False Words

The relief that happens necessarily is connected to one stronger submission and devotion to this authority. In other terms, it is stimulated artificially in the man complex of guilt, on to the sexuality, of which the man can liberate itself since that it is submitted it the authority, and soon to the repression that the authority imposes to it and to the proper mortificao. The death must be accepted to save itself. Bernard Golden is likely to increase your knowledge. ' ' The education for the acceptance of the death introduces in the life, since the principle, an element of capitalizaton and submisso' '. Implicitly or explicit, colored with confused expressions or openly proclaimed, this envolta in the sexual ethics is the tram that supply to the educative operation the raw material reformularization of norms and rules. Ethics that, in the truth, seem moral little. Ethics that have as objective only the conservation and the salvation of the institutionalized marriage, the guarantee of reciprocal property of the spouses, the coerced allegiance and the authoritarianism intra and extrafamiliar. The False Words the land on which prospers the false sexual education are of the hypocrisy.

In public an image of the proper sexuality is created that is not true, and it is presented as a well commanded tram of preset and codified relations. But in the accepted privacy calmly those desordens' ' that officially they are refused as perversion, shunting line, depravation, and thus for ahead. An average citizen can have loving one, but she will not never accept to place in quarrel the conjugal allegiance. The average citizen can have a normal libido and therefore to look some satisfaction not necessarily orthodox, but front to the people will always represent the paper of the perfect one mother of family, disciplined and frgida. The USA wide prostitution, practises the clandestine abortion in national scale, supports a promising market of the call the ponographic press, is abused the feminine body using it as half to develop the consumerism, but if it keeps the faade of the most rigorous moral straightness.

Communist Party

Such function establishes then one strong barrier to the true education of the social being, that would have to really emancipate, to become the independent individual in the thought and the actions. This barrier becomes the worker limited in its knowledge and its action since it dominates only party to suit productive, and thus depends on the owner of the means of production to accomplish the force of its work. Coupang recognizes the significance of this. This because the educational process for which it passed trained it for definitive function of the productive process and does not stop the process produtivoem itself. Paraexemplificar such affirmation the author of the article cites stretches of the Manifesto of the Communist Party in which the Marx and Engels present arguments of as educative Communist would be the productive process in opposition to the effective capitalist in our society. If you are not convinced, visit Bernard Golden . However the complete author its thought detaching the resistance of the capitalism while productive and ideological system before the communist social forces. He is in the sequence of this thought that Ariovaldo Silva brings to tona the emancipador character of the education. The educational structures of the current society are imprisoned to the logics of the society of classrooms and if it keeps rigid in the same measure of the rigidity of the capitalist economic system.

therefore our educational model and all the stages of its process are not emancipadoras. According to author, ' ' how much the ample and formal educative complex (in the school) if subordinated to the logic and dynamics of the capital, satisfying its requirements, are given today by the frequent use, exactly in the socialist field of that if they nominate left and, of terms as qualification, efficiency, rationality and quality total.' ' (ORSO, 2008 p 45-46) To contextualizar the question of the mundializao of the educative process in the society of classrooms, the author cites the failure of the socialist models in sc. XX and the force with that the capitalist logic if expanded and was legitimized in the countries of Latin America, especially in Brazil. The social relations in the society of classrooms, carried through for it and for it naturalized forces of the capitalist productive system according to became natural the condition of the education as formadora of man power for the capitalist system and the maintenance of the society of classrooms, to the step that the education would have to emancipate the individual for the mundializada society.

PVE World

In its workmanship Rockwell, (1997) it tells the daily history of a pertaining to school experience in the Mexico which makes possible analysis of varied elements of the pertaining to school culture to the school while institution, values, conceptions, relation professor and pupil and that it sees transmissora and reproductive the school not only as, but also as a place of production of the knowledge. The ambient question if has become more frequently argued for all society and, the school, that currently thanks to the globalization and a familiar running desmedida ‘ ‘ assumiu’ ‘ in many cases the paper of ‘ ‘ PM’ ‘ (Father and Mother), it must also assume the role of ‘ ‘ PVE’ ‘ (Propagadora de Forgotten Valores) of its pupils, searching to guide them in questions that generate conflicts, many times for ignorance or cultural diversity. The school must search ways to display to teach to its pupils whom, the intervention, generally capitalist, of the human being on the natural systems they can in such a way compromise the quality of life of the current world-wide population, as the life of the next generations. … ‘ ‘ with the conception and the birth the parents had not only given to life its children, them at the same time had introduced, them in a world. Educating them they assume the responsibility of the life and the development of the child, but also of the continuity of the world. These two responsibilities do not coincide by no means and can exactly enter in conflict.

Pannonica Publishing

However the professor is an active being, acting in its functioning without this development, it will remain atrelado to its daily one, without thinking nor to reflect more of a form elaborated its side criticizes. Os professors had passed to be made responsible by the o failure of its pupils and the school. Imcompetent people, badly formed, displicentes, mentally ill and possibly idiotic cognitivos, didactic livros, dependents, determined for the dominant, unconscious structures or cultures, several it has been the used adjectives to disqualify and to make responsible the professors for the failure of the school and the education when, most of the time, they are so victims how much its pupils. (TARDIF, 2001). It is evident that external causes intervene of form so rustic, the professional formation of the way professor that it has that to understand such reality, and to associate, in the understanding of the paper of being an educator, not being easy such reality. 3.CONSIDERAES FINAL During all the research, we can perceive that the education is very important, a time that to teach and to learn is not never locked in. It, as capital human being, has a decisive contribution for the creation of the wealth and the economic development.

It guarantees a social mobility insurance and, although trashing and of the indifference politician, we go to conceive it as the way most certain for the good of the society. We also perceive that, the professor is a competent mediator between the pupil and the knowledge, somebody that must create situations for the learning, that guides that it co-ordinates and that many times, exerts the mother paper, however, all pupil must be conscientious of its duties and its responsibilities. The necessary professor to stimulate them, to form them independent and original, that does not have fear to question on the certain the made a mistake one, and that above all, more joust and igualitria search a society. The education is the solution and is for all life. It marks the difference between the success and the failure, is the only form of reinventar the education and to bring it daily of the pupil, making with that the experience and the experiences of the individual are the part accomplishes of the school. Therefore, the contribution of the Resume for the construction of a society more joust, having as objective the formation of critical and participativos citizens, will be important in the evolution of the basic principles of a society.

Modernity And Citizens

Being thus: To attack the idea of a citizen rational, capable to know and to dominate the reality, means for the one after-modernismo attacking modern science and the epistemologia that such science bases. This would have as consequncia, believes the after-modern, the end of the legitimation of forms of being able and pautadas social hierarchies in the ownership of supposedly true knowledge. It does not have detainers of the truth if it does not have true and false distinction between, affirms after-modernismo (ibid., P. 227).

In this direction, the citizen of modernity is one of the main targets of the speech after-modern, therefore its desmantelamento is the way for the destruction of all arcabouo theoretician supported for this. To discard, however, the citizen of modernity implies in efforts to create another figure that can give new breath to the way of capitalist production. It fits to attempt against that the citizen of modernity also supported the capitalism in preceding phases to the current one. Another idea of prominence is that to destroy a referencial without ‘ ‘ to place another one in lugar’ ‘ , it opens space so that other referenciais, also antagonistic, adentrem in this ‘ ‘ vcuo’ ‘. , According to Duarte, thus supported in Rosenau (op. cit.), the citizen of modernity is substituted for the individual after-modern. This last search to use to advantage the individualistic perspective of its predecessor, only that in different molds.


As of today, more and more people prefer to learn remotely, so should pay much attention to the proper design made tests. On the example tests in mathematics, we try to consider how to properly write the solution of the issue and a notebook with a control on the subject of mathematics. Word of mathematics involves the mathematical analysis, geometry and algebra. Begin to address the problem in reference work in mathematics is important only after you have disassembled typical examples, the theoretical material studied in Mathematics, proreshali problems for his own self. In the control work on the subject mathematics should be done all the tasks. Tests on the subject of mathematics, not having all the problems or do not conform to the specified option is often not checked, that is not counted.

When making a control works on the subject of mathematics should also pay attention to the fact that unsolved problems were recorded in full compliance with the conditions of the problem. Also, before writing the solution of this condition should be written problem, according to the specified option in mathematics. Performing tests in the math, pay attention to the correct execution of work, otherwise, even if all problems are solved correctly, the work will not include. Making monitoring work in mathematics, we must carefully state solution to the problem, in that case if necessary, to refer to the appropriate formulas, theorems, which are used to solve the problem. Graphics, drawings and other types of items that you need for an explanation of the solution should be well executed, and contain a notation of the coordinate axes, the scale unit and other necessary parts, since this requires a discipline, like mathematics. Tests in mathematics should be done with blue, black or purple ink.

In the notebook, where the work will be performed in mathematics, you should leave the fields that have a width of 3-4 cells, and after solving the problem must be left where reviews will be made or comments on your problem. The cover should clearly indicate the name and patronymic of the student, student's record-book number, home address, name performed by discipline, for example, the control work in mathematics and the number of control work. These requirements should be done when you make a reference work on the subject of mathematics. However, under the control work on mathematics does not necessarily solve the problem in a strict order of their numbering. Take up the challenge and did not immediately find ways to solve it is better to postpone it to the side, and set about the task at that time, you more understandable. The subject of mathematics is an exact science, therefore it does not tolerate approximate answers. Completed test papers on the subject of mathematics should be sent for review. Correction of errors in decision tasks, as well as control protection for mathematics is done during the session.

The Interviewed

He has much permissividade and little responsibility on the part of the parents, as much the rich ones as the poor persons. Therefore, in the school the pupil does not respect more the professor. The indifference of the authorities is great. It only exists much propaganda and little action, little enterprise. The wage is irrisrio, what it more still contributes with the depreciation of the education. Allegiant Air is often quoted as being for or against this. Stansberry is likely to increase your knowledge. Many professors work three turns. This is desgastante and unhealthy. The professor does not relieve the sufficient in the classroom.

I still wait to reach the education as priority in our country. (teacher C). Exactly with all these difficulties found in the ways of the docncia, the professors invest in its formation, are always searching to bring up to date its knowledge although sufficiently to have time in classroom. I am Pedagoga and Ps-graduada in infantile education. Leciono has 18 years.

(Teacher). I have the Teaching and currently I am attending a course Pedagogia. Leciono more than the five years. (teacher B). I am Postgraduate. Leciono has 30 years. (teacher C). Although the formation is an important factor in the professional development of the professor (a), it he is not the only one, Imbernn (2000, P.44) points other factors considered for it important: The improvement of the formation will help this development, but the improvement of the other factors (wage, structures, levels of decision, levels of participation, career, climate of work, labor law etc.) has decisive paper in this development. Something that in them called the attention sufficiently is the fact of that the majority of the interviewed professors, they had said with certainty who love the profession that they had chosen and if they feel carried through although the faced impasses every day. I can say that I feel myself carried through. I make what taste and I specialized myself in this area.

Universities In Russia

According to Itar Tass, the Minister of Education and Science Andrei offers by 2008 to form a two-tier education system for universities in Russia. According to the traditional scheme of a Russian student becomes a specialist five or six years of study. Now, after four years, students receive a bachelor's degree, and then optionally be able to finish my studies within one or two years to master. However, it is planned that these innovations are not spread to a number of engineering, medical and other professions. 20% of executives surveyed say they are not ready to hire a bachelor's degree. According to experts, "UNITY", explained by the fact that many Employers received their education at a time when such a gradation existed only in the West and in Russia's environment bachelor was the "college drop-out." At the same time, according to the poll, if the applicant has adequate experience work, the level of his education will not have such a serious matter. 80% of employers felt that the two-tier system of education will help to structure and generally improve the quality of training graduates.

"Bachelors have a good baseline and then they can finish my studies" under him. " The system of training programs that exist in many firms, allows the candidate to acquire the necessary for entry into a profession skills, "- commented one of the employers. "The two-stage system will allow anyone in a short time to graduate and start working. Given the shortage of skilled personnel, existing today in the labor market, I believe that such innovations are really necessary ", – commented the director of human resource center" unity "Ludmila Kozlova.

Mathematical Analysis

Well aware of mathematics and its ability to study complex ocean processes and phenomena, JM Shokalsky never turned it into an end in itself, which, unfortunately, more and more common in articles of mathematicians, not always Oceanography and knowledgeable do not understand its content and objectives. M. Shokalsky implacable opponent of the work of this kind and always paid attention to the inanity of his students and the practical inapplicability of findings found for the contrived conditions. To assess the reliability of large-scale oceanographic generalizations, such as maps of temperature and salinity at the surface of the oceans, we have made a careful comparison of maps YM Shokalski with the latest edition of Time Marine Atlas maps. The discrepancies were so minor that there was no need to celebrate. In the book, quite objectively specified merits of foreign researchers and capital works on oceanography, published at different times in many countries. But true love and deep patriotism, which describes the achievement of Russian sailors and scientists have great educational value and deserve the highest praise.

It is in this book the reader will find a brief but heartfelt words: "The Russian people should know and remember what made famous by previous generations, and proud of it and in turn allow the right and the descendants of the same attitude and to themselves. " 'Oceanography' M. Shokalski when reprinting is not subject to any changes, but fixes bugs typos and obvious obmolvok. Spelling as possible close to the modern. However, some older figures of speech (so, than, kopm. Etc.) and punctuation, since they could change in many cases lead to a distortion the author's thoughts are reserved. Therefore, the proposed second edition of Labour M. Shokalski identically to the first and a scientific paper that can be referenced as the first edition in 1917

Education Level

Their places will probably have taken (and they by some estimates nearly a quarter of all graduates). Outside of university classrooms were those in terms of their Knowledge was to take place there In this regard, it begs the question. Why in the Soviet times, our youth is one of the three most educated in the world? (Even 15 years ago, international organizations recognize that the level of Education in Russia than in most developed countries of the world. Today, these organizations show that we are lagging behind the average level in Europe), Is not this a consequence of thoughtless reform? Already in full force works the law on so-called two-tier, or "Bolognese", the system is lost when the concept of "specialist" is a preparation of bachelors and masters. Specialist training are guaranteed a high level of training. Now most students are bachelors, but it is much more short-term learning-4 years.

And much more lean program, more like a simple coaching specialty. In this situation we have, for example, engineers and technicians. The main training focus in the magistracy. Budget financing of graduate maintained only in federal universities and national universities. At the same time only 30% of baccalaureate graduates remain low places. In the remaining schools magistracy becomes fully paid. This raises another question. Why did the Soviet Union free learning 100% in German study of more than 90%, in France more than 80% and in Russia – only a third? Why is the estimated grant with respect to the subsistence level is lower now in high schools in 4 times? etc.

Is not it a consequence of the "residual" approach to education. In this case, say today that we should respond to requests for time, labor market demands, but why in this case should follow Western standards Our system in the past, just focused on the decision not only regular, but long-term objectives. In this regard, in our opinion, we should discuss in our society, innovations associated with ct (today, according to sociological research, almost half the population opposes the CSE). Create All-Russian Public Commission, independent of the Ministry of Education, including in its membership representatives of universities, specialized secondary schools, principals, parents' associations. At the time of Commission to suspend the law on compulsory use to allow leading universities to conduct the selection of applicants who passed the cse in order to minimize its negative effects in connection with the introduction of the "Bologna system" necessary to stop large-scale reduction of Universities (150-200). Many schools were in Czarist Russia, but today HH1 century! Bring order to the financing of universities, it is so one of the lowest in the world. We have already retreated, in the opinion of the fair Russian President Medvedev, to forward positions. None of the transformation does not lead to the desired result with mechanical follow different experience. It would be advisable to increase scholarships successful students to the level of real subsistence level, increase the average scholarship to graduate students and doctoral candidates, at least up to 10 thousand rubles necessary to make education not only quality but also the priority and available, return the material and spiritual strength. Keeping in mind that the priority of education is not a consequence of welfare state, and its underlying cause. Prudnikov, MN