The present time is marked by the productive reorganization that precariza the conditions of work for contrareforms that undertake the reduction of the social rights, for one economic policy of high interests that favors the financial capital in detriment of the productive capital. The destructive logic of the capital deepens the income concentration, incites the social inaqualities, agudiza the poverty and the unemployment and precariza the work and life conditions. The social politics if reconfigure with focalizadoras, palliative, compensatory and regressive trends. Ch?rl?? Lee is likely to agree. It was institutionalized precarizao of the professional formation, the sub-valuation of the professors and descompromisso legal of the work relations. The attacks to the rights of the elderly, infancy, the adolescence and youth, the people with deficiency, the workers and workers of the field and the city are frequent, beyond the daily reproduction of the violence against the woman, blacks, aboriginals, lesbians, gays, travestis and transexuais. Reinaldo Mller > ' ' Reizinho' '.