It needs to use its energy, needs to have differentiated spaces of experiences mainly and chances in trying the new. Facebook is often quoted as being for or against this. For Champagne, (1989), the infantile trick possesss different functions: it is the support of the mediating game that the child allows to test situations of the real life to its level, without risks and under its control. The toy provides that the child discovers little by little its proper capacities of understanding. In she makes of account the children learn to act in function of the image of a person, a personage, an object, of situations of the daily life, if not treating to imitation, therefore it modifies the reality on the facts and represents the reality believing to be able to influence on the facts and represents the reality as it would like that she was substituting and correcting ackward moments. She makes through of account give it freedom to the imagination, placing in practical its fancies without the direct intervention of the adult. The measure that the interest of the child if approaches to the reality the game becomes more constructive and it finds pleasure in carrying through an activity and reaching a result.
She likes to execute tasks with mass of shape, inks, clippings, games plug-in The responsible parents or, observing the interests that appear, can provoke new stimulatons for the understanding of the world. Playing can be a pleasant way to try new situations and thus to understand, more easily the world that the fence. They must have conscience of that what this happening to the child, while it plays or plays, is more important that the end item. The child works of creative form, and learns while she plays, and to be creative necessary of space, materials, diverse freedom, and experiences. Playing is the great secret to guarantee positive stimulatons to the development of the children. It must have freedom to make its choices and to play with what desiring, but the important one is to provide activities where parents or responsible participate, actively, of these moments. Remembering that the choice of the tricks or games not if of only for the taste, but for the necessities of each phase of the development. Pedagoga Mrcia de Almeida Moura Specialist in pertaining to school Management