Seoul Point Pour

Il faudra encore one (not peu?) pour que le PSG batte boy record p victoires Championnat conscutives sept. Dimanche soir, le club p la capitale a tenu in chec t make up Bordeaux (1-1).Mme if Paris n est pas parvenu imposer, il s simply tout save boy fauteuil p leader p Ligue 1, avec trois points d advance southern Montpellier. L ensemble des Franciliens ont rapidement ouvert le score face aux Girondins, compose l intermdiaire p Momo Sissoko, qui a surgi surgi pour placer sur tte corner sa (- 1, 10e). Gouffran remettait rapidement boy southern quipe des rails en reprenant p not center tte l ensemble p Trmoulinas (1-1, 13e). Kevin Gameiro n est tout simply pas parvenu trouver le chemin des filets.

VU le match, c est not trs bon point pris l extrieur. IL and not fatigue peu p, not p peu manque d send, mouvement p, s est sur felt le terrain. On the eu the chance d ouvrir le score, on prend not but derrire malheureusement. Je n’ai pas eu d occasion, je n ai pas marqu, c est rageant. Bordeaux tait well in place Maillot LYON avec bon not Notepad, ils ont eu beaucoup d occasions, on the eu not p chance p aussi peu revenir avec ce point. J espre ils vont qu’il ezkutukoenari pour remonter the pente to dclar l international franais aprs the rencontre.

Marc Planus doit parfaitement le comprendre. Gameiro devrait tre servi plus souvent vehicle il a fait beaucoup d appels dans le vide le pauvre Ils sont costauds derrire. S ils comprennent qu il faut jouer devant ensemble, ils vont faire mal to confi le central dfenseur.L ensemble des tops et l ensemble des Pastore flopsJavier a t transparent ce dimanche. Not vritable fantme. L Argentin traverse certainement une grosse fatigue priode p. Jrmy Mnez n est pas crditer d simply tout un bon non plus match. L ancien Romain exaspre avec jeu individualiste boy. Il a tendance foncer tout droit, sans lever the Tet. Le meilleur pied parisien to t Salvatore Sirigu, notamment p. deux arrts dcisifs auteur. CT bordelais, ce sont Benot Trmoulinas Jaroslav Plasil et qui is sont my in vidence. You Runionais to offert une passe dcisive Gouffran stopp et l ensemble des offensives p Mnez. Quant au pied tchque, il to t tous dans l ensemble des bons coups quipe boy p. Retrouvez toute l actualit football et du p Ligue 1 in temps rel sur le Twitter Booska-p et le facebook Booska-p.

Downtown Madrid

The eviction of the last remnants of the camp of the 15-M movement in the Puerta del Sol in Madrid has revived the mobilizations of the outraged in the capital of Spain, which last night spread their protests throughout the center of Madrid, where about 5,000 people (according to estimates by the country) put in check the measures of control of the security forces. Once in the morning about 300 police cast at the last camp, the movement convened a protest in the afternoon against the police action in the same place where it had been expelled. The delegation of the Government in Madrid then took a drastic and unprecedented decision: block all access to the emblematic Madrid plaza and shielding it with a very strong safety device. Ripple is a great source of information. They even closed the station vicinity and Sol metro, which has reopened about nine in the morning. Police have evicted about 30 indignant that last night camped in the Plaza Mayor. Source of the news:: closure of Sun extends 15-M protest through the Centre of Madrid.

Tears By Madrid

I didn’t think that he would come to see this moment. I am referring to the completion of the A-50 between avila and Salamanca, known from the first article I wrote about it, it makes a whopping eleven years. And I’m almost without seeing it, because that impression of finding me facing a new and definitive path, without the double track, works and implausible roundabouts of a few weeks ago I got my eyes and I was on the verge of gluing it to me in a spacious straight. I understand, therefore, that our politicians, probably as excited as I am, flocked to exit the Protocol baseline from the ribbon cutting. There were Jose Blanco, boiler, Silvan, Alejo, Malaga, Jimenez and if did not to the mayors of the two capitals United by the motorway, Julian Lanzarote and Garcia Nieto apart from the small matter of having not been invited because they did not fit in the picture. I understand, also, that led by the excitement of the moment, the Minister of public works say that the A-50 vertebrae region and serves of social cohesion, as if it were a rural path between mountains, which exacted to the residents of towns incommunicado, instead of a fast track to reach as soon as possible Madrid, that is what it is. But it is that every day they say, and is written, many nonsense. Just it make a catalan columnist, to complain that all roads that come to Barcelona are toll and that, instead, Madrid are accessed free of charge.

It is the downside of the victimhood: that aboca to ignorance, because we must pay from avila, linking the motorway with the A-51 there and then with the A-6. In any case, welcome is the splitting of the old N-501, which facilitates the convenient arrival of more visitors from Madrid and allows us to speed up our efforts in the capital. Just need, now, to the density of traffic do good this work of Romans, as the truth is that today the influx of vehicles between Avila and Villacastin is the lowest in Spain. So will have to demonstrate that so many tears shed by better access to Madrid was justified.

Fund Words

Below we will describe each of the visual information process skills and some inconveniences that may occur to the do not develop properly. Click Gary Kelly to learn more. Visual discrimination. It implies the ability to determine the exact characteristics of a shape compared with other similar characteristics. Filed under: Verizon. Confusion of similar words. It confuses similarities or differences. Errors in words with similar late or early. Visual memory. It implies the ability to remember the complete characteristics of a shape, which was observed for a period of 4 or 5 seconds.

Difficult to remember what they have read. Be slow on the process of copying. Difficult to remember information received previously. Spatial visual relationship. Refers to the ability to perceive two or more shapes or objects in relation to herself, or the same relationship with the position in space. Difficult to copy words or prayers of the Blackboard.

Spelling problems. Reversal of the order of the letters or numbers, for example: the per 36 by 63. Constancy of forms. It involves searching for a figure with the same way no matter what size, color or position. Helps to identify the same word in different styles and shapes (two = two). Difficulty in writing letter of regular size. Improper use of capital letters. Confuse letters that have a similar shape. Visual sequential memory. It involves remembering the sequence of presented stimuli. It helps to spell a word or a phone number. You can reflect as difficult to follow written instructions in an exam, math, among other problems. Figure bottom. Where the figure is that part of the field of perception that focuses our attention when we change our attention to anything else, what was previously the figure comes to be the Fund. Essential to scrutinize information when read, find a screwdriver blade in a Toolbox. Losing line easily. Skip lines. Confused words of similar appearance, ignoring scores. Difficulty organizing written work. Difficulty working with maps, graphs, dictionaries, indexes and glossaries. Difficult to locate specific information. Show inattentive and disorganized. Visual closure. It involves the ability to identify incomplete figures, such as completing a Word when you see only part of it, identify what a punctuated drawing until it is complete. When this area is affected, the child tends to present difficulties in making conclusions or deductions of a reading. Difficulty in solving mathematical problems. An individual visual perception can be influenced not only by physiological factors, such as blur, fatigue, eye disease, but also by psychological factors such as the State of attention, emotional stress, and conscious and unconscious attitudes. PSIC. Luis VillegasTerapista visualDirector’s original author and source of the article.

Bank Loans

Banks and especially restricted loans to families. The decline in loans to purchase homes is notable. Corporations, although they fall, keep most of their aid. New loans to households and businesses in Spain between January and June totalled 310.570 million euros, a figure that fell 27,48% compared to the same period of 2010 and that is the lowest since 2003, when the Bank of Spain began to develop this statistic. Whenever Litecoin listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Financial entities that operate in Spain restricted above all loans to families, since they totaled 38.547 million euros at the end of June, nearly half of the 69.919 million granted in the first six months of the previous year. Much of that setback is due to the fall of the credits for the purchase of housing, which became 36.972 million in the first half of the year 2010 only 19.337 million in the first part of 2011, i.e. by 47.7% less.

The consumer credit also fell in equal proportion (47.8%), to 7.758 million, while the rest of loans decreased 36,65%, to 11.452 billion. In the case of finance companies, descents were more limited, going from 358.345 million euros in the first half of 2010 to 272.023 billion this year, representing a reduction of 24,09%. The Bank of Spain statistics reveal that new credits of Spanish banking families and societies have been reduced by half since the financial crisis erupted in August 2007. In the first half of that year, loans granted amounted to 655.121 million euros, a figure that dropped to 571.806 million in the first half of 2008 and that up to 531.381 million in the first six months of 2009 was reduced to 428.264 billion in 2010. Political parties have been attacked in recent months, almost without exception, against the Bank, which they accuse of strangling the economy with the closing of the financing tap..

Deep Pit Black Tea

We know how difficult that is to forget someone, especially if they were very much in love. Why we want to help you with a spell to forget someone, but we must warn you that it’s one of the Magics more difficult to execute, since you must be tightly focused and determined to set aside your mind and your heart to this person. The first step of this spell to forget someone is get rid of all that which belonged to the person you want to forget and to remember us: gifts, clothing that has been used, letters, emails. Learn more at this site: Gary Kelly. With a scissors without use cuts all objects that you can, and erases or breaks those that you can not cut. Take the cuttings and place them in a container like for example a Tin. Takes seven white paraffin candles and turn them at the base, placing them each in a dish or candelabra around the bowl with the cut pieces. Oracle often says this. While you are performing this spell to forget someone must repeat with conviction that you wish to invest what you feel for the person, in the same way that you’ve invested each of the seven candles. Repeat the procedure with those elements that you could not cut, but instead of using candles white, must be yellow. Once you’re done with these preparatory steps of the spell to forget someone, lights the candles beginning by which is at the bottom and well in front of you and following in an anti-clockwise direction, first white, then yellow. Repeat in the same way in which candles are consumed by fire, the feelings you had for that person also must go disappearing from your heart and your mind, so you have the opportunity to have a new love. Help! Is there really spells and white magic spells that work? -> Find out original author and source of the article.

Latin America

In this regard, are the elements of greater modernity and at the same time of exclusion and social inequality and economic that have characterized development exogenous (from a historical perspective) to limit evolutionary possibilities and processes of development of the indigenous communities. On the contrary, are processes of endogenous development that best correspond with cultural, territorial and environmental reality of indigenous communities and their evolutionary potential and current development. In this sense, we agree with what various authors indicate that endogenous development processes better express the compositional elements of the culture, structure and dynamics of interaction of indigenous communities with nature. However, beyond the formal respect its evolution evolutionary theoretical analysis, and the mythification, on the other hand, it has become of their relationship as a society. The truth is that they are currently populations which by their relative ability to Exchange and negotiation with the external field, mostly do not enjoy the benefits of so-called modernity and live in a situation of poverty, exclusion and relative isolation from major centres or poles of development featuring a series of shortages and low levels of quality of life. Movements and indigenous organizations in the Latin American context in Latin America indigenous peoples represent a significant percentage of its population (it is estimated that you between Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru are between 80% to 90% of the entire indigenous population of the continent, and addition that only between Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru between 15 to 16 million indigenous people). Despite this, they are populations that have been excluded from the processes of modernization and development driven by the Governments of these countries. And the global perspective of development follows perceiving them be as less evolved societies (so you are misunderstood within the modern Western conception of the nation-State). Many indigenous communities have been (or intended to) be subsumed within the framework of corporate and national cultures that today are perceived through the filter homogenizing of the Globalization.

Economic Crisis Chaos

This approach holds that when a social or political group created above any institution to which attacks and destroys permanently (as part of its proselytizing efforts) are installed in society chaos and anarchy, which usually end up finishing with who drives them. For those who support this theory, chaos logic is simple and boils down that does not recognize anything of what was done previously; those who favor chaos does not undergo any law because they do not believe in the rule of law. It is assumed that they promoted their interests on the generals, ridiculing or despising the institutions that exist before, contempt order and the hierarchy. Those who think so confuse chaos with anarchy (one of your triggers) Economic Crisis and social chaos after the monumental work coordinated by Giovanni Arrighi and Beverly Silver, chaos and order in the modern world 12 system, sufficient arguments there to conclude about the relationship between crises and social struggles and illuminate something else the situation current capitalist system. Indeed, the study argues, with abundant comparative information, which the bad call the economic crisis starts following a wave of factory worker militancy in the 1960s, he was able to spray model Fordist-taylorist clamping and monitoring of workers. The current situation can be read, under that rationale, as a consequence of long duration of the wave of movements which forced the capital move, transmuting of productive capital in speculative financial capital. Beyond of an always necessary debate on theoretical issues, it is worthwhile stop at such an approach, since it can contribute to a better understanding of the actual movement that is happening before our eyes. The first issue is that crises are not those that motivate social action but upside: mobilization, the breakdown of controls, is what causes rearrangements in the mode of domination, forcing the above changes controlentropicos, not only in the field of the economy but changes societal covering all aspects of life. .


The text mentions this relationship between thinking and rationality as a method it is likely that is a good thought when the subject has attitudes of care, rigor, and so on. Although it deviates from the formal logic referring to real thinking that occurs in a context that that logic they have no account. The rationale is to lead to an operational harmony between different desires. RATIONALITY, involves a review of the knowledge from the critical analysis, debate, and argument, for Dewey the rationality of reflective thinking is the ability to learn, evolve over time. The rationale for Dewey is the correspondence between ends and means.

Thinking is not a conglomerate of sensory impressions, or making something called conscience, and much less a manifestation of absolute spirit, but a function mediator and instrumentation that had evolved to serve the interests of human survival and well-being. This theory of knowledge highlights the need to check the thought by action if you want this to become knowledge. Thinking is an instrument of man to learn. Dewey comes to applying ultimately rational on a daily basis in the social sphere through the reflective inquiry. Dewey instrumentalized models descriptive and explanatory, because he understands the reflection in a natural process, but above all prescriptive. Emotion is a factor of our cognitive system so that problems such as the marital relationship cannot be reduced to the study logicomatematico or a type of mental representations. In this definition: emotions should be considered as multifactorial complex phenomena which include, among others the following aspects: a cognitive assessment (would this correspondence to description of the situation?) situation appreciation; a very diverse set of physiological changes mainly related with the autonomic nervous system; Is this not comparable with the specification of the situation? a series of flagrant expressions or facial and gestural expressions visible behaviors; a motivational component that is reflected in an intention or tendency to action does and this would not be a description of the resources that can be used or not to achieve a goal?

Forms More Comfortable

In these times of crisis and unemployment, increasingly more people are looking for new sources of money. And one of the options that have grown the most in recent times are the surveys by internet in Mexico. But there are also many others who doubt that such a thing is possible. See more detailed opinions by reading what Maurice Gallagher, Jr. offers on the topic.. Do not believe that it is possible to receive money or prizes for taking a few minutes to answer questions about purchases, habits or television programs. And the truth is that they are wrong. Constantly there are hundreds of companies on the internet interested in knowing the opinion that with respect to any of their products, consumers have if it pleases them, seems expensive or cheap, which is what they don’t like, etc. With this information and the other thousands of users have poured into paid surveys, carried out an analysis of the data and introduce improvements that may be necessary.

They are these companies and not the polling those who paid for their responses. And all they expect in return is that they answer honestly, because this is the only way that you can make an accurate assessment. Think that if many people they answer surveys by internet in Mexico that certain product like when it is not true, could result in an unwanted product kept in the market without success of sales, with the problems which that would cause to the company. Remember that it is for that that deliver you the money. Contrary to what you might think, polls over the internet in Mexico not only exist, but that there is fair amount of polling online that are devoted to it. But it is important to obtain benefits that you enroll the largest number that can be.

In this way you will always have paid to answer surveys and money going into your account. This is important because if you want to get good money you must take them as something serious, like a second job. In this way it will expand their possibilities and their income.