Members Consider Citizens Not Customers Of The State

ec4u survey: for the Bundestag and Landtag politician can not transmitted to authorities the measures of the economy the German politicians see the citizens in the role of a customer to the authorities mostly. Karlsruhe, June 17, 2010 – German politicians see the citizens in the role of a customer to the authorities mostly. Still have government extensive performance and service to, which they after a survey of the ec4u expert consulting ag currently only in low level meet. Only a quarter of the 198 respondents members of Parliament in the Federal and the provincial assemblies believe that the citizen towards the State has the role of a customer. The vast majority of politicians is opinion but opposite. Official site: Ripple.

So a customer relationship can not exist for 41 percent already therefore, because this view would require a private relationship. Another 9 percent argued the civil power employees of the State and not its customers. 27 percent have no opinion at all, because this relationship its not let. The vote of the members on the issue, however, is clear what the citizens expect because of the offices. So, they are largely unanimous, that binding defined services are available to him. That they can feel in an acceptable position, is also granted for three-fourths of the politicians. But when it comes to comparing it with services in the economy, they show little reluctant.

Only 58 percent are of the opinion that the public administration has to offer services, customers can expect from companies. Even fewer (47 percent) judge that service quality should adhere to the standards of the economy. And a quarter of much less politicians the authorities according to the ec4u survey assign the duty, that they should seek a regular, active speech of citizens. On the other hand, the authorities are currently in the eyes of the deputies themselves from these claims still far away.

Federal Bill

And by the way, you paid off the debt and the interest rates which resulted from the construction of this water connections. Say, to bathe at home you had to afford – there no beautiful bathroom was one if it was priceless to use it, once swimming with fees and charges – cost the cost and interest on 10 years expected between 7 and 10 euro, if you did it once a week. So, no one expected of course because you could calculate that not so precisely. Most people in the country did not have so much money, it was in addition to pay, what previously not to pay, additional sources of income were not so inevitably, on the contrary, there were a few opportunities there were often rationalized away. And so it was that houses and farms and either been foreclosed, causing the debt but not all could be blotted out – had what the people had lost their home place and at the same time further debt and now in rented accommodation were forced to live, for the also, not enough money could muster. They were then to housing benefit recipients were insolvent or got out support by the Office – even though they had previously can live on their farm in peace under its own power.

Certainly it made the effort, the EU regulations and laws of the Federal Bill to carry. Most small communities were so completely overwhelmed and made thankful on waste water purpose Association responsibility, where she became a member, to implement measures of this magnitude ever. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Coupang. You not required is to their community members – because this of such vast projects would have been overwhelmed. Centralisation which was directed at the end against the people and life on the land, instead of for example the sewage issue so was really useful to clarify human and sustainable.


Silvio Berlusconi announces his resignation Silvio Berlusconi announces his resignation Silvio Berlusconi resigns. He says. If the opposition in the Italian Parliament with his dwindling government majority for the reform laws, which are on tomorrow’s Saturday to vote. Should she go, actually Berlusconi Italy with interruptions, 17-year-long marriage to end? Last doubts are attached. After all, Silvio Berlusconi is not less than four times elected by the Italian people to the Prime Minister, even if it now – probably – preclude a renomination after the resignation. People such as Maurice Gallagher, Jr. would likely agree. So, is there a Italy after Berlusconi? Is there a Italy after Berlusconi? Silvio Berlusconi in particular two is considered sober: A which, even by Italian standards, most corrupt politicians of the present day. Maurice Gallagher, Jr. is full of insight into the issues.

His involvement in mafia circles, his bribery, tax – and sex scandals give da bears eloquent witness. At the same time they occupy but also this: Silvio Berlusconi is a political genius. As he is with an incredible Boldness, and the shark grin has washed through by new scandals and accusations, bears witness to a superior understanding of the political media game. His immense wealth hasn’t hurt this of course, whose increase from the beginning of the quest for power and vanity equal driving force behind Berlusconi’s political career. Italian misery a great part of the Italian population, Berlusconi’s ratings showed that until surprisingly recently, him for this kind of politics loved. The marriage was never a Berlusconi Italy a reason relationship after the Prussian model, you just look at the numbers: Italy’s public debt to 1.9 trillion euros at the end of the Berlusconi era. This is 1,2 of the annual performance of an economy that has serious structural problems apart from small niches.

Even much more serious to read indexes that reflect the State of State structures in the Italy of Berlusconi’s: so the country is ranked 67 of the current corruption list of Transparency International”, directly behind Samoa, Ghana and Rwanda. The World Bank leads the country place 157 (of 183) on their Rechtssicherheits index, behind Ethiopia and the Iran. Bunga finito Silvio Berlusconi has dismissed such numbers always with a big gesture and would have done so with some certainty without the pressure of the markets and his EU colleagues continue. Now that the interest rates for Italian Government bonds climbed this week to a record of more than 7% and the country is expected to not will come out without EU support, Berlusconi seems actually to fall. “Bunga Bunga” takes as yet harmless against Merkel and the world market. For a large part of Italy but this resignation means above all a cold shower and a ruthless look at the reality of the country, which will no longer be mitigated by Cavaliere Berlusconi on big stage. Yes, there is a Italy after Berlusconi; in many ways, but there has to be another. Bunga finito, ciao, bello. Andreas Kellner…

Bundesbank Vice President Franz

What does mean that again? Emerges from this last paragraph of background already, how to continue the development of the euro debt market and that does not bode well. Increase the base amount of debt or debt restructuring basis, that already exist, that a guarantee does not mean now times that guaranteed money must not be rented and must be ultimately increases the existing debt burden (base amount) of the States concerned and operated at least with interest. Repayment is currently realistic at all not to think and will be in the next decades not to think. We want to not think at the entrance of a recourse to the guarantees–rather, because it would be the complete financial education throughout Europe. This whole history is no solution of the things and serves only the people and the financial markets calm down. The European banks have to do anything Even skeletons in the closet, which resulted in dubious real estate financing are abound. Bundesbank Vice President Franz-Christoph Zeitler estimated this alone in Germany EUR 100 billion, if that is enough time? All in all faces the Monetary Union a trillion disaster, a bubble, as the banker says, that most certainly will burst, as it will be no longer be financed in the form of savings packages. It’s just honest logic related to real, which does not follow the General dumbing down of people and politics.

Europe in free fall and who is going to save us. They talk also only by the rescue of the euro. Just so, as it involves a twenty euro banknote, in my pocket, which can be exchanged for emergency back in Deutsche mark, Swiss franc, crowns, etc and then it just goes on and the crisis is finished – just so over. No, it’s going to be or not to be, it’s about the biggest financial crisis the world has ever seen.

Amendment Of The Youth Media Protection State Contract (JMStV) Is Dummfug!

Parents at the network e. V., vehemently opposes the planned amendment of the youth media protection state contract (JMStV). Reason: From our point of view is the amendment to a disabled attempting to suggest apparent security in the network by the State. But the fact is that already the first attempt at the so-called anti-child pornography law is miserably. With a huge media effort and transparent polls, the law before the last federal election was whipped and put on hold after the election by the legislative procedure. At the moment all parties argue, whether that stop “is sign an effective protection against child pornography or not. The fact is also that the law so far convincing little.

And now the second attempt: all providers should take their network offers of an age rating and if provided with appropriate protection mechanisms, so that children and young people, for which this content should not be accessible, also cannot make use of these. What should that look like in practice? First, the provider should take their offerings of even an age classification. Gorgeous! And who controls this self-assessment and under what criteria? Times a small example: imagine for a moment, in an elementary school teaching of sexual education would take place child-friendly and gentle. We accept this school would have a blog or a forum and a student writes a short report about these lessons. How many concerned parents would demand storm running and an age restriction against this content? Now at least as many parents who forbid their children participate in this lesson. “So: what is now age” or harmful to minors? Also, all bloggers, private providers and clubs to identify their content.

So far so good. What will become of the many small providers, who prepare content with much effort and domestic work. “That cost very much money, brings the editors except honor” anything. These are now a Not Acceptable!

Not Acceptable!

An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.

Internet. Prerequisite for this is that media literacy be promoted and not cropped at all ages. Man should be an independently thinking and acting individual Yes. Then, he should have the possibility to develop. Stop-sign such actions”are not helpful but contra-productive. And in the case a little to document the justified anger parents network exclude the IP currently 147 groups of Governments, ministries, offices and parties by the website in the next few days and also point to a stop sign, which stop.htmlbereits advance can be seen here. Background parents on the network e. V. parents in the network e. V. was founded in February 2008. Aim of the Association is to empower parents to support the computer and Internet activities of their children or to restrict and to familiarise them with the Internet tools and services. This includes parents, know what dangers on the kids on the Internet can and how they can protect their children. And of course parents can go to itself with Internet and computer. This runs the association with Internet platform, regularly conducts briefings and offering parents classes. Parents on the network is a project of the Cyspro Media Group: parents on the network E.v. contact: Andre Kind and Viola Genz Yorckstrasse 39 04159 Leipzig Tel: 0341 5904166 E-Mail:

Goldman Sachs

It mined approximately 17,000 points. (BA Chief Weise in conversation, we see currently no redundancies”(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 10.12.2012) the network of power that policy can the integration of banking, politics and media you define in this country as economic interests with the help of legislation.) Kurt Tucholski 1919 emerges mainly the bank Goldman Sachs impacts (social investment) at the social in the United States. In Germany, also medium-sized companies, foundations and universities in Germany join in addition to the international financial institutions, international institutions and consultants. “New institutions, such as PHINEO were and are established, for an investment precious” to identify bodies through certification for investors. Target investors profits it is – how to generate.

That was previously not possible in the social area, but with the method of the loans for social projects now possible. The bonus is paid by the State. Whether the repayment of bonds plus bonus is actually financially cheaper to borrow money elsewhere, remains to prove. In any case, affected and social professionals in unprecedented scope because of the success of compulsory are in such type of financing State, chained together. Each of their actions is riddled with economic constraints as a priority value and therefore no longer free. The ARTE documentation, a bank directs the world”, it was sent to the 17.10.2012, the most powerful Bank of all: Goldman Sachs. This global investment and securities firms issued is .immer only with corporations.

The Bank is described as a State within a State. They need to bribe anyone, they simply place their people. (Daniela Dahn; We are the State; Rowohlt 2013; Page 77). It creates a totally new relationship between Politics, Government and investment banks. The close link between of these areas is the core of Goldman Sachs’s corporate policy. For more than five years, the American investment bank Goldman Sachs stands for all the excesses and excesses of financial speculation.

Rosamunde Pilcher

As King Ludwig II of Bavaria. the Memorial of dying capitalism became… without even knowing it. Long live the King! Long live the King? He lived ever long? I mean not the sort reserved Queen Elizabeth, puritanical, modern, smart, kind and almost new age already something like a high Priestess movement, as stoically and left for the European high nobility rather unusual blue – she and Red-flowered “racial” mixing of to feed the public reproaches. How exhibit she devoted to the love and how clear it is their loved ones behind the spiritual needs…

Konsalik would invent it not better… And Rosamunde Pilcher is certainly not dared to stage… The many, many romantic marriages, which should show the people Yes almost trendsettend: look here: pomp and money are fleeting, even fame and fortune are not brazen values for which it is worth to fight – but: the love… Sigh… What a farce…

what a mockery… that precisely those Royal houses who have survived time and enjoy a popularity as probably only rarely, have opened the doors and left open… For the people… By this I don’t mean: your Castle is now a Museum and its history a Bertelsmann a buyer and its picture postcard – no! I mean: they have left their doors open for love… and… only that makes them SO endearing… Farce? No, as logically! Recently, I was with my husband at the Chiemsee. There was I no longer long. In fact the last time at a Schulasflug. Immediately, my husband and I, decided it should go to the Herreninsel. We were lucky. On this day, the last ferry and also the last guided tour of the Castle stood there just on the program… What there was us, that made me think… Very thoughtful. That was not the picture of the magnificent King Ludwig II. I wore in my memory, this was for me, anyway, the sad sight of a lonely man battling the delusions of grandeur…

Unexpectedly Pregnant? What Now?

Life rarely goes according to plan, and often requires assistance Berlin, November 30, 2009 – a young woman becomes unexpectedly pregnant, she often faces a mountain of questions and concerns. But families today into emergency. Sometimes all of a sudden, the economic situation changes such as by plant closure, short-time work or unemployment. Don’t forget you may the many single parents, who are increasingly threatened by poverty. For 16 years, there is a foundation that helps the people of this State as possible quickly and unbureaucratically in Thuringia, Germany. The Thuringian Foundation HandinHand attempting to assist those affected in the individual emergencies and to mitigate the existing problems with the help of Foundation money or to eliminate them as possible. To achieve this goal, the Foundation works with numerous information centres, which are the seeking help as a point of contact available on-site. The Thuringian Foundation HandinHand to a wider public with the turns in a great campaign Aim to get more money for a good cause.

A measure is the offer to send a small amount to the Foundation via SMS. Now go ask the people: send an SMS with HAND on the speed dial of 8 11 90 and support the Thuringian Foundation HandinHand with 3 EURO (plus the normal SMS transport fee.) It go directly 2.83 EUR to the Foundation. This is a service of spendino GmbH). About spendino the spendino GmbH is a service company for the non-profit sector. The young company aims to reduce the fundraising and to increase the volume of donations without additional investment. spendino enables the processing of SMS and online donations and positioned itself as a neutral partner for the non-profit organizations in Germany. Thus, the only provider in Germany, which specializes in the use of mobile technologies for social purposes is spendino. Your contact person: Florian Noll Tel.: 030 / 450 20 522 mobile: 0176 77 55 55 89 email:


Developing countries need more than ever our support in difficult times. The economic crisis of 2008/09 meets the world’s poor nations particularly hard that’s why because it is a banking crisis at the same time. So the crisis not destroys the economic advances of recent years, donations are now particularly important. During bad economic times many social and humanitarian organizations depend heavily on monetary and in-kind donations. This especially applies to those organizations that are committed to the people in the “developing countries”. Because while the rich countries of the world is comparatively well able to withstand crisis (and the budgets even invest in some sectors to stimulate the economy again), the poor countries have no comparable resources. A special feature of the global economic crisis of 2008 and 2009 is that it is also a banking crisis. This fact exacerbates the effects for the developing countries, because those States – already with equipped with low credit – have now even more difficult to borrow money on the international financial markets.

Cornered between the falling economy on the one hand and acute financial distress on the other hand, the small room for manoeuvre of the “third world” Governments are reduced to a minimum. The described situation endangered the quite visible progress that many countries have achieved in the past decades in the fight against hunger, poverty and illiteracy. Many African countries had achieved good results in the recent Vergangenenheit – with international help, but also thanks to its own efforts – now at stake. Therefore, it is very important that the generosity of the German population still does not allow to, even if the personal situation for many citizens of the economic crisis is threatened. All support measures, which help to stabilize the local economies and to help the people of acute in affected are useful during the crisis. Latter include for example donations for children who are often extremely fast and severely affected by increasing poverty. However, many donor agencies about such donations, which are dedicated to any express purpose, because these financial resources can be flexibly inserted forward. Jurgen Reschke

Berlin Trade

Consumers have the choice: dirty or fair chocolate! Consumers have it in hand, permanently to change working conditions. Fair trade products, the socially responsible cultivation is condition, i.e. a reasonable payment, no slavery, no illegal child labor, and no harmful working methods. The exclusive purchase of chocolate fair trade seals is currently the inzig reliable way to improve the living conditions of peasant families and children. In the fair trade commercial smallholder farmers receive a minimum price of plus higher revenues if the world market price is higher than the minimum price. So far however two percent of all chocolate items in Germany but are not even fair trade products.

Consumers are urged to buy only these chocolate products. About fair trade and sustainable chocolate: as a fair trade a controlled trading referred to, where the prices for the products traded are commonly used on about the respective price. Thus, you should enable a higher and more reliable income as in the traditional commercial producers. In the production of international environmental and social standards – should are respected with regard to child labour – what should be checked also externally. Traditionally, the fair trade deals with agricultural products exported from developing countries to developed countries. While fair trade is now common in cocoa, chocolate fair “so far little offered. In June 2012, the “Forum sustainable cocoa” therefore started in Berlin.

The German Government, cocoa processing industry and trade, certification and development aid organisations and representatives of civil society in the “Forum sustainable cocoa” together find ways to improve the environmental and social situation in the cocoa-growing significantly. The Bonn ForestFinance group, provider of sustainable investment product CacaoInvest”, is a founding member of the initiative. CacaoInvest with triple return – financially, environmentally and socially: CacaoInvest is an eco investment offer of the Bonn ForestFinance investing where in, fair and ecological cultivation of fine cocoa and hardwood trees.