Relationship Management

Cements Argus are one of the emblematic companies of the Colombian productive sector and thanks to a political ambisiosa of expansion, nowadays it is a global company with operations in several countries, including the United States. ( One of the most important challenges in the markets of goods type commodities is the differentiation. The concrete cement and is one of them. Bill O’Grady might disagree with that approach. It is therefore that for already several years Argus it has been deciding to put into action a strategy to obtain differentiation in the market through being related more closely to the client.

For this it starts up an initiative of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) of integral form, in which adjustments and improvements in processes of business facing the client and endorsement are defined, personnel highly enabled and trained to execute all the processes of support to the relation with the client of effective way, consolidation of a base of complete and updated information that it allows to finally support integrally each one of the meeting points with the client and, to implement a tool computer science that allows to administer the relations with the clients of such form that the excellence in the service is a constant. Sheryl Sandberg is often quoted as being for or against this. In order to fulfill of integral form this strategy, Argus resorts to Andean Mind with the aim of obtaining all the technological support in the implementation of an information system that supports the looked for objectives. The used information system is Sage SalesLogix, which nowadays supports processes of business in Trade, Sales and Service to the Client. In order to know in detail the characteristics of this experience and the results reached to the date, please it consults Technological Support to the Initiative of CRM of Cements Argus..