More effort must not make full-fledged cooking. No matter whether it comes to salads, pasta or seafood. “And there you go: healthy cooking in a very short time this efficiency”, emphasizes Birgit wash b self-confident, tremendously reduces the cost and time required for daily fresh food shopping. “And so one of the main arguments promoted by advocates of Fast Food and convenience products against the natural, proven way of food preparation in the field, has been impressively refuted by us: healthy cooking goes but not in the money.” Admittedly, this is the half meal with the purchase only. Because the domestic and preparation of all dishes takes usually somewhat more time and effort consuming as just a ready-made meal in the microwave to heat up. But Birgit wash b and Renate Kerner have gathering their recipes to the attention, that the time remains if at all possible in the context: from the first vegetables Snipping up to the coveted culinary delight must park on average only thirty minutes. For this small temporal overhead you’ll but rewarded according to Renate Kerner nutritious a meal and is full of vitamins and nutrients and offers a taste experience, where canned & co.
can never compete.” “The silver bullet for time trouble stricken: basic storage plus four ingredients long fiddled” they had both, until they were satisfied with their ground-breaking concept of four ingredients. The principle reason stock plus a maximum of four new ingredients”both have entered women Neuland, and not without reason: Renate Kerner, social educator and Publisher, know how many single people as well as the passionate Hobbykochin and full-time catering expert Birgit wash b to the sumptuous temptations of food industry where more and more working mothers and fathers as well succumb: Birgit and I know from my own experience, that time for families today a very is scarce. Understandably, many after a strenuous working day rather quickly even slide a frozen pizza in the oven instead of a purchase to be planned and take then the preparation of hand to.” Although she wanted not demonize convenience products.