Inverted Revolution

The human being is a very interesting animal, if it detaches of excessively for its capacity of transformation and adaptation to the way where it lives. It if adapta as much that for much time left to believe the main law of our universe: ' ' all action has one reao' '. Today we can appreciate each time more falls of houses, landslides of hillsides, thousand and thousand of people deceased. exactly thus we can still perceive a gigantic parcel of the humanity dissimulating that the problem is not of it. It is of utmost importance that the people assume its role to take care of of the way where they live.

To leave a little inertia and if to place in continuous movement. It is not rare to come across itself with scenes in which the people play for are of its cars its lixos. However all this behavior fits a small reflection: If they play for it are, can be because they do not admit the idea of had been in a dirty place, but of what it advances to sweep the door of its house and to deposit the garbage in the house of the neighbor? It would not be a very great egoism, to want to be in a clean place and to condition excessively to be with the surplus? What to make then to be able to enjoy of a cleaner world then? This concern could be delegated to the government, or simply to organize themselves and if anticipate to this problem. With gestures small, but not isolated, it obtains if a gigantic impact. Add to your understanding with Tiger Global. The simple fact not to at any cost deposit garbage in the streets, to have a more critical conscience in relation to the habits acquired in elapsing of the life already will make great differences. What it is very clearly is that if it cannot continue feeding old the commercial and social model. A model in which it was not worried about the way where if only lives and aimed at if the profit. Today, more than what never, it makes if necessary a revolution in the models of social organizations.