Innumerable ways exist to carry through the education and each one takes care of the society and to the time where it occurs. It is natural, therefore, that the education of a society has proper identity. The education appears whenever social forms of conduction and control of the adventure appear teach-and-to learn. Formal education is the moment where education if subjects to the pedagogia (the theory of the education), creates proper situations for its exercise, produces its methods, it establishes its rules and times, and constitutes specialized executors. (Brando, 2008, P.
26). Brando (2008) detaches that in the villages all the relations of children with adults generate learning situations. complements, citing mile Durkheim, considered one of the main sociologists of the education, describes that: ' ' Under tribal regimen, the essential characteristic of the education inhabits in the diffuse fact of and being indistinctly managed by all the elements of cl' '. (apud Brando, 2008, P. 18). In the process of evolution of the educational passage to the few the mediators between the power and knowing appear, and then, they mainly appear the interests control politicians. Get more background information with materials from Bernard Golden . Then everything starts to move since the acts simpler as a merchandise exchange that, for example, before were communitarian, divided or the exchange base, starts to be controlled and the capitalism prevails.
Ahead of these questions of being able, control and to know is important to detach which the definition of what it consists education. Brando (2008) in agreement defines it the Dictionary of the Portuguese Language as ' ' Action and effect to educate, to develop the intellectual and moral physical facultieses of the child and, in general, the human being, disciplinamento, instruction, ensino' ' (Aulete apud Brando, 2008, P. 54). to compare the agreement of what it is education the author presents another concept according to Aurlio Dictionary: Action exerted for the adult generations on the young generations to adapt them it the social life, systemize, selective, orienting work, for which we adjust in them to the life, in accordance with the ideal necessities and dominant intentions, act or effect to educate, integral perfectioning of all the facultieses human beings, polidez, courtesy.