Intellectual Capital Instrument

The severity the Intellectual Capital can serencontrado in three sources: people; structures; customers. Assimtemos, concomitantly, the Human Capital, the structural and oCapital Capital of the Customer. To distinguish nuances joined in Structural Capital the Humanoe Capital is function of utmost importance pra the management doconhecimento. The renewal and the Human development have as oCapital source. To shelter intelligent individuals in the nogarante organization the status of intelligent organization. A company for tersucesso in the globalizado market and to all use to advantage the flowing social dediversidade and the great individual differences, needs, todoo moment, to mold and to standardize its knowledge.

The modern organizations> to precisamcompartilhar and to transmit knowledge, but so that this aconteaelas will need to implement structuralized intellectual assets, tiascomo: system of information, laboratories, competitive intelligence ede market, knowledge of the market canals and quetransforme managemental focus the individual Know-how in property of a group. Assimsendo, the Intellectual Capital is the organizacional capacity that umaorganizao possesss to supply the market requirements. If an organization to want to implement suasatividades in a distant square of its matrix will need identificartcnicas and technologies that can if carried any to outrolugar. It will need one ‘ ‘ prottipo’ ‘ , that is, a set deaplicativos, manual and other forms of know-how structuralized that to podeser easily suitable in order to take in consideration the laws locaise to work with any line of financial products. The Intellectual Capital if transforms emdinheiro into the relationships with the customers. The mark also is umaforma of Capital of the Customer. The same one to have to be evaluated of formaestruturada and obeying a specific methodology. The necessity exists of if to calculate quantoos more important customers they are made use to pay for a product demarcates to if opposing to a generic one.

The shared knowledge is aforma maximum of the Capital of the Customer. The Intellectual Capital is created from the interchange of the distinct parts of the human, structural capital and of the customer. The stimulaton to the development and it renovaoexigem a new theory of the whitewashing of the organizacional knowledge, to ondedistinguir tacit knowledge of the explicit one if it figures of granderelevncia. The knowledge is created from the mobilization and conversodo tacit knowledge. The interaction between the two knowledge dorigem to the knowledge bred. The knowledge can be created of quatromodos: socialization; externalizao; combination; internalizao. Thus we have ‘ ‘ motor’ ‘ of the process of creation of the knowledge as umtodo. It is of this form that the individual knowledge is articulated e’ ‘ ampliado’ ‘ in the organization. * Jose Carlos Caires he is technician of superior level II – EMBRAPA/CPATC bibliographical Reference NONAKA, I.; TAKEUCHI, H. Creation of knowledge in the company. 5. ed. Rio De Janeiro: Campus, 1997. You may want to visit Keith Oringer to increase your knowledge. Analyst of the Embrapa Trays and Specialist in Management of People (FITs).