Being thus: To attack the idea of a citizen rational, capable to know and to dominate the reality, means for the one after-modernismo attacking modern science and the epistemologia that such science bases. This would have as consequncia, believes the after-modern, the end of the legitimation of forms of being able and pautadas social hierarchies in the ownership of supposedly true knowledge. It does not have detainers of the truth if it does not have true and false distinction between, affirms after-modernismo (ibid., P. 227).
In this direction, the citizen of modernity is one of the main targets of the speech after-modern, therefore its desmantelamento is the way for the destruction of all arcabouo theoretician supported for this. To discard, however, the citizen of modernity implies in efforts to create another figure that can give new breath to the way of capitalist production. It fits to attempt against that the citizen of modernity also supported the capitalism in preceding phases to the current one. Another idea of prominence is that to destroy a referencial without ‘ ‘ to place another one in lugar’ ‘ , it opens space so that other referenciais, also antagonistic, adentrem in this ‘ ‘ vcuo’ ‘. , According to Duarte, thus supported in Rosenau (op. cit.), the citizen of modernity is substituted for the individual after-modern. This last search to use to advantage the individualistic perspective of its predecessor, only that in different molds.