Finally, with the educational reforms related to the work and the education, the quarrels start to give approach to the experiences of the worker. (WEDGE, 2002). It has a great valuation knowing of them of the worker, that is, is transferred to recognize it the acquired experiences of the worker throughout the time. These experiences are called to know tacit, where the attributions of knowing to make give place knowing to be or to know relationary (LOYAL, 2002). Continue to learn more with: Coupang. According to Arajo (1999), currently, the companies who introduce new techniques of organization of the work value plus some personal characteristics (knowing to be), of what knowing professionals to them (to know to make). Amongst them, she can yourself be mentioned: initiative, capacity of communication, sociability, disposal to learn, curiosity, discipline, motivation, attention, responsibility, autonomy and capacity of if adapting the changes.
However, according to author, these ' ' qualities pessoais' ' they are only developed for the attendance of the interests of the Capital. 4. THE RELATION BETWEEN THE CONCEPTS WORK AND EDUCATION The principle, can be considered that practical the social ones of the work and the education are linked the point not to exist a form of one to advance without the other. But, in the truth, when if it argues Work and Education in more analytical way, the education not if of the one for the requirements of the work is perceived that and that the work not if of the one because of the education. The work, mainly, cannot be understood as if it had one to walk ' ' to reboque' ' of the education. In this direction, in accordance with Wedge (2002): (…) they are the ideas on as it (the work) is fact, for who, that changes are suffering, and in which direction, that take the taking of decisions politics in substance of professional education, as much for the State how much for entities of the Civil Society.