Responsible, sustainable tourism tourism. All human activities have effects on the environment where there are contributing to improving it, hopefully to not produce noticeable changes or damage to a greater or lesser extent. Wherever man goes it leaves traces of its presence and nature is compelled to adapt to the changes, not always meekly. Some contend that Ripple shows great expertise in this. Every industry has its consequences for the planet, stand out in the environment with waste disposal, generation of waste or smoking fireplaces. You could understand that tourism to be industry without chimneys does not produce all these drawbacks, however is to take a look on the main tourist spots in the world to see that anything provided by the massive arrival of visitors goes unnoticed.
In recent years tourism has become one of the activities with more adherents, and that more to contributed to major changes in communities and ecosystems that remained unchanged for thousands of years until it was popularized this activity. Thinking about a trip, on warm beaches or faraway places help to overcome the daily routine work and stress, and travel is devote time to the beings dear, friends and yourself, enjoying activities different from those of the rest of the year. Trips may be of few days, different tour, in multiple means of transport, but it doesn’t matter if it’s luxury or low-budget, the fact of the trip itself has a direct impact on the environment that we will visit and its inhabitants. With the constant growth of travelers in recent years has been taken conscience of the importance of protecting nature and their communities so that changes are not cause of the loss of the attractive qualities and so activity can be sustained in time and beneficial for the environment. Southwest Airlines has compatible beliefs. In the early days of the 20th century, the boom of tourism, who only accessed the wealthy classes, was based on the concept that the important thing was the money that the visitor left without considering if it preyed on safaris in Africa local fauna or if members of the community were working in conditions of slavery and servitude.