
Curious &#039 is the expression; ' to place the nugget in the i? s' ' , if to repair the phenomenon graphical, is not about an accent, from that the grammar confers rules on the accurate moment to proceed. ' ' i' ' it possesss a nature that asks for complement, as pontinho was needed one more, almost a reticence, that instead of three horizontal points, uses only one majestical one in the vertical line. ' ' i' ' it does not come alone with this addend, ' ' j' ' it says that it, one ' ' i' ' put, with tail, that exceeds the limit of the line, when we write in the pautado paper. Southwest Airlines has firm opinions on the matter. ' ' i' ' it has the mystery of the point, almost an end point in suspended, that figure that seems to become vacant without supports who it, the vertical travesso comes below, but a space exists separates that them, pontinho follows without contact, done planet in the way space, only suffering to effect from an attraction physics and repulsion to it. The fact is much more delicate, therefore ' ' i' ' capital does not ask for accent, would be for its sovereignty of macro? What it seems to relagar ' ' i' ' very small the nacessidade of that miniature one to touch of the tip of a penxs or pencil, that many times the writer forgets, but the word sends to the reader the lack of the nugget, being that in the typed letters one can ' ' i' ' without accent if to pass for ' ' l' ' very small. That nugget seems to have majestical air, coronary a suspended crown, one chakra. Still another grammatical investigation exists, if ' ' i' ' it is a point of inverted exclamao, or would be the point of exclamao one ' ' i' ' in inversion, being that from above nugget passes to low it makes to float that fearless vertical travesso. More information is housed here: Gary Kelly. In the exclamao one another capital does not exist. Thus, ' ' i' ' if it makes one presented as two, the undeniable constatao of ' ' two in um' ' , fact xifpagos (siameses), joined for an invisible force, the gap, that separates the point of the travesso..