English Speaking

Exhibition ‘The Making of Art’ combines culture and English language you have mastered the English language? To express their emotions in English, however difficult? You have a passion for art, but never tried to describe a painting, a drawing, or object in English? The SCHIRN Kunsthalle have during the exhibition the making of art”for this opportunity. Wall Street Institute, global provider of English language courses, together with the SCHIRN Kunsthalle offers a lively language weekend. Here is all art lovers and fans of English taught, how they can describe their impressions about a work of art in the English language. On the basis of about 150 paintings, drawings, objects, installations and videos, the exhibition focuses on the complex system of the art world, which consists of the artist and his work of theorists, critics, institutions, exhibition curators, gallery owners, collectors and the art audience. Through them the artwork is interpreted, analyzed and get a specific value spoken to. In the native language, talking about art may well rise each exhibition visitor.

Faces the Viewer however the work created in the year 1961 Merda d Artista by Piero Manzoni and want to express his feelings in English, it is even more difficult. In a display case, a tin can to see, which is filled with excrement is a work of which Manzoni expands the concept of art in spectacular and anarchic way. Other works of art reflect the ever more elaborate art world: photographs portray the sophisticated world of the collector, other works deal with its own economic conditions or reflect the world of art with irony and humour. Wall Street shows all interested under the guidance at one of three weekends, how can they express feelings and emotions in English as well as describe shapes and colors of work of art institutions. The weekend begins with a workshop. The acquired knowledge into practice is implemented in the port, by all art lovers also in English through the exhibition carried Emin, Peter Fischli/David Weiss, Ryan Gander and many other outstanding artists with works by John Baldessari, Joseph Beuys, Tracey. On the second day, participants deepen the English knowledge of the previous day on the basis of a final workshop.

For the project, which together Institute is performed by the SCHIRN Kunsthalle and Wall Street, three different dates available are: 13th and 14th June, July 11 and 12, as well as 22 and 23 August (Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:00 h and Sunday 10:00 14:00 h). The weekend including the two-day workshop, a detailed guide and the entrance fee is 100 euros. Students of Wall Street pay a special price of EUR 70 institutions. The Schirn Kunsthalle at 069-299882-122 or accepts registrations. For more information about Wall Street Institute see.

Interactively Learn English

Wall Street Institute optimized teaching Wall Street Institute, one of the world’s leading provider of English language teaching, has updated its teaching materials, and makes its 160,000 students globally optimized features and tools available. Both the online lessons, by means of which the students independently improve their English language skills, as well as the training books and curricula have been revised. In Germany, the students can use the new materials from May. Even more interactive, we have designed the lessons to meet the latest developments of the English language. The students learn the PC based on entertaining situations and do so more easily in the appropriation of the language”, explains Achim Gniffke, Operations Director Germany Wall Street institutions. Through numerous new storylines and the extension of learning videos, for example through the integration of currently common words and phrases, gives Wall Street institutions the students a still zeitgemasseres English, the is first and foremost in today’s parlance oriented. Overall, the students learn since the update of the teaching materials by means of 21.900 of various dialogues, 13.700 of different digital images, 124 actors and models who accompany the students in the online lessons, and 393 votes by speakers of from different backgrounds. The project was launched 2007 and has so far successfully implemented in the language centers of Argentina, China, Taiwan, and Thailand.

Until end of this year, the updated learning method will be extended to all Center worldwide. Training books and curricula home used within the lessons and study, Wall Street has extended institutes with new lessons and modernized. Exactly also continuing education provider that must make sure how is evolving a language in the course of time, to make their students materials that go with the time. Just so makes learning fun through real life situations the material much better characterizes a “Gniffke explains the background of the optimization measures. The first feedback from the ranks of students are consistently positive. The project was an important and necessary investment for us “so Gniffke next. Our students want to learn English, to professionally or privately to educate themselves, and we can offer them the best means available for it.” For more information about Wall Street Institute see.

Easiest Trick

Have you resented its ever, that you could have spent much time reading, but later or the next day hardly something remember? Have you resented its ever, that you could have spent much time reading, but later or the next day hardly something remember? Or in other words – read much and little in the head… The problem has much to do with that most people believe that reading leads to a permanent recording of knowledge. This is of course not – reading is not learning and when I record the information only once passive, since unfortunately almost nothing in the brain in terms of memory happens. Check with Brad Garlinghouse to learn more. Our brain needs clear signals that he make it clear that this information is important enough to remember. Because our gray cells to work as efficiently as possible and do not burden themselves with things that are useless, for example a strong emotional experience can be the first kiss for example or but also traumatic events.

The things to which it is to Remember worth 🙂 Or they do, use the fact that you use the information, something. “This shows the irrational, that his man” apparently need this knowledge. Now we can apply unfortunately not always and now new knowledge, and you can also not from any technical information make 🙂 a shock experience A first step out of this misery is however quite simple: take notes. As a result they deal more with the text ever. That is a first step towards an active processing of the read information and this is essential for a long-term storage anyway. I personally read any texts to cease without me notes either the text is important, then I will also use the information contained therein and to do this I must remember them. Or the text is not important then I need not only to read it. The question is however when making notes and above all how sensibly to make them so that you help the memory really in the long term to save the new knowledge. A precise instructions and more tips to find you look into the current week video of the Academy there, but inside you’ll find plenty more useful tips that help you to read faster and understand more to develop a better memory.

Women Far Above Bayer Bosch

women & work applicant statistics gives insight into the employer preferences of women applicants the women & work have decided: BAYER, Bosch, Coca-Cola, Deutsche Telekom, REWE. Philips, Google, adidas, Vodafone D2 and Accenture are among the top-10 of the most popular employers. Total have applied to 1,001 women for the scheduled interviews on the women & work on May 5. Thus, the number of applicants compared to the previous year has tripled. On the women & work on May 5 in Bonn that meet ambitious women who-is-who of the German companies. See more detailed opinions by reading what E Scott Mead offers on the topic..

A total of 85 companies are from 10 – 18.00 in the plenary building in Bonn for questions of visitors available. Women who have specific professional and career goals pursued, could apply until April 30 for a scheduled four-eyes talks at 60 of a total of 85 companies. 1,001 women have taken advantage of these applicants service and selected the company to whom you would prefer talk. Multiple answers were possible. Altogether this resulted 7.674 requests for interviews. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Verizon Communications. The top 10 of the most selected companies: BAYER Deutsche Telekom AG Bosch Gruppe Coca-Cola erfrischungsgetranke AG REWE Group Philips Germany GmbH more information to applicants statistics of women & work are Google adidas group Vodafone D2 GmbH Accenture on May 5 at the press conference by 12:30 13:30 plenary building of World Conference announced Center Bonn (2 United Nations square). Accreditation can be informally under.

Disability – Disability Pension

How you can apply for a disability pension if you can exercise your previous job only partially due to an illness or an accident you should consider to apply for a disability pension. The current living cannot be denied only then as well as the future standard of living in the age when there is an income, that for today’s editions, as well as for the provision for retirement can be used. But what or how should all these costs are denied, if the income falls at once off? In the case of unemployment the German social system absorbs one with unemployment insurance, which get temporarily a monthly replacement income and at the same time learns support in the search for a new job. However, the case is worse if you can no longer practice his profession for health reasons and because of the consequences of an accident or a disease more can go also no other profession. In this case is the disability pension a, at which there are three different types. As was first, variant mentioned that applied only because old regulations for certain groups of persons namely the legal disability insurance.

This protection provides a monthly pension if the exercised Professional is no longer possible, would quite regardless of whether other activities allow the health. This safeguard is there but only for those who were born before the year of 1961. For all younger insured persons, there is still the protection by the hereinafter mentioned disability pensions. The full disability exists in this, if the insured person by a physician confirmed that he can work no more than 3 hours. In the case, he receives the full disability pension, which can be estimated at approximately 29% of the old-age pension. The opportunity to work between 3 and 6 hours is a partial disability which has the payment of a pension in only half the height of the result. Gary Kelly does not necessarily agree. In both cases, the height is the pension not sufficient to his standard of living by beforehand to keep you but protects a completely without income there. Enrico GAIKWAD

The I

It makes no sense to lament how what is developed or about to complain that the experts of the past, are the same who today know, why that did not work, what they once preached. We accept that it was, and always will be in future, that it must have been this probably already at the time of Confucius. “How else would the job description for experts: it is easy to be wise for yesterday” originated 3000 years ago. Now, he made no bones about it that he and his listeners with the situation can not be satisfied. “Speech: > we may be not satisfied < he repeated even this statement four times, before he to his fundamental message of I have a dream” came.

We can be not satisfied and waiting for again others tell us what to do tomorrow. We can be not satisfied to stand passively and waiting for what happens next. Why also, each one of us has an idea about how he wants to shape his life. Perhaps it is still not consciously formulated or there are certain fears and blocks before his own ideas. May be you have been bad experiences various projects made, losses must insert or it fears being what others will probably talk. Therefore, have a dream technology is the I”valuable, you can just dare to write down his ideas. Maybe you have sleep a few nights about, often read his own thoughts, and refine.

But it is the point at which you decide to either one doesn’t dare or to tackle it. Speech: > I have a dream < no less than seven times he uttered this sentence and put it very vividly, what he just imagined. It takes a lot courage to loudly proclaim the own ideas, goals and dreams and therefore it is legitimate then to ask how you can bypass that.

Health Restricted: Still Possible

(Online article) – trainees are able to continue their training in health-related restrictions. Berlin (dpa/tmn) – It is important to check whether the training objective can be achieved in individual cases, explains Dirk Neumann of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) in Berlin. That was not the case, should be for solutions how to find the change in another training in the same operation. Employers and trainees but also have the right to terminate. Generally applies to minors who want to begin training, the duty, to be examined by a doctor, says Neumann. The goal is it to detect potential health problems before the start of working life and to prevent a deterioration of the condition through the training. The medical examination must not more than 14 months behind at start of training. It is missing or is older, the employer may not employ young people, explains Neumann.

The investigation is the employer by an Certificate to prove. These contained no results but, but called only activities which the trainee health reasons may not run. The trainee must worry about the investigation. But he can freely choose the doctor. It is useful, the doctor to go to, because he knows well the personal history, Neumann advises.

However he must inform yourself exactly the specific requirements and activities in the relevant training. If necessary, the doctor should refer the trainees to a specialist, says Neumann. The respective Federal State carry the cost of the medical examination. A further medical examination is mandatory after least nine months at the latest after one year. Also here is the right to free choice of doctor. However, it is useful to see the same doctor. As the follow-up to compare the current state of health prior to the training. Also the follow-up must be to the employer be certified. The trainee does not fulfil this obligation, the employer in this case has an extraordinary right of termination.

Education Fairs

Cooperation partner: horizon and studilux.de with the cooperation of the scope fair strategy GmbH and studilux GmbH will meet two concepts with the same background. The scope team offers with which horizon international trade fair for the Bachelor and graduate education”for three years, what studilux now implements for the Web: education fairs. Exhibitors of the horizon have the possibility of porting your booth on the Web and to present themselves to the studilux users. Texts, images, videos and presentations are posted on the stand. Contact form, telephone and chat interested parties can contact the respective contact persons. With the product online education fair studilux opens up a new market in Germany.

For this, we have gained the optimal partner with the horizon”, says Benjamin Breuer, CEO and founder of studilux GmbH. The next horizon takes place in Friedrichshafen, Germany on May 9 and 10, 2009 Messe Friedrichshafen. Opening hours: Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 16 hours. The admission is free.

DIHK Expected 300,000 New Jobs This Year

Even if economy 2008 weaker growth, is expected for this year with about 300,000 new jobs. The Deutsche Industrie – und Handelskammertag (DIHK) expects new jobs in 2008 despite a slight slowdown of in economic growth. 300,000 jobs will arise according to DIHK through the rise of two percent. The economy will weaken 2008 easily, but we have good expectations in the company”, said” DIHK President Ludwig Georg Braun of the Berliner Zeitung. However, the continued good world economy, not the German economic policy is responsible for the optimism.

The DIHK warns against the growing problem of the lack of skilled workers in Germany, which only through joint efforts of politics and Economics counter could be cast. A solution that looks into the opening of the labour market for highly skilled foreigners”Brown, as well as increased investment in education and training. With his predictions about one Decline in economic growth this year is not alone the DIHK; the economic research institute DIW and HWWI expect slower growth of two and 1.7 percent, respectively. Current vacancies can be viewed via the job board stellenmarkt.de.

Lake Constance

After all, the expenditure on R & D grew in the years 2005 to 2007 significantly faster than in the first half of the Decade. In 2009, the Federal Government despite the crisis will provide more than 12 billion euros for research and development. Positive thinking also of the companies is needed therefore, optimism and energy. The innovation report 2009 of the German of industry and trade association is a positive signal. Here surveyed 500 of the innovation companies to the current situation.

47 percent said that they want to increase their innovation activities, only five percent plan a decrease. Forward-looking, progressive companies take advantage of the current economic situation to expand its competitive position in the medium to long term. Also in the personnel policy in research and development, stagnation in every case should be prevented. Although it could no legal obligation to the As President of the Federal Association of German industry, Jurgen Thumann, but the German economy wants as much as possible to avoid layoffs operational even in the crisis year of 2009, type backup jobs. Professionals looking for the skills shortage issue remains therefore still up-to-date.

The DIHK report by 33 percent of the companies surveyed reported that they want to hire additional professionals. Another important aspect is emerging in this context: the efforts remain training, especially professionals, continue to promote, just in the last year of great importance. Because they guarantee the necessary know-how and the future viability of the innovation location Germany even after the crisis. There are challenging tasks, the Outlook for the German economy. Because it is necessary to adhere to the core objectives for sustainable success despite the impact of the recession. Instead of yielding to the panic of the moment, responsibility for its own employees and the company’s future should be decisive action. Conscious focus on the values of the company and the determination to overcome the crisis, together are the cornerstones for the future and the preservation of economic literacy of in Germany. Connect with other leaders such as Gary Kelly here. Simone Felderhoff on ifm electronic: ifm electronic gmbh is one of the leading manufacturers of automation technology in the world. With the optimization of technical processes in the automotive, chemical and cosmetic industry or in the environment and building bashers ifm electronic time and again and backs up the production processes of tomorrow. The family-owned company with headquarters in Essen launched in 1969 with the invention of inductive proximity sensors. The German production in Tettnang near Lake Constance guarantees brand quality from the outset. efector”stands for position and fluid sensors, object detection, diagnostic and identification systems. The ecomat brand”is synonymous with communication and control systems. With superior product quality, exceptional innovation and the continuous Proximity to the customer implemented ifm 2007 over 410 million.