
Discuss how to build relationships in your family – this will help you to understand the views and the financial habits of each other. 3. Discuss how you would like to build financial relationships. Perhaps your views on the financial relationships between loved ones are different from those that existed in your families. Be honest with themselves and each other. 4.

Find the total of your views on finance – that suits you both. Take it as a basis. Remember that the total of your views – the foundation of your relationship. 5. Find a compromise on contentious issues – one that would satisfy both of you.

For example, the dimensions amounts retained by personal needs and not make to the overall “treasury”. 6. Very useful, at least the first few months, keep a daily accounting of expenditures from the family budget. This will help you have a clear picture – how you spend your money. In Finally, no reason to ask each other questions, which often do not have the answer: “Where did the money Analysis of costs based on such records will help you understand why money is not enough, and on what articles have reserve savings. 7. C On the other hand, we should not claim from each other accountable for every ruble spent, especially if you have agreed the amounts are not made to the overall budget. How much allowed to spend without consulting with a companion (satellite) life? The amount depends on the financial situation of the family, but the average couple should discuss all the expenses that exceed $ 200.

City Living

How many opportunities does a simple provincial town. This is a developmental perspective, more wages, better social infrastructure, social status and many other benefits. In the city of Human dreams can come true, and can be broken on a brutal reality. Often living in another city is not only a joy to new perspectives, as well as the challenges of life. Around you is unfamiliar people, there is no support part of your relatives, your social status can change significantly when moving. House you're the first guy in the neighborhood in a strange city you're one of thousands of people like you, people seeking a better life. In this article I want to talk about one of the important problems faced by newcomers to a certain extent, namely rent an apartment, living with neighbors. Very often, to gain a foothold in a major city such as the capital – many agree to work for low wages.

The money they receive barely cover the high costs of living, but they gorazdno more than you can earn at home. To cut costs, many workers, young professionals or students rented accommodation together. Often you do not live with those you love and those who are currently in need of free space, just like you. Incompatibility of attitudes and ways of life caused by conflicts and contradictions, which can grow into serious investigation. Clearly, if the house is waiting for you nervous servitude, then the development of creative or career can not be considered.

American Treasure

Although to the Federal Reserve of the United States the decision of not initiating the ascending cycle of rates has come out to him well, the same responded more to political questions than to the own conviction of the members of the EDF about which that one was the correct way. In fact, before the little effectiveness of the monetary policy in reanimating to the American economy and before the increase of the inflationary pressures, most advisable it would have been to send signals to the market by means of an increase in the rates of reference. The worsening of the crisis, helped the EDF since it deepened the economic perhaps deceleration (that is seen more ahead) and limited the inflationary pressures when hitting on the international prices of commodities (especially for EE.UU., of the price of petroleum). Perhaps the electoral subject has been the factor that gave to origin to this mega rescue plan him. This is a hypothesis which I consider probable, at first it did not seem to me a determining factor to carry out this measurement. Although in the note published in site Chilean, Daily Financier on the matter, where one of the paragraphs said: In the surveys, the voters traditionally trust more the democrats in economic subjects, reason why the tears in Wall s$street would have to help to Obama, makes me think about that the electoral reason could at first have played a more important roll that the considered one. To make matters worse, John McCain had believed in the words of the secretary of the American Treasure, of which the government did not have thought to continue helping the financial organizations in problems. He was then that McCain was declared in favor of the decision of the government of George Bush, who implied the fall of Lehman Brothers (NYSE: LEH).

After unexpected change to seem of the American government, McCain had to leave to justify this action again (I imagine that an advice will have requested him to Paulson exceeds how to radically change to seem in a matter of hours), which has left not so well unemployed it. It is clear that the worsening of the situation of crisis of the American financial system, clearly is a factor that benefits to Barack Obama. The democratic candidate, did not let pass this opportunity to criticize to the republican government and its competitor: Is the final verdict of the insolvent economic philosophy of last the eight years McCain senator has supported this philosophy during its 26 years in Washington. It will be necessary to hope the continuity of the events to be able to give an answer to the interrogative manifolds that surround to the announcement by the mega plan by rescue. I incline to think that the necessity to put a brake to him to the continuity of the crisis that increased their gravity frequently, to the time to try to initiate the way of the recovery of the financial system American, has been the determining factor of this decision. Time will tell if the correct decision were this one.