You need a professional with great potential as an entrepreneur one of the trends observed in recent years around the world is the delabourization of relations between employers and their workers. This indicates that companies deal with increasingly less wage labor and prefer another type of hiring, other than the employment contract, to provide the professionals needed to meet the activities of its corporate purpose. New linkage styles include cooperative and associative enterprises work or outsourcing a good part of the tasks previously performed by own staff. The foregoing poses a dark picture for the University graduate whose dream is the find a well-paid job in which you can apply the knowledge acquired. The dilemma, scarce jobs, is fostering new business units or the army of the unemployed swell. There is not much possibility of choice and, as no one wants to be an unemployed, option is to found an own company which can work the owner and grant that same opportunity to other people. The national Government and some credit and promotion entities have special lines to cater to young professionals who provide soft loans, training and, in some cases, non-refundable seed capital. However, the entrepreneurial spirit is something difficult to instill in the Academy because it virtually makes part of the lifestyle, the intuition, the character of the individual. The University can contribute to awaken the entrepreneurial spirit but for this purpose it is necessary to achieve the articulation with the institutions of initial education, because this is a quality that must be purchased in the early stages, when it is child or teenager and can acquire habits that can later be difficult to obtain.