Sustainable Development

According to Leff (2001, P. 222), without a change in the values that guide the society, through the ambient education, it does not have as to reach the objectives of the sustainable development. Thus, the ambient education is considered indispensable instrument in the formatting of a sustainable society (CANEPA, 2004, P. 158). The ambient education is an education process politics that makes possible the acquisition of knowledge and abilities, as well as the formation of attitudes that if they necessarily transform into practical of citizenship that they guarantee a sustainable society (PELICIONI and PHILIPPI JR 2002).

The insertion of the ambient education in the life of the person is initiated in the processes by means of which the individual and the collective construct to social values, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities come back toward the conservation of the environment, this public easement of the people, essential to the healthy quality of life and its support; thus, the ambient education will go to transform the lives of the individuals. This postulate is established as a legal basement, in accordance with the national politics of the environment. 3. The challenges of the habits of the sustainable consumption In accordance with final report of the World-wide Commission of the Environment and Development of the ONU, in the decade of 80, (CMMAD, 1987), called ‘ ‘ Our Comum’ Future; ‘ , it elaborated ones of the concepts of sustainable development; the same it must take care of to the necessity of the current generations, without compromising the attendance of the necessities of the future generations. After the conference of United Nations for the Environment and Development (CNUMAD), carried through in 1992, in Rio De Janeiro, that consecrated the conception of sustainable desenolvimento the perspective of the support was introduced in the consumption, deriving from there, the concept of ‘ ‘ consumption sustentvel’ ‘.

Federal Constitution

Introduction Brazil admittedly has a set of the most detached environmental laws of of the world (since it possesss an immense tropical forest), especially since the creation of the CONAMA (National Advice of Environment), in 1981, and also after the Federal Constitution of 1988. It must be recognized by the way, that during years 90, it had a great legislative advance in the ambient area, with approval of you vary laws as: Ambient crimes (9.605/88) and the National Politics of Ambient Education (9.975/99). Unhappyly, the application and fiscalization of these laws have esbarrado in aspects politicians, economic and cultural. The pragmatismo politician has provoked true disasters in the ambient area, this if it becomes evident when we perceive that the ambient agencies of the federal, state and municipal sphere, are being managed for people whom nothing does not have to see with the environment, are the campaign allies politics, that of some form wants is in the government. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ripple by clicking through. However, on secretariats or agencies the ambient area, make use of few resources to act of efficient form, what &#039 does not happen more in the agencies; ' importantes' ' that they are busy for managers of the proper party of the government. Of this form, it is almost impossible to work the ambient question with the attention that it deserves, a time that the agencies make use of few financial resources and they do not obtain to keep professionals in number and quality to act in the sector. How many times already we do not hear this phrase ' ' it is impossible to develop itself without it has degradao' ' , but he will be same that we need to degrade the environment stops developing in them, or this is not plus one faceta of the capitalism that still wants to insist on the idea of that pollution is sinnimo of progress, generating ambient disasters behind disasters, and that a small minority if only benefits of the privileges. .

Stream Consumption

6.2 Water consumption x Available Outflow the water consumption of the property influences in the choice of the device to be implanted, as well as the type of the bomb and the used plumbing. It is necessary to quantify the daily consumption expense in the farm, what it can be made by means of tables or direct measurements. In the property in question, of the demonstrated example, the funny water consumption around 1.000 l/dia, that is the capacity of the reservoir for where the hydraulical sheep stresses, what it is equivalent 0,69 l/min or 0,012 l/s, outflow that is used in the sizing of the sheep, outflow to raise. The reservoir for where wheel d? water stresses has capacity of 200 liters, that it is equivalent the 0,14 l/min and 0,0024 l/s. Adding the outflows of wheel d? water and of the hydraulical sheep gets 0,014 a total outflow of l/s, the 0,78 outflow inside of l/s allowed for in agreement grant the IGAM. Is disrespected it outflow of drive of wheel d? water, therefore this will come back to be integrated to the used stream not having been toward irrigation and nor toward animal or human consumption. 6,3 Heights of Installation of the Devices the unevenness enters the capitation point and the place of installation of the hydraulical device is a considerable factor in the sizing of these devices.

To exist this unevenness and a favorable condition of captation is necessary to make slide bars in the water course (FIG. 8), or to exist a well the superior level of the device. FIGURE 9 – Slide bars in the stream of cachoeirinha. SOURCE: Proper quantity. In the Stream of the Cachoeirinha small slide bars exist, making with that the volume of available water for captation is constant. Beyond this factor, the slide bars propitiates the formation of a secondary canal, which will go to feed the sheep and wheel d? water in a bigger level of what the devices are installed.

Agrarian Reformation

more, if happened in Brazil true the Agrarian Reformation, with R and the capital, imagine which would be one of the first harvested agricultural products in great it scales to be strong inhibited. something that transmits an alert red for all the humanity is as the crucial point of the etlica insustentabilidade. The headquarters of the canavieiro agronegcio, with the alcoolmania, of the same skill that has potential to advance sweeping ecosystems, do not save not even cultivos of foods. First it was great part of those coffee plantations that guaranteed the thick one of Brazilian exportations in the first decades of century 20, and now is any nourishing culture, including beans and rice, that is sobrescrita for the well more lucrative sugar cane-of-sugar. Again the question of the easy money enchants the agriculturists, who imprudently abandon the old products and hug the source of etanol. This, as of if waiting, are diminishing offer of food and increasing its prices, having been denounced as one of the culprits for the crisis of the foods that pipocou this year and it does not have stated period total to be subjected.

We very perceive with these and other points that the combustible alcohol, the least as we know today, is very, far of the support and its character of ' ' limpo' ' it is of certain form plus an illusion drawn for the passionals hopes of the humanity for the fall of the atmospheric pollution of what a guaranteed salvation. Therefore it is that we are condemned to be between the cross and the sword when we supply our car: or the gasoline very pollutant and limited by the nature, or the alcohol of many inconveniences or the natural, little pollutant but so finite gas how much the oil. The hydrogen, considered the true solution, not yet arrived, and motivates sadness the fact of etanol not to be a resource good the sufficient one to fill its clean and virtually inexhaustible fuel gap provisorily. I do not see another skill to reach one real energy security that is not to pressure for the coming more soon possible of the H2.


The growth of would hotelaria, spine of the tourist sector, it made to appear in the hoteleiro system to the necessity to work the demand, and the market segmentation showed if the form most adequate to manage the hoteleiro growth. In this direction, market segment can be defined as: ' ' The set of consumers whose interests will go to guide the type of product, in the case the type of hotel, that specifically satisfies to those interesses' '. (ANDRADE, BRITO JORGE, 2007, P. 29) and are accurately with the market segments that the hoteleiro sector comes working, if structuralizing around the concept to take care of the specific interests of definitive public. The decision to implant a hotel in Brazil occurs normally without enough studies, or a coherent and systematic planning; what it concentrates the administration of the majority of the Brazilian hotels at the hands of familiar companies. For who the hotel is destined? That type of hotel intends to be implanted? Where its implantation will be carried through? They must be the first elements to be analyzed before the implantation of a hotel. The answers adjusted for these questions generate the necessity of knowledge of the market, where as much offers and the demand, at least they are understood and led in consideration.

The type of hotel becomes related closely with the terms of offers and demand of the local market, the hoteleiro product, therefore a definitive place is mentioned to it. The analysis of the viability of a hoteleiro enterprise follows a series of gradual decisions, that it has attempt against for the largeness of the investment, to decide that type of hotel and where it will be implanted and its approach size. For Andrade, Brito and Jorge (2007) an enterprise can be considered viable in the economic direction, when it to provide a remuneration of the equal capital or above of that it is offered by the market.