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Fighting Wrinkles With Botox Injections

First wrinkles on the face begins to appear to twenty-five – thirty years. Deal with them fairly easily, given the advances in modern medicine, but the older the person becomes, the more he has more wrinkles. If Men are almost embarrassed that the women react to changes in the skin of his face quite painful. Fortunately, leading experts cosmetic companies are not the first decade of trying to solve this problem. Not every woman agrees to go under the surgeon's knife to smooth out the skin, and creams are not always effective. What to do? After all, beautiful and desirable wants to look forever. Here and come to the aid of injections Botox.

What is Botox? Originally Botox used to treat strabismus, but with the time doctors discovered one of its 'side effect', which turned the idea of cosmetologists about the issue of combating wrinkles. When a person laughing, frowning or eating was activated facial muscles that are responsible for his facial expressions, so-called facial muscles. Over time, these muscles overwork, resulting in wrinkles. Botox injections relieve voltage from the facial muscles, which leads to the disappearance of wrinkles. For more information see Southwest Airlines. To date, this miracle drug use Hollywood stars, politicians and businessmen. Finally, the secret of eternal youth revealed! Experts advise start doing Botox injections at the first wrinkle (approximately 25 years), as it reduces to almost zero probability of plastic surgery in the future. Botox has no age contraindication, so it can be used, as in the thirties, and in fifty years.

In this case, it is not addictive and does not affect destructively on the facial muscles that allow you to preserve the natural mimics, who are accustomed to your friends and family. Effect of the drug has already seen eight days later. Only a few sessions a year will remove wrinkles from your face for a long time. In addition to all this botox treats migraine and sweating. Botox can not be in the following cases: BeremennostNarushenie clotting the components shows that 99% of women of a hundred are without health problems to use Botox. This the drug is so safe that it prescribed, even children. Price voprosNa date prices for Botox injections range from 2000 to 7000 rubles. It all depends on where you are going to introduce the drug. As a rule, Botox injections an outpatient, so the additional costs for hospital stay may be deleted. And what about men? Main consumers of botox are women, but, as reported by the American Society Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, over the past five years the number of men wishing to get rid of wrinkles, has doubled. In this case, the most popular tool in the fight against wrinkles, which are selected American men, are Botox injections. According to the American Botox makes them look young, energetic and sexy, so they became very popular among women, and their employers are proud of young and beautiful staff. Along with Botox in forty years, all has just begun! If earlier on skin care had to spend a lot of time and the result was not always the way we would like, then with the advent of Botox injections, all these sufferings in the past. Botox – your way to beauty and health.