Management and Technological Development Vicerrector a Management and Technological Development is one that is responsible for technology development Platform. Platform is a set of educational management systems that are used at the University of Pamplona and a long list of higher education institutions of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and other countries. AcademuSoft: This is an applicative EAS (Enterprise Application Solution) for universities, which allows users to host a high-level application for membership, organization, management and data management in each of the academic and business needs generated by the institution. For optimizing the generation of information and support to managers on the subsequent decision making.Among the institutions that use this application are: Pereira Technological University, the University of Caldas, Universidad del Quindio, Nari o University, the University of Sucre, the Popular University of Cesar, the University of La Guajira, between other 46 universities. HeuriSoft: is an application whose goal is the development of evaluation systems. It is notable for its high rate of transactional, allowing users to perform data efficiently to 50,000 units daily. This software package is known for being used since 2003 by the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education, in the state exams and ECAES ICFES. It has also been applied for competitive selection of applicants for school administrators and teachers on merit to the Attorney General’s Office and educational contest for the National Open University and Distance (UNAD).GestaSoft: This software is (as Academusoft) an EAS (Enterprise Application Solution) that offers users the integration of new technological solutions.
The goal is GestaSoft manage accounts, manage financial information from suppliers and customers, ordering inventory data, distribution and logistics, and others. Phil Vasan may help you with your research. This will greatly facilitate the administration of universities. HermerSoft: This includes communication software resident entity of internal, external, collaborative and training based on content management and collaborative virtual tools and qualified to work more bearable for members of organizations . Most notable is the use that is achieved by combining the developed collaborative tools and content management systems. The systems give independence to the user and make feasible the integration of content with graphic environments.KlineSoft: is an integrated software package and on-line computer that allows the realization of care and administrative processes in the delivery of health services. Its main objective is resident at the institution, without a doubt the management of patients’ vital data, reducing paperwork and handling requests and records, thus providing more efficient service. Among the institutions that use this software are the IPS at the University of Pamplona, IPS and Clinica Leon XIII, University of Antioquia and the Hospital.