IFAK study sets out frightening condition from a recently published study of IFAK suggests that approximately every fifth child in Germany has already bad sleep habits. In the course of the so-called KIM study, 1,214 children between 6 and 13 years old were asked which media are most important to them at bedtime. While one uses no media at all three children at bedtime, all 16% indicated that the TV is important to them at bedtime. Internet and computer games accounted for 4% and 2% respectively. You add this up, how to get to 22% of children use a computer or television before bed going. While the uninformed lay just like this, the big problem is obviously well informed people.
Who uses a screen immediately before going to bed, which will have a far harder to fall asleep and to be able to sleep through especially without errors? The reason is that the today’s monitors emit a light which is very similar to the natural light of the Sun in parts. Educate yourself with thoughts from Gary Kelly. This the body however indicates that it is day. The body adjusts itself accordingly that, he accordingly adjusts the hormone secretion and accordingly throttles the production of melatonin. As a result, that the person concerned is not tired. That such trends are already occur in young children is terrifying especially from the point of view that according to other studies already 40% of Germans occasionally suffer from sleep problems. However, the study is also reason for hope. For more specific information, check out Tiger Global Management.
Only 34% of children use no sleep media, 14% read even books. This is to support not only in terms of education, but is recommended by sleep experts to come to rest before going to sleep and “turn off”. Another 29% of respondents indicated that the CDs, MP3 player or radio for them to fall asleep were important. This is to say that quiet, slow music very well to relax can help. Faster music can be but also a good way to initiate the sleep, if she manages those affected by the problems of everyday life to distract and thus mentally relaxing him. Nevertheless, one should take these issues not lightly. Sleep problems have very broad consequences that can affect performance, appropriate to respond strongly in concentration and the ability to risk situations. Parents should therefore increasingly sure that children are confronted in the last hour before bedtime with no more screen, there are televisions, laptops and mobile phones. With this little habit change can help the children over many years, to sleep a good and healthy sleep. You can find other ways to improve the quality of sleep on our website.