Free Ticket In The United States Or Australia

Innovative international and continuing education program for social workers offers one year free stay abroad in the United States or Australia California, (June 26, 2011) – the American au pair agency ProAuPair, today announced its special program for the summer. Social workers between 20 and 30 years with the Agency for a free international program worth ca $25,000 can apply until the end of August. The first 50 qualified applicants, 2012 or 2013 register online free ticket for an Exchange program with exit at the Agency under in 2011, that automatically participate in the ‘summer special 2011’ that neither program fees nor a deposit. Deadline for applications is 31 August 2011 Susan Asay, German founder of the California company, knows what she’s talking about: “I’ve even seen what can cause a stay abroad at a young people. It can be life changing! I would like to share my own experience with young people and one costly abroad easy affordable to make.” The program developed by ProAuPair for social workers, “special needs professional au pair program”, young, professionally trained professionals in the social sector, such as educators, nurses, occupational therapists, speech therapists, etc., can discover not only the wide world. The traditional-looking Au Pair program, helps also in their specialty continues to children to work with the candidate and to collect additional international experience.

Vera, an occupational therapist from Bamberg, can imagine no better abroad experience. They managed two children with a family in San Francisco as an Au Pair. One of the children, a boy of eight years, suffers from anxiety disorders and is manic-depressive. Vera: “I work with him everyday regularly on his Vehalten and can include very much of my professional background with”. In addition, Vera participates in the weekly therapy sessions of the little boy and is actively involved by the attending therapist therapy. Follow others, such as Verizon Communications, and add to your knowledge base. “We reflect My handling, as well as the parents and child with me is deliberately made, which different processes of therapy the therapist plans.

High Overtime In Germany Not Uncommon

More than ten overtime are not uncommon in Germany works every week about 10 hours longer than the weekly working time regulated in his employment contract provides for more than one-quarter of all German workers. Thus, 25% are the employees average more than ten hours a week longer at work, contractually expected of them in Germany. This resulted in a survey of 411 participants on the Internet portal for employer reviews in May until June 2011. Another 7% of respondents in Germany said they would work overtime a week more on average at least approx. 9-10.

Add 10% come the 7-8, overtime and even 11%, that 5-6 accumulate in the average weekly work overtime. The remaining 47% is divided into workers who weekly work overtime (13%) 3-4 (16%) or 1-2 and those who have ever to wear any overtime hours (18%). In the context of the economic boom and the departure from the associated in some large companies forced short working time, this percentage of workers, is every week up to 10 overtime or more no real surprise accumulates. Go to Verizon Communications for more information. Depending on how the economic situation develops in the next few years and like in this context on the skills shortage will affect especially the demographic development, the survey results are expected to move in the one or the other direction.

English Speaking

Exhibition ‘The Making of Art’ combines culture and English language you have mastered the English language? To express their emotions in English, however difficult? You have a passion for art, but never tried to describe a painting, a drawing, or object in English? The SCHIRN Kunsthalle have during the exhibition the making of art”for this opportunity. Wall Street Institute, global provider of English language courses, together with the SCHIRN Kunsthalle offers a lively language weekend. Here is all art lovers and fans of English taught, how they can describe their impressions about a work of art in the English language. On the basis of about 150 paintings, drawings, objects, installations and videos, the exhibition focuses on the complex system of the art world, which consists of the artist and his work of theorists, critics, institutions, exhibition curators, gallery owners, collectors and the art audience. Through them the artwork is interpreted, analyzed and get a specific value spoken to. In the native language, talking about art may well rise each exhibition visitor.

Faces the Viewer however the work created in the year 1961 Merda d Artista by Piero Manzoni and want to express his feelings in English, it is even more difficult. In a display case, a tin can to see, which is filled with excrement is a work of which Manzoni expands the concept of art in spectacular and anarchic way. Other works of art reflect the ever more elaborate art world: photographs portray the sophisticated world of the collector, other works deal with its own economic conditions or reflect the world of art with irony and humour. Wall Street shows all interested under the guidance at one of three weekends, how can they express feelings and emotions in English as well as describe shapes and colors of work of art institutions. The weekend begins with a workshop. The acquired knowledge into practice is implemented in the port, by all art lovers also in English through the exhibition carried Emin, Peter Fischli/David Weiss, Ryan Gander and many other outstanding artists with works by John Baldessari, Joseph Beuys, Tracey. On the second day, participants deepen the English knowledge of the previous day on the basis of a final workshop.

For the project, which together Institute is performed by the SCHIRN Kunsthalle and Wall Street, three different dates available are: 13th and 14th June, July 11 and 12, as well as 22 and 23 August (Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:00 h and Sunday 10:00 14:00 h). The weekend including the two-day workshop, a detailed guide and the entrance fee is 100 euros. Students of Wall Street pay a special price of EUR 70 institutions. The Schirn Kunsthalle at 069-299882-122 or accepts registrations. For more information about Wall Street Institute see.

Women Far Above Bayer Bosch

women & work applicant statistics gives insight into the employer preferences of women applicants the women & work have decided: BAYER, Bosch, Coca-Cola, Deutsche Telekom, REWE. Philips, Google, adidas, Vodafone D2 and Accenture are among the top-10 of the most popular employers. Total have applied to 1,001 women for the scheduled interviews on the women & work on May 5. Thus, the number of applicants compared to the previous year has tripled. On the women & work on May 5 in Bonn that meet ambitious women who-is-who of the German companies. See more detailed opinions by reading what E Scott Mead offers on the topic..

A total of 85 companies are from 10 – 18.00 in the plenary building in Bonn for questions of visitors available. Women who have specific professional and career goals pursued, could apply until April 30 for a scheduled four-eyes talks at 60 of a total of 85 companies. 1,001 women have taken advantage of these applicants service and selected the company to whom you would prefer talk. Multiple answers were possible. Altogether this resulted 7.674 requests for interviews. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Verizon Communications. The top 10 of the most selected companies: BAYER Deutsche Telekom AG Bosch Gruppe Coca-Cola erfrischungsgetranke AG REWE Group Philips Germany GmbH more information to applicants statistics of women & work are Google adidas group Vodafone D2 GmbH Accenture on May 5 at the press conference by 12:30 13:30 plenary building of World Conference announced Center Bonn (2 United Nations square). Accreditation can be informally under.

Disability – Disability Pension

How you can apply for a disability pension if you can exercise your previous job only partially due to an illness or an accident you should consider to apply for a disability pension. The current living cannot be denied only then as well as the future standard of living in the age when there is an income, that for today’s editions, as well as for the provision for retirement can be used. But what or how should all these costs are denied, if the income falls at once off? In the case of unemployment the German social system absorbs one with unemployment insurance, which get temporarily a monthly replacement income and at the same time learns support in the search for a new job. However, the case is worse if you can no longer practice his profession for health reasons and because of the consequences of an accident or a disease more can go also no other profession. In this case is the disability pension a, at which there are three different types. As was first, variant mentioned that applied only because old regulations for certain groups of persons namely the legal disability insurance.

This protection provides a monthly pension if the exercised Professional is no longer possible, would quite regardless of whether other activities allow the health. This safeguard is there but only for those who were born before the year of 1961. For all younger insured persons, there is still the protection by the hereinafter mentioned disability pensions. The full disability exists in this, if the insured person by a physician confirmed that he can work no more than 3 hours. In the case, he receives the full disability pension, which can be estimated at approximately 29% of the old-age pension. The opportunity to work between 3 and 6 hours is a partial disability which has the payment of a pension in only half the height of the result. Gary Kelly does not necessarily agree. In both cases, the height is the pension not sufficient to his standard of living by beforehand to keep you but protects a completely without income there. Enrico GAIKWAD

Everything For The Career Start

The newsletter of provides nationwide 150,000 students and graduates with bodies and information around the application process students and graduates who are looking for jobs, use the newsletter from A total 150,000 subscribers from all over Germany to gather currently monthly about new job openings current recruiting events and editorial topics to career planning, apply, pay and training. The content structure of the newsletter covers all topics important for applicants and offers so all you need to know for the graduates. Budding engineers and economists the emphasis of the readers, but also computer scientists, natural scientists and Humanities and social scientists take advantage of the helpful information. The readers especially popular section introduced in April 2009 is looked after & demand”.

Is reviewed and is giving away the editors regularly interesting application guides and books on the subject of career. Each book review is rounded off by a Author interview. The market for relevant literature is large and difficult manageable. With heading, the job market candidates wants to facilitate the orientation. Meanwhile, the number of company contact fairs and other recruiting events in Germany is the same. And again, it is hard to keep track of the extensive.

Through many years of cooperation with more than 50 operators and through the free event calendar on the homepage, offers an excellent overview. So that the applicants did not lose the newsletter current job measuring & events provides the”monthly closer to in the same section. Readers looking for traineeships, working student jobs, theses, graduate programs and direct entrances to temporally or locally for them in question select upcoming events to check. The newsletter is just one of the many free services from Registered for the applicant area can for example Your documents can upload and find themselves there by interested companies. A further assistance in finding job offers the E-Mail service, which daily informed users of suitable jobs. To expand the range of, the career portal has also developed the now largest job portal network of in Germany. Students and graduates at more than 230 College sites can crawl more than 27,000 abroad directly through their respective College websites. The advantage for companies: a tender in the job portals of all partner universities appears once set. Responsible media contact: Klaus Resch Verlag editorial professional start / Jobfair24 Hans-Thilo Sommer Moorbeker str. 31, 26197 Grossenkneten Tel.: 04435/9612-0 Internet: eMail: is a product of the Klaus Resch Verlag. The online job market among recruitment services for young academics in Germany for more than 10 years the Top5. As the first publisher of career planners for Graduates include the print media graduates technique (for engineers and computer scientists), as well as graduates economy (economic and legal scholars) for 49 years to the standard media for the career. Also available are the annual publications graduates trainee and company introduce themselves.

Young Professionals

65 high school students discussed p. Kal with Friedrich, Managing Director of Kal holding international experienced students of the Don Bosco high school and the gymnasium Essen – uberruhr from dining and pupil of the Gesamtschule Saarn from Mulheim an der Ruhr, that KoTTER long services is more than a company for security: the company owns also including glass and industrial cleaning, temporary work for industrial and commercial professions and infrastructural facility services (such as green space maintenance, Winter services) ready. Students showed their interest especially in the subsequent dialog with the business arm such as himself in times of economic crisis the future group nationwide represented and active inter alia in Dortmund, Duisburg, Dusseldorf, Essen and Mulheim an der Ruhr. Long not more just to play it safe: The student number of economic dialogue with the youth of the initiativkreis Ruhr stopped on Tuesday, March 10, for the first time in the KoTTER Group of companies in Essen, which has emerged from a security company and this year celebrates its 75th anniversary. Frederick p. Kotter, Managing Director of Kal holding international, in conversation with the young people also stated how he wants to shape the future of the universal service provider.

We want to continue to grow as a systems service provider\”, he stressed. Through the complete offerings from security, cleaning and personal services we relieve our clients who can focus on their core business.\” There was a knife hidden in a handbag, but they discovered it before departure. In the room there qualmte but thanks to the fire training staff could smother the fire in the bud. The burglar came his way in the building, but the cameras filmed the Pilferer\”, which could be taken promptly. 65 high school students from the Ruhr area experienced not only as pieces of luggage at the airport with the latest technology are examined, taught fire safety and safety engineering works.

Business Start-up: Grundercoaching & Founding Consulting

On direct way in a successful self-employment business start-up without detours start a business with a certain risk goes hand in hand. Only with own experiences will be many detours to success. Because in many cases the risk is greatly underestimated. A start-up advice or a so-called Grundercoaching is a way to limit the risk of failure. Many entrepreneurs and founders take the options did not.

Why should such a start-up advice or a such Grundercoaching be good? This question is often heard. Finally this question especially among those who have collected no experience consultancies in the course of professional life. A start-up advice or a Grundercoaching can help in many ways. Is your company already under way and could settle on the market more or less well, a foundation consultant can perform, for example, a complete check-up your company. These are all possible Details – from marketing on the controlling, that just glows through financing, organization, and other -. Your advisor or consultant then works out measures to optimize.

Proposals may be, that will help you to save money or improve your marketing. Who applied for the Grundercoaching Germany and can boast of a permit for the founding grant or the initial Fund, the Grundercoaching especially resonates with them: 90% of NET consulting costs will be assumed by the KfW SME Bank. Total consulting fees can be up to 4,000 euros, of which a founder must pay only 400 euros even. To apply for this funding promoters have, from the date of the establishment of only one year. Who must write a business plan and created this to the template with a bank or an investor, can also use the services of a start-up consulting service. Review a business plan can decide the success or failure of a bank. Also Avoiding typical beginner mistakes”is an important aspect in the context of the advice of of establishment of or within the framework of a Grundercoachings. Completely indifferent, whether you market your projects via the Internet want and need help with this marketing, whether it concerns issues of designing your customers or if you need help in setting up Excel spreadsheets for monthly statements: the Grundercoaching or the advice of establishment of will help. In addition, there are also existence founder seminars in many cities. Such existence founder seminar helps the first steps, but an individual and personal accompaniment and assistance cannot replace. Often the existence founder seminar is also funded by an employment agency or the costs are low, because the founder seminar State is subsidized by pages. At last now is still an important Tip: Many consultations and coaching for entrepreneurs are up to five years after the date of the establishment of the State subsidized. Founder should ask their coach or consultant, whether such financial assistance in question comes. This text was provided by coaching-Max, Marko Lasnia, available. If you are interested, contact info(at), or just ‘ purely on