Depending on the complexity of the case, he sends a Basic Unit oude an Advanced Unit. From the moment where the ambulance arrives at the dochamado place, the responsibility for the support, the contact with the doctor to pass osdados of the situation and to receive orientaes from as to proceed is of the socorrista. Emediante the so great responsibility still is necessary to be prepared to paraenfrentar any type of situation. Helosa emphasized that, unhappyly muitosdos socorristas approved in competition to act in this service not possuemnenhuma of the characteristics of the profile of this professional. It told that Jhouve in case that where the person made the competition only for finding the uniform pretty, oque were a great mistake. In accordance with the story of Helosa, some professional svezes do not excuse the due care to the helped one, it leaves what it insane.
According to it, when the service is set in motion is because it has necessity, except emlamentveis situations of ' ' trotes' '. 4,2 Situations of work of the SAMU Ocorreu in certain occasion, in a public school, that umaaluna simulated a collapse and the direction of the school called the SAMU. In the boarding, umacolega of Helosa said for the girl: ' ' it can raise from there that I seique am not happening nothing of errado' '. Helosa intervined in faltade sensitivity of the fellow worker it explained and it in particular that the correct, independent procedure did not eraesse to be or not passing badly. Paracontornar the situation, Helosa directed it the girl and proceeded as it seacreditasse that it was really passing badly, therefore according to it, dependendoda boarding, the girl could not have none ' ' cara' ' to come back naescola. It is perceived, with this, that the taken attitudes pelaprofissional do not only have relation with the prescribed one for the protocol, but tambmcom its history of life and with the time of professional performance.