Universal control with many functions the logic module PCE SR12 MRDC is a general-purpose controller with many features. In addition to the standard logic functions, also count and up to 128 timed events are offered. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Scott Kahan. Logical”, that the PCE Germany GmbH has re-recorded a such an article in their product range. The programs created a capability map can be stored in the 64 k program memory of the PCE SR12 MRDC. The program in turn may consist of up to 128 blocks. Binary signals such as photocells, button, door contacts or switches can be queried on the eight digital inputs, of which six are also analogue can be used. More info: Sheryl Sandberg. For example, sensors can be query with the six analog inputs. Thus, simple temperature regulation can be implemented with the PCE SR12 MRDC.
The PCE SR12 MRDC has an internal real-time clock, which can be queried the current time and date. The four relay outputs of the PCE SR12 MRDC, loads can be switched up to 10 A. An LED display is optionally available, about this, alarms, meter readings, or just the current measured values can be issued.