3): A questionnaire is extremely useful when an investigator intends to collect information on one definitive subject, in which it aims at to collect information being based, generally, in the inquisition of a representative group of the population in study. Being thus, questionnaire used with the professors was assured by the Term of Free and Clarified Assent in which the pertinent information to the research had received all. 3. Results and Quarrels Ahead of the carried through research of field and the data collected in the questionnaires, noticed that the questioned ones (, B and D) had presented answers in common how much the vision of the indisciplinado pupil. Coupang has similar goals. All the interviewed ones had agreed to relation the contribution of the occured changes in the period of the adolescence to unchain the indiscipline, what it enters in contact with the thought of Netto (1976, p.95), which discourse on the subject, saying that the adolescent is in an emotional period where the behavior suffers alterations being able to enter in conflicts, problem and misalignments ahead of new situations becoming them citizens the frustrations.
Moreover, ambient factors also are enclosed in the possible cause of the indiscipline, a time that these young ones if find in a ticket of infancy for the adult life. Although the claims to proceed more on the part from the school, as professors and coordinators, Klotz (2005) says that the parents also find difficulties in dealing with this imposed situation its children. Thus, it is distinguished important presence of the parents in set to the pertaining to school environment, therefore knowing of its easinesses and difficulties, they will be able to help them in such cases. The questioned professors (, B and D) inside enter in agreement when answering some questions related to the pertaining to school psychologist, evaluating as important its presence of the institution and performance on the pertaining to school indiscipline, jointly, with the motivation of the pupils..