetuum-mobile crack a law of thermodynamics /, and all leading German physical faculties”, index.php? raum_und_zeit_16614. So, so there is an indisputable and undisputed fact. While insurance and other investment companies often only the first lean returns after years of deposits of investors, this occurs for the system described in the HWCV,, with the date of closing. Also, the investor from the start must muster no own capital until the end of the investment term. Investors who are solvent according to customary banking criteria, get writing by us guaranteed one thousand euros for a consultation if we do not offer the facility under the described conditions that investors can.”said a spokesman for the HWCV.

The Capitalteam

The objective of most providers focused on appreciating, which completely aside the General market development in the examination. Managed accounts apply a greater degree of responsibility in this way, by they can push a good or a bad performance not an index development or the market environment in the shoes. The performance of the Manager or his trading system is critical to the success of the investment. Funds, however, are bound to the index in many cases and intended only as a medium to participate in the development of a specific market or market segment. For the investor, the selection is so much more complex, because in addition to the selection of a product must have in addition an opinion to the direction of the market. When managed This task is taken over the trading advisor or by the trading system accounts.

A downer remains criticism of pricing although better managed accounts with many of the here considered factors against Fund and equity-linked insurance. While mutual funds have a uniform method of calculating the Fund price, historical performance with managed accounts calculated unfortunately very individually. Performance data not be partially taking into account of all costs and gladly also real performance data are mixed with simulated for the past performance of the trading system (Backtesting). We control, however, by we take only such provider in our database, which can prove the authenticity of their course history us statement or attestation. Only results are incorporated in the performance published by and risk indicators, obtained on real traded customer accounts.

The value of is calculated taking into account all costs. As long as for Managed accounts there is no uniform regulation for the pricing, we see this method as a way to facilitate transparency and comparability of the providers themselves. Conclusion: Many factors which managed accounts at present better meet the needs of investors, as asset managers who attract their customers through other investment vehicles remain in the overall view. Not without reason some investment funds of themselves even managed accounts in the portfolio, use to engage in highly professional trading systems. Slim charging structures and efficient management are therefore values, where funds and insurance solutions can focus on their future opportunities. Chili chili is a comparison platform for managed accounts. Institutional – private investors and media participants have the opportunity to compare the performance of different managed accounts on this website. The Capitalteam consulting researched and tested performance and Risk indicators facilitate the selection of appropriate providers interested parties. For more information, see. Mostly opportunity-oriented investment styles that are not suitable in any arbitrary percentage scale for the securities accounts of investors favor note to managed accounts managed accounts. The right trading strategies in the right dosage, however can give zest to traditional securities accounts and contribute significantly to a better chance / risk ratio. Press contact Malte Papen FON: + 49 2661 953030 fax: + 49 2661 953029 mail:

Foreign Capital

ETL provides mezzanine capital for the past few years of crisis have weighed heavily on the economy. As a result, German companies already below average compared to other international capital has melted further. This is considered just the height of the economic capital of banks and savings banks as an important indicator of financial stability. Against this background, mezzanine capital has developed to a popular financing alternative as it is recognized by banks and savings banks as economic equity. Currently many mezzanine provider withdraw but from the market, because they have suffered shipwreck with their programs with serious consequences for the borrowers: because who has, expect to be able to extend the duration of its participation, confronted now with the full repayment of his involvement. Contrary to this trend continues on the ETL equity capital program the ETL group and offers its capital employees even extensions for running off in the future Investments. The ETL equity capital program awards investments in magnitude of EUR 50,000 to 250,000. The application is easy, financing decisions are made promptly.

With the mezzanine capital made available, small and medium-sized enterprises can increase their equity and thus improve their rating. A good rating in turn is the key to the foreign capital. Because only companies with a positive assessment receive loans. In addition a good bargaining position with credit insurers, leasing companies and suppliers can reduce the costs of further financing. And the ETL equity capital program offers a benefit. It requires no provision of securities and leaves unchanged the structures of society. Contact us, we like to give a contact! Torsten Bogausch Schmidt & Partner GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft branch Weisswasser of Bautzner Strasse 38 02943 Weisswasser Tel.: 03576/2839-0 fax: 03576 / 283930 Internet: sp white water email:


Current facts and figures for the 3rd quarter of 2013 the first half of 2013 famously ends with the last day of June. The first half of 2013 is thus over. Europe is still marked by upheavals. That is one side. On the other hand, efforts to get the financial and economic crisis in the run.

So far not really succeeded. The issues at stake are extremely diverse and varies in the individual euro countries. The efforts of policy, to pursue effective measures to stimulate the economy are different from the content, its extent and its sustainability and then, whether they are sufficient and targeted questions it. This question arises especially in Italy. The new Government is there for a few weeks in Office. Serious action in terms of economic reform have been identified. Hot diets for deputies or Ministers salaries, as well as the financing of political parties are discussed. Things that completely misses the point.

In the eurozone, GDP is between January and March 2013 decreased (see here). This is the sixth quarter in a row and so far unique in the eurozone. The decline is 0.2 percent. What is the second half of the year, which starts in a few days with the third quarter, to expect. Generally it is assumed that the descent of the private sector in the euro area June slowed some in the month. But nothing more. The recession is not over. A clear example of the sustained downturn offers the car industry in Europe for the current situation. And doing well still the German carmakers, because their products are in demand especially in China and the United States. The auto industry is an industry that is closely linked with many other manufacturers and producers. So among other things with the tire manufacturers and these in turn with other branches of industry.