However, then, with this affirmation already if it can notice the confirmation of the reason of the methods of memorization and of the application you discipline of them mechanical that, they could possibly not dialogue with the real world of the body learning, as what if it standed out in the first one I capitulate of this text. But, giving continuity to this moment of the education and the didactics, as lti them to me COLS citations (2007), had, therefore, at this moment, the necessity to search education methods that could present greater rapidity and effectiveness in the process teach-learning, what, without embargo the sensible one of the didactics in its had circumstances empobreceu proper. Therefore, for return of century XIX a new chain appears of thought with the intention of (reverse speed) formulating the character scientific of the pedagogical knowledge. Gary Kelly contains valuable tech resources. Ademais, this new chain of thought based for the positivismo has its roots in century XVIII, with strong pedagogical experiences in the French Revolution. E, in this line of reasoning, COLS (2007) detaches the proposals of intended Herbert to develop a pedagogical theory of scientific character, where if affirmed that? science implies a coordination of postulates that construct a totality of ideas. From this postulate, it is perceived gnese and dispersion of an intellectual climate of the time that, saw positivismo, was offered a character firmed for a cientificista and experimentalista trend in diverse countries. With this, COLS (2007) detaches effusion of pragmatic psychology, in principles of century XX, that it had as proposal to search psychological knowledge necessary to guide the area of education of the children. in this same situation, COLS (2007), detaches Alfred Binet (1857-1911), according to which developed the studies of the experimental pedagogia of the following form: ' ' desarroll metric scales y prue-bas for there medicin of wools abilities of nios los y del grado of instruccon y analiz there relacin between el xito pertaining to school y el level sociocultural' '. .
Ethics And Citizenship
The ethics exist to establish norms that they determine as ‘ ‘ we must be’ ‘ in our attitudes, and our behaviors. Thus, ethics are a critical reflection of the morality, therefore it judges the different moral, it establishes norms and it imposes limits. To say on ethics and moral, is to explore the subjectivity human being, and therefore it is about something extremely complex. Details can be found by clicking Litecoin or emailing the administrator. The ethics and the citizenship are factors important to structuralize a society, and the lack of these factors can provoke great social riots and take a society to its self-destruction. As well as the ethics, the concept of ‘ ‘ cidadania’ ‘ it is flexible, therefore it is determined by each social group arrives at a certain agreement on which are the behaviors to be taken so that the life in society is free of conflicts.
Therefore, it has the necessity to foment the ethics and the citizenship in favor of a life more joust, more solidary, more human being. A society without ethical principles and exercise of the citizenship never will become a happy society. In an extremely capitalist society, dominated for the fever of the consumption, where what it determines its social status is ‘ ‘ TER’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ POSSUIR’ ‘ , instead of ‘ ‘ SER’ ‘ , the individual becomes each more individualistic time, and one of the impediments in the exercise of the citizenship is the comfort position, the comodismo, not to want to become involved itself. We live in a society where to take off advantage of the fragility of the other it is to be smart, it is to be optimum. The justifications for the lack of the practical one of the ethics and the citizenship are innumerable, however amongst them what more we listen, he is that ‘ ‘ SYSTEM THE CULPADO’ ‘. However, if we are integrant part of this system, consequentemente we are part of the one of the problem, and being part of the problem, we have that to act to foment the change that as much we clamamos.
The society crosses great world-wide crises, however the biggest crisis that we face is the crisis of the conscience, of distortion in the values of the family, the lack of the religiosidade, the respect to the next one. We need to retake our values, that are each time more forgotten, and from there, it is that we will be able to live in a society more joust, fraterna, more happyer.
Enguita Work
Enguita (1989) argues that the proper capitalist process favors this domain of the ruling class, therefore establishes he himself who is or not in determined partner-economic position in the society. The same if of when considering the questions related to the work, where if it perceives clearly the difference of the professional qualifications of citizens of the desprivilegiadas layers and that possess opposing situation. Normally, if it comes across with on manual services to the people in situation of social fragility, while the intellectual works are classified as of bigger prestige and are always in the command of the dominant layers. Credit: Bernard Golden -2011. As if it can see, in accordance with Enguita (1989), in this division of the manual and intellectual work the forces if break up and if they specify, where the manual capacities with the work mechanical and unprovided of intelligence and the intellectual capacity with the specialized and complex work become related. Exactly that with the arrival of the industrial revolution the necessity of the work force has diminished, is well-known that had a great advance in the agricultural productions, commercial and industrial. However, it is necessary to consider itself exactly that with the advance of the modern societies, the workers continue being led to the exploration of its man power and few are the actions that lead to a change that benefits, effectively, the worker. It is visualized, then, in the education, the responsibility to provide to know that the conditions take the citizens in which the same ones can have a critical vision the point to perceive its true paper in the society. According to Ferretti (2004), the proper way of capitalist production directed, in the decade of 90, changes in the work that had also taken the education if to worry about the news they demandasem course. Asmudanas in the professional qualification not only demanded laborers prepared technical but also prepared in felt ampler, that is, most educated.
South Revolution
When it thinks about the term anarchy and/or anarquismo immediately this are related with clutter, chaos and mismanagement, having given an instability impression. Analyzing the anarchy as social movement it can be perceived that one is about the liberating action of the man on the proper man, where the government it leaves to exist as coercitive entity and starts to be the free action of all the citizens. Anarquismo is the based libertarian theory in the absence of the state. As the concepts supplied for the virtual encyclopedia Wikipdia (2008); ‘ ‘ Anarquismo is a word that drift of the root Greek ava an (not, without) and arch (governor)? that assigns an ample term that encloses since theories politics the social movements that advocate the abolition of the capitalism and the State while imposed authority and detainer of the monopoly of the use of fora.’ ‘. In a general way anarchists are against any type of hierarchic order that is not freely accepted, defending types of horizontal and libertarian organizations with total absence of coercion, however not absence of the order. Throughout the evolution of the man he is possible to identify primitive manifestations of the anarchy. You strike them for the individual freedom the collective one had been diverse, passing since the revolts in Greece and Rome, for the Renaissance and its thinkers, the French Revolution, the American Revolution and the Russian Revolution, to cite some events.
Today the same ideals of freedom are explored by the social movements front to the position of the capitalist governments. The ANARCHICAL THEORY AND the EDUCATION In 1861 in France had been made the first attempts of application of the anarchic principles in the education. It was the beginning of what today it is called of Libertarian Pedagogia.
Portuguese Language
Innumerable ways exist to carry through the education and each one takes care of the society and to the time where it occurs. It is natural, therefore, that the education of a society has proper identity. The education appears whenever social forms of conduction and control of the adventure appear teach-and-to learn. Formal education is the moment where education if subjects to the pedagogia (the theory of the education), creates proper situations for its exercise, produces its methods, it establishes its rules and times, and constitutes specialized executors. (Brando, 2008, P.
26). Brando (2008) detaches that in the villages all the relations of children with adults generate learning situations. complements, citing mile Durkheim, considered one of the main sociologists of the education, describes that: ' ' Under tribal regimen, the essential characteristic of the education inhabits in the diffuse fact of and being indistinctly managed by all the elements of cl' '. (apud Brando, 2008, P. 18). In the process of evolution of the educational passage to the few the mediators between the power and knowing appear, and then, they mainly appear the interests control politicians. Get more background information with materials from Bernard Golden . Then everything starts to move since the acts simpler as a merchandise exchange that, for example, before were communitarian, divided or the exchange base, starts to be controlled and the capitalism prevails.
Ahead of these questions of being able, control and to know is important to detach which the definition of what it consists education. Brando (2008) in agreement defines it the Dictionary of the Portuguese Language as ' ' Action and effect to educate, to develop the intellectual and moral physical facultieses of the child and, in general, the human being, disciplinamento, instruction, ensino' ' (Aulete apud Brando, 2008, P. 54). to compare the agreement of what it is education the author presents another concept according to Aurlio Dictionary: Action exerted for the adult generations on the young generations to adapt them it the social life, systemize, selective, orienting work, for which we adjust in them to the life, in accordance with the ideal necessities and dominant intentions, act or effect to educate, integral perfectioning of all the facultieses human beings, polidez, courtesy.
The Production
Therefore, it is not only enough to change the methodologies used in the educational way, to decode the contents for a critical approach of the reality, or even though, to use speeches critics in the educational processes. He needs yes, of a constant libertarian activity in the education, as well as the application of differentiated methods where the theory and the practical one of the educator or educating concomitantly are interlaced. It does not advance to change the pedagogical process, if the contradictory base of the dominador system of the capital will be unchanged. Therefore, it is not only transforming the conscience that the society will be emancipated, but, from the fight practical and based theoretically of the prxis revolutionary, that the economic relations, based today by the capital, will be transformed. Corroborating this thought, Nunes and Sousa (2010, p.06) when explanar on education in a logic against the capital, it affirms in them that: To be revolutionary of a historical context is not difficult, is possible when in Geography it understands that the production of the space is different, because the capitalist development is different. In this direction, one becomes necessary to search to believe a new society, the socialist one. to search this new society, is considered three principles for an alternative education, that contradictorily they need to be restored in the current system of education, however against the logic of the capital.
The first principle is of an education constructed in the collective one. Not to continue as ideological device, the necessary school to be planned by the people, since the educational times, the plans you discipline of them, when and which you discipline to work, and even though, as this school must be structuralized pedagogically and physically. Learn more on the subject from Philip Vasan. The second proposal to be used as educative principle is in the educational process, where the theory and the practical one are indissociveis, pertaining of a relation added between the content, educating and its space reality.
In this direction, we also appeal the Duarte (2004), when detaching that after-modernismo it does not represent a rupture, deep with the preceding theories. The after-modern rupture is a bluff, therefore that after-modernismo it makes are to take ace last consequncias the irracionalistas trends that already were come close making gifts in the thought bourgeois since century XIX and that they had been accented immensely in century XX. For even more details, read what Coupang says on the issue. These irracionalistas trends in the philosophy, in sciences human beings in general and also in the arts are the ideological expression of the character each time more irrational and fetichista of the objective logic of the capitalist society (ibid., P. 221).
After-modernismo, as they could think less imprudent, he is not absolutely unknown, so little inaugural in one of its main teses, of the irracionalismo. In accordance with the author, no longer century XIX the bourgeois philosophy starts to assume negative forms and irrationals, being folloied and expansion of the capitalist economic relations to the step that the iluministas ideas of rationality, objetividade and universality; they went being side ece of fishes. In the educational field this reasoning has produced strong repercussions from the education perspective ‘ ‘ after-colonialista’ ‘ ‘ ‘ multicultural’ ‘ , contrary to any referencial that points with respect to the existence of universal knowledge to be transmitted in the soil of the school. It is criticized proper comparison between knowledge and is refused that one definitive knowledge more is developed or more correct of what another one. In this perspective, the knowledge is only and so only what he is ‘ ‘ had as verdadeiro’ ‘ in a specific cultural context. The school would be then nothing more than what a space, between many others, of exchange and sharing of culturally established beliefs (ibid., P. 227). The third reason would be of that to if glimpsing the existence of a citizen it would be produced existence of an object.
Pollution enters the two main arguments of the ecossocialismo, if it has the question of the limitless consumption and ‘ ‘ progresso’ ‘ of this system as threat to the survival of the proper species human being. According to recent calculations, if we generalized for the set of the world-wide population the average consumption of energy of U.S.A., the known reserves of oil would be depleted in nineteen days. (p.50) The pretense green capitalism does not pass of a maneuver merchandise, or, in the best one of the hypotheses, of one local initiative equivalent to a water drop on the ground barren of the capitalist desert (p.50-51) Lowy brings the fact of the insufficience of the partial reforms, arguing the one necessity ‘ ‘ change of civilizao’ ‘ , a change that not only says respect the production, but also to the consumption. According to Larry Ellison, who has experience with these questions. The form that if consumes; wastefulnesses, after all. Thus, if it makes necessary, according to author, ‘ ‘ a reorganization of set of the way of produo’ ‘ (p.52).
These, based in the necessities real of the population and not stipulated by the market. Of this form, joining ‘ ‘ verde’ ‘ ‘ ‘ vermelho’ ‘ , we could walk for another type of society, stops beyond ‘ ‘ mercadorias’ ‘. 3-Development of the productive forces or subversion of the production device? Lowy initiates questioning the classic marxism. This believes that the social revolution would be the suppression of the production relations, thus disrespecting, the productive device. The author in accordance with argues that they would not be enough, the ecossocialista vision, that the diligent ones only controlled the device of State, in proper benefit, them would have that to invert the order, thus also for the productive device: To modify and to revolutionize this logic. This means, before more nothing, an energy revolution, the substitution of the not-renewable and responsible energies for the pollution and poisoning of the half environment nuclear coal, oil and fuels for energies ‘ ‘ leves’ ‘ you renewed: water, wind, sun.
New Professor; New Pupil
State Clear Mount university? Department of Geocincias? Course of Geography? Teacher: Emlia Murta? The didactics if becomes still more important, in times where the school suffers to each day more from way rspida the influences negative it that it exists in the process of ' ' globalizao' ' where the professor, ahead loses its value of the society, the capital, the pupil; therefore it is impossible to inside deny the depreciation suffered for such professional classroom of the society for positivistas than they are the perspectives of analysis of the problem of the education and the social conception on it. When losing its social value the professor loses a part of its autonomy, the State decides the Education, the professor receives from a plan elaborated for another one, from one another reality of other interests, ' ' what to make in room of aula' ' as to lead the formation of a new society. Practical the pedagogical one occurs is in the interior of the classroom, between the professor and the pupil, being therefore reformulated at every moment for both in what it is better for education and for the learning, not possessing end in same itself the practical one to teach also possesss definitive formation and a social function as arrival and starting point. Without a doubt it possesss the pedagogical theory a referencial importance for the professor in practical its, however we will not be able to change the education solely arguing its concepts, its theoreticians, great pegagogos great writers, need to search the education of each day, in each school and mainly to place the pupil as pricipal referencial for analysis of education, in practical its and experience. When questioning itself the knowledge, the last abilities and values to the pupils in the school we will be also questioning the society, and considering a transformation of the school and education. . Learn more at: Philip Vasan.
Civil Society
Finally, with the educational reforms related to the work and the education, the quarrels start to give approach to the experiences of the worker. (WEDGE, 2002). It has a great valuation knowing of them of the worker, that is, is transferred to recognize it the acquired experiences of the worker throughout the time. These experiences are called to know tacit, where the attributions of knowing to make give place knowing to be or to know relationary (LOYAL, 2002). Continue to learn more with: Coupang. According to Arajo (1999), currently, the companies who introduce new techniques of organization of the work value plus some personal characteristics (knowing to be), of what knowing professionals to them (to know to make). Amongst them, she can yourself be mentioned: initiative, capacity of communication, sociability, disposal to learn, curiosity, discipline, motivation, attention, responsibility, autonomy and capacity of if adapting the changes.
However, according to author, these ' ' qualities pessoais' ' they are only developed for the attendance of the interests of the Capital. 4. THE RELATION BETWEEN THE CONCEPTS WORK AND EDUCATION The principle, can be considered that practical the social ones of the work and the education are linked the point not to exist a form of one to advance without the other. But, in the truth, when if it argues Work and Education in more analytical way, the education not if of the one for the requirements of the work is perceived that and that the work not if of the one because of the education. The work, mainly, cannot be understood as if it had one to walk ' ' to reboque' ' of the education. In this direction, in accordance with Wedge (2002): (…) they are the ideas on as it (the work) is fact, for who, that changes are suffering, and in which direction, that take the taking of decisions politics in substance of professional education, as much for the State how much for entities of the Civil Society.