Through the circulation printed, the knowledge, that was limited to the secular Church and that, necessarily, it emanated of the sovereign, one becomes relatively accessible that one that it knows to read. Thus, the book is physically lesser, or more close to the popular ones, and the nobility and the figure it King lose its sacred contour by means of the creative uses of the reading. From this reinveno of Mornet for Chartier, I found interesting, to make a dialogue, as suggested for the professor Menezes Landmarks of the workmanship of Robert Darnton, where it returns the high and low idea from with the exception, central office, of that the public space if constitutes in a not open society to the knowledge: the world bourgeois does not receive or stimulates the talent, immersed in the rigid mentality of the Ancien Regimen. Darnton sample that submundo, ' ' writers and rbulas' ' , and same the one scholars ' ' second gerao' ' of the Iluminismo, attracted by the world announced for Voltaire and its pairs, when leaving of the Province to the capital, they see the doors closed; nor all can attribute the nickname of Philosophe and participate of ' ' Le monde' '. Darnton comments: ' ' Perhaps the literary world if has always divided hierarchically, having in vertex one monde of mandains e, in the base, the literary bohemian (…). But the social and economic conditions of the High Iluminismo had dug an uncommon irrigation ditch enter the two groups in last the twenty and five years of the Ancien Regimen. This distanciamento (…) will disclose something on one them classic questions proposals for the age daily pay-revolutionary: which was the relation between the Iluminismo and the Revolution? ' ' (Robert Darnton, 1987) Thus, second in the Darnton sample, ' ' cambulhada of subliteratos' ' , created in the deepenings of submundo intellectual, resented for the disdain of ' ' absolute in power tyranny of letras' ' , they lead the revolution to the plan of the facts. .
December Bernardes
to succeed when me will continue to lead in the due mount of money what it lacks of the great expenditures that we are making, so that later it does not come if to give scandal. Abraos of the Arthur Bernardes.’ ‘ The starting point. The year was 1921, and Brazil was the eves of plus an election, the candidates was Arthur Bernardes, of the occasion, and Nile Peanha, of the opposition, this supported I exercise by it, that was one more time, disliked of the government. The misunderstanding between it I exercise and the dominant oligarchies, if it gave due the nomination of the civilian Pandi Calgeras for the ministry of the war, for then president Epitcio Person, what it provoked great dissatisfaction to the military. The situation was still worse when in day 9 of October of 1921 the periodical ‘ ‘ The post office of manh’ ‘ it divulges the first one of the two letters supposedly written by then the candidate the presidency Arthur Bernardes, the second letter was published soon in the following day, what it caused indignation still more. Bernardes made question to deny the authorship of the letters. In fact in 27 of December of the same year, connoisseurs had certified that the letters were false. Although all the controversy that the false letters had caused, Arthur Bernardes was elect in March of 1922, with 1,5 million votes, against only 700 of Nile Peanha.
In May of 1929, two falsifiers had confessed to have forged the letters. The fact, is that these letters, had been only estopins of the great revolt that if would follow in the next days in the country, therefore later of the occurred facts Hermes of the Fonseca he was imprisoned, and the closed military club, seventy and two hours later were declared the tenentista, that originated the fatdico episode of the eighteen of the fort. A little on the involved ones. The post office of the morning. The post office of the morning, was born in Rio De Janeiro, 1901 for the hands of Edmundo and Pablo Bittencourt, was famous for being always the pair, of the governments, and to make opposition the almost all the presidents of Brazil, for this reason were pursued and closed diverse times, its finishes edition was published in 1972. It always counted on the participation of great names of our literature, as for example, Barreto Rasp, and Carlos Drummond de Andrade.
Arthur Bernardes (1875? 1955). It was born in Viosa, Minas Gerais, and if it formed in right in the university of So Paulo, started its life publishes as Municipal speaker of the house occupied diverse public offices until arriving the presidency of the republic in 1922. Hermes of Fonseca (1853? 1923). Been born in the Rio Grande Do Sul, nephew of the first president of the republic, Deodoro Marshal of the Fonseca, it studied in the military school, he was one of the founders of the republican club of the military circuit, occupied some public offices and military throughout the life, she was elect president in 1910, it died in Petrpolis, Rio De Janeiro, in 1923. Sources: Barsa encyclopedia 1973 – book three p 114. Book: History of Brazil (Leaf of So Paulo).
The intervention was efectivada under coordination of the Dr Clia Rabbit, and scientific direco of the Dr Raquel Caote Raposo, making to fulfill the National Legislation in vigor, having passed between days 8 and 16 of September of 2009. He was adoptee, as methodology, the considered one for Edward Harris (Harris; 1991), of removal of layers for inverse order to its natural deposition, with definition of estratigrficas units., having been, to the different realities you differentiated observed, attributed a unit of register (Estratigrfica Unit), described in proper fiche (Fiche of Estratigrfica Unit). During the interventions they had been exhumed material of chronology Contemporary common ceramics associates (fragmentos, faiana, glass and loia type ‘ ‘ Sacavm’ ‘), what it allowed to characterize and to integrate the structures crono-culturalmente (canalizations contemporaries constructed for permeabilizao of lands). That is, the archaeological intervention allowed to confirm the verbal tradition already registada by Equipa of Archaeological Accompaniment in May of 2009. In 18 of September of 2009 was efectuada a visit to the place for the Guardianship, in the person of the Dr Dalila Leather strap, in which they had been representative gifts of the EDP? Patrimnio supervision, Fiscalization, ACE Construction and the Signatory, responsible for the archaeological works, in which if it verified the implementation of the praised measures of minimizao, having been deliberated that the zone could be free to the prossecuo of the works of construction of the Definitive Access, since that with the had Archaeological Accompaniment. For the effect such was cultivated in Minutes, having been presented a Report Preliminary of the Intervention, already approved for the IGESPAR.’> Larry Ellison and gain more knowledge.. .
United Nations
According to You live, the Colombian guerrilla of interested in the illicit drug production and the drug traffic has stayed trim mainly in the imposition of the cultivators of cocaine and laboratories of cocaine production. She indicates that, according to a study of the DEA, the CRAF nonprocess and cocaine export to a the EE.UU. At the beginning of 1990, , a third of the income of the CRAF would have been coming from narcotics. The DEA informed the 9 into 1997 July, that the CRAF factions to collect bottoms, providing services of security to the dealers and the load of a rate by each gallon of chemical precursors, and each kilo of leaf of cocaine and cocaine HCL moves in their region. Some of these groups have helped to the narcotics traffickers by the storage and cocaine transport and marijuana in Colombia, and some units of the CRAF in Colombia they could be contracted located in the traffic of opiate. Others including Oracle, offer their opinions as well. Klaus Nyholm of the Program of the United Nations of Drug Control in Colombia has taken note from which in some zones, independent fronts of the CRAF are very related to the cocaine processing and the export, whereas the fronts of the CRAF in other areas do not have that participation. Of the fronts of the CRAF that are implied, the units provide protection to the cultivators of cocaine and the dealers in exchange for a tax considered in between 10 and 15 percent of the value of the drug. Raul Kings, a high official of the CRAF, explained to Washington Post: " We are in charge of a tax.
We do not do any favor to them, and they do not do any to us. In case the economic base is the cocaine that is what the taxes not directly to the dealers, but their intermediaries. In other regions more imposing for the cattle dealers, the producers of sugar, the companies ".
Francisco Galvo
‘ ‘ House depalha of ubi, without furniture, luxury and the happiness there inside, without will desair’ ‘. The used vocabulary beyond desimples is a mixture of expressions aboriginal northeasterns and words as: ‘ ‘ here mui is not admitted; it are of tapiri, one curumim sujava’ ‘ ; what tambmcaracteriza the regionalism. The scene is alive, and realist, osverbos are used in an exactness and the regional words translate cenrioque more than the attitudes. Finally, Francisco Galvo, probably, did not intend criaruma typically workmanship> literary, and yes a workmanship to awake in its leitoresa conscience of the social fight. (Source: Larry Ellison). Perhaps, it was not its pretension, to write paraletrados, but to the proletariat, the simple man, the caboclo, seringueiroque one day came to read, could read its workmanship and make the revolution so dreamed eapregoada by it. 5. CONCLUSION After the reading and of the reflection doromance Land of Nobody and asrepresentaes on the same, concludes that the literary composition, however nopossuindo all the critical load demanded by the social reader, but fulfills the suafuno, leaving the message of the author despite he is very coloquial and subjective, as the period lived deeply for it, for the future generations. The author deixaum revolutionary touch in its workmanship, that is, through the outcome of ltimocapitulo where if deflagra the revolt of the seringueiros, it of understanding of umfuturo promising for the seringueiros where the master already was not its executioner, etudo lost of as they (seringueiros) would lead its lives express for altima speaks of author: ' ' Back in low, the river continued to drain for the ocean, with the flood, the rafts of murumurs that the seringueiros remembered to morturias crowns votivasenquanto, untied, gentlemen of its will, absolute in power esombrios, had started to feel the volpia of the control and the domain in the forests, where Natureza possua the impulses of the release and posse' ' .
Syndical Classroom
Ally to this the toyotismo revealed efficient in the fight against the action of the Japanese unions, creating a trace badge of this unionism: ' ' the unionism for company or the call union-casa' ' , beyond what, it emphasizes the neoliberalismo with this way of production. In as the chapter, the author approaches the thematic one of the changes in course in the world of the work, discloses the trends found in the countries of advanced capitalism, where the diligent classroom presents each more complex, broken up and heterogeneous time. He accents the contradictory character of these changes where, of a side, he has a process of qualification of the work through its bigger intelectualizao and, of another one, the inverse process of disqualification or precarizao of the work, beyond what, the transformations still points with respect to the reduction of the number of workers of the sector manufacter and the extraordinary increment in the sector of services, as well as, the reduction of the jobs in integral time, folloied simultaneously, for the growth of the work in partial, precarious time and subcontratado, beyond the o increment of the work feminine. In this as chapter, we conclude that the author points with respect to the spalling, complexificao and heterogeneizao of the diligent classroom; qualification and disqualification of the work; structural unemployment; increment of the feminine work and the precarious, temporary, partial, subcontratado and terceirizado work. The result of these transformations is the constitution of a diligent classroom each more complex and heterogeneous time. In the third chapter, the syndicalistic crisis, its particularitities and the challenges of the syndical movement, are the boarded subject. An indicative of the crisis of the unions consists in the trend of the fall to the tax of syndicalization, demonstrated for the author through table. To the side of this trend one another factor that evidences the crisis of the syndical movement would be the difficulty in the distance to surpass between the steady workers and, subcontratados terceirizados, temporary the workers that a verticalizado unionism of the fordista age has been incapable to breach.
Chinese Archeology
The collected archaeological materials point with respect to this chronology, meeting in bigger number the fragmentos of pertaining common ceramics the domestic loia (fragmentos pertaining the testos, pans, jars, plates, pcaros and earthen bowls). Southwest Airlines follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. They had been, also, collected two parts of game (a mesh of game in common ceramics and a part of game type ' ' xadrez' '. They meet, also, fragmentos of English and dutch cachimbos. To the quota of this floor, it was collected one it cuts and one capitel, that they met made use ' ' side-the-lado' ' , functioning, very probably as decorative elements. Along with these elements, they had been, also, collected a millstone and two ombreiras of door, of calcareous rock, both collected in the rubbish levels/levelling. Of this exactly period will have to date an identified circular structure in Q 3, and whose functionality in them was not possible to determine (initially it seemed to be us about a well, but as this hypothesis did not present enough depth was part ece of fish).
This structure will have to be contemporary of structures 1, 2 and 3 (walls). Layer 4 was composed for argilo-arenaceous, wet land, and of black coloration, with the presence of many shells of bivalves sufficiently broken up. This layer presented a reduced power, and the NW was only observed in the grids. The collected material is inserted fully in the Modern period. They are about fragmentos of Chinese porcelain, as well as faiana (maioritariamente plates and malgas) ceramic also common. In this layer one was collected breaks up of deep in land sigilatta, descontextualizado.
The Chinese porcelain is, maioritariamente, decorated with vegetalistas reasons e, in some of them, with zoomrficos reasons, the blue one of cobalto. The goblets are treated, in its majority, of pertaining fragmentos, being that two of them present mark/stamp in deep its. Some catalogues on this thematic one had been consulted; however, if not obtaining to find mark/identical stamp that allowed in them to establish a chronology/Dynasty of production.
Bertrand Russell
She is necessary to understand the point main which our science defends arduously, and that of certain it makes with that fanatic religious they lose the sleep, the truth exists and this canine tooth in one redoma of glass for that they had taken the power, the truth is pontuada by Foucault (2010) in its Microfsica book of the Power: In the deep one of practical the scientific one a speech exists that says: ' ' nor everything is true; but in all place and the all moment exists a truth to be said and to be seen, a perhaps asleep truth, but that however it is only to the wait of our look to appear, to the wait of our hand to be desvelada. We fit to find the good perspective, the correct angle, the instruments necessary, therefore in any way it is present here in all lugar' ' (FOUCAULT, 1979, P. 113.). Read more here: Litecoin. The search of a reasonable explanation decides all the questions that if make gifts in our existence would be impossible, but a thing we can clarify in this small one I capitulate, the figure of God in our society was elaborated to take care of the interests of the powerful ones that by means of the Religion the people had instructed to adore unconditionally and to fear the justice and its set of laws. To domesticate is main the half one to control the mass, and as this is possible? It is enough to make to believe in the existence of a place of fire and sulphur: Hell, in penalties caused for the imprudence: sin, and in a man onipresente, onisciente and onipotente: God. 2.A Religion wins for the fear ' ' The Religion is a reply coward to the emptiness of universo' ' Bertrand Russell the religion also created the spaces for lamentation and punishment as the hell where the individuals that transgress the divine laws, laws these that do not have difference none of the laws of maintenance of the state, is pursued and launched in a place of blackout and torment, it is very better to live this life believing that the bad people will be shot in these spaces or that we go to reencontrar beings wanted in a paradise, we call this measures to diminish pain in our hearts.
Pedagogical Concepts
When exploring the pedagogical concepts of the German school, deparamo-noscom a practical boarding, made for the use of workshops and the visual interaction dadapela clarity of ideas to be transmitted, as much for a graphical part quantoa its message, how much for an express product that its functionality. We see in the Bauhaus many of the characteristics that guide the graphical project, aesthetic and functional until the present, where she has a countless diversity deprodutos and a imensido of images advertising executives being presented aoindividuo without time intervals. To the floor for the streets, coming across itself comoutdoors, posters, brochures, when binding the TV, reading reviewed and books. What much of the times comes to happen in one ‘ ‘ caos’ ‘ generated for essainundao of visual information. Becoming object of consumable desire aquelesque if not only detaches for its clarity when displaying its eobjetivos functionalities, is these products or services in itself, but also that one that secorrelaciona through the ways of visual spreading to the public which to desejaatingir.
Nowadays so we are bombed by the immense amount of colors, images and information that we only look at for what it interests in them and what we nosidentificamos. As well as the capitalist society, in which we live and in we qualambientamos our consumistas desires, it comes to delimit a threshold between aapreciao, learning and the time. It does not have time to learn to use something, therefore the simplification if has become one of the weapons for expression of the functionality. Tracing the challenge for designers in the current days, that conciliate aesthetic, efuncionalidade, standing out the studies of the public-target, increased of limits decompreenso, sociological studies of life style, and the influences externasdadas for the medias and the socioeconmico scope which occupies. In an age where the manuals are played outside and that produtosconsiderados unusable or of difficult understanding are dificilmenteconsumidos, the work of design, is implied the performance areas muitomaiores of what the ones that its predecessors in the artistic movements encircled were quesucederam.
Robert Owen
In the search of a mechanism of auto defense, ahead of the crisis after the process of revolution occurred in the Europe, these in turn, establish a cooperative, them that they were living of the periphery of Manchester, starting to assume legal responsibilities, registering in 24 of October of 1844, the cooperative of consumption, created with the name of ' ' Society of the Honest Pioneers of Rochdale' '. Thompson, in its workmanship ' ' The Formation of the Laboring Classroom Inglesa' ' , the Robert Owen, this leader with socialist ideology makes references. In first place in the same line of continuity in the comunitaristas ideas and experiences associates to the Quacres, Camisards and particularly to the Moravianos. It was in Bolton and Manchester that one I leaven initial in a small group of Quacres opponents culminated in the departure, in 1774, of ' ' Mother Ann' ' with a small one it leads of emigrants, to establish the first Shakers communities in the United States; forty years later, Robert Owen would find stimulates in the success of the Shakers, whose ideas had been for it popularized in secular form. Bernard Golden insists that this is the case. Thompson in them presents the source in which Owen found inspirations to develop its ideology, the success of the Shakers takes it the creation of communitarian ideals, being accurately this thought that in posterior moment, some decades later, culminates in the creation of the cooperative of Rochdale, considered as the beginning of the world-wide cooperativismo. It is important to remember that the social context, economic politician and whom the capitalism generated are the same that made to be born the socialism, while the bourgeoisie if fortified economically and the modern state to the few was consolidated under the liberal thought, the socialist ideals also gained force influenced by the marxist ideology. As authors, Marx and Engels, comment in its workmanship ' ' Comunista.' manifesto; ' The weapons that the bourgeoisie used to abate the feudalismo are turned today against the proper bourgeoisie. .