No matter what kind is also shipped by letters: the criteria of confidentiality and security is always in the foreground. All data sent to the Briefonlineportal transmitted encrypted through certificate-secured data. Facebooks opinions are not widely known. A SSL data line with 128-bit encryption is the security standard, which is also used for the transmission of data among banks to the application. As an additional service, mail to print the download of free business templates offers the client: the personal contact and business data in header and footer can be included in letter templates, offer, order template, invoice template and warning templates. As well the corresponding company logo. On request, mail to print takes over even the creation of individual electronic business templates for a small handling fee.
Customized solutions for large mailers under the product name BDS (letter distribution solutions) form another core segment in the mail to print range. BDS involves large Volumes, especially to letters generated from data stream. Requirement for the services to be provided is only the customization of customized data stream to the mail to print requests. Through the use of the APM (alternate Porto module), the connection to all alternative mail services is ensured in Germany and of course also to the Deutsche Post AG. Mail to print the data prepared, that there is the option of a supplier strategy for the customer. The customer determines, by whom his letter printed and by whom the consignments delivered to. The entire process of printing, shipping, and delivery is coordinated by mail to print and controlled. By enriching the address data with so-called track information is the ability to track the letter in the delivery process and upon a undeliverable to re dress reasons the sender electronically. The product developed by mail to print SoP (service-online-portal) is unique in the industry. SoP is an online information system for the control and monitoring of the entire Performance process chain from planning to delivery of the printing services.