Exit and damages chances for investors improved as already reported, are more and more meals payment claims the multi Advisor from fund GbR or the capital Advisor Fund GbR. We refer to our previous coverage on our homepage. Currently now also the Landgericht Tubingen the appeal of capital Advisor rejected unanimously Fund II GbR by order of the 11.01.2011. Currently now also the Landgericht Tubingen the appeal of capital Advisor rejected unanimously Fund II GbR by order of the 11.01.2011. The company had sued the lawyer and lawyer specializing in banking law and capital market law Patrick M. Zagni represented shareholders before the Amtsgericht Tubingen on payment of outstanding deposits.
The defendant shareholder, the participation was conveyed in his private residence has revoked the accession statement through his lawyers and requested dismissal of lawsuits. Judgment of June 18, 2010, the Amtsgericht Tubingen is their full extent followed the argument of the defendant, stating that this his Accession to the fund company has effectively withdrawn and is therefore not obliged to meet further payments to the company. However, capital Advisor II has appealed to the Landgericht Tubingen GbR, which however, was not crowned by success. Above mentioned decision of the 11.01.2011 unanimously rejected the appeal with the result that the judgment of the District Court of Tubingen has become final. In addition to the courts of Cologne and Dresden, now also many regional courts (Stuttgart, Tubingen, Cologne, Erfurt, Potsdam and Ellwangen) have rejected accusations of the two aforementioned companies. Because the shareholders have to fear to recover only a fraction of their deposits made after the normal end of investment again, urgently review their claims on termination of your participation can be. Contact: Patrick M. Zagni Attorney / lawyer specializing in banking and capital market law boiler str. 19 70327 Stuttgart phone: 0711/9455855-0 fax: 0711/9455855-20