She is necessary to understand the point main which our science defends arduously, and that of certain it makes with that fanatic religious they lose the sleep, the truth exists and this canine tooth in one redoma of glass for that they had taken the power, the truth is pontuada by Foucault (2010) in its Microfsica book of the Power: In the deep one of practical the scientific one a speech exists that says: ' ' nor everything is true; but in all place and the all moment exists a truth to be said and to be seen, a perhaps asleep truth, but that however it is only to the wait of our look to appear, to the wait of our hand to be desvelada. We fit to find the good perspective, the correct angle, the instruments necessary, therefore in any way it is present here in all lugar' ' (FOUCAULT, 1979, P. 113.). Read more here: Litecoin. The search of a reasonable explanation decides all the questions that if make gifts in our existence would be impossible, but a thing we can clarify in this small one I capitulate, the figure of God in our society was elaborated to take care of the interests of the powerful ones that by means of the Religion the people had instructed to adore unconditionally and to fear the justice and its set of laws. To domesticate is main the half one to control the mass, and as this is possible? It is enough to make to believe in the existence of a place of fire and sulphur: Hell, in penalties caused for the imprudence: sin, and in a man onipresente, onisciente and onipotente: God. 2.A Religion wins for the fear ' ' The Religion is a reply coward to the emptiness of universo' ' Bertrand Russell the religion also created the spaces for lamentation and punishment as the hell where the individuals that transgress the divine laws, laws these that do not have difference none of the laws of maintenance of the state, is pursued and launched in a place of blackout and torment, it is very better to live this life believing that the bad people will be shot in these spaces or that we go to reencontrar beings wanted in a paradise, we call this measures to diminish pain in our hearts.