BE2 Sponsors BarCamp Munich 2009

Wii and other awards media competition ‘for two’ win Munich, the October 16, 2009. Next weekend, the 17th and 18th October, meets the online scene at the BarCamp Munich 2009 at the Munich Exhibition Centre. Internet experts, bloggers, software developers, entrepreneurs and enterprises interested in exchanging about Web 2.0, social media, software and trends on the Internet. You may find that Tiger Global Management can contribute to your knowledge. The online matchmaking be2 operates its corporate blog for more than two years and thus is an old hand at the bloggenden company in Germany. After a successful sponsorship of the BarCamp Berlin last year was the decision to support the event as a silver sponsor quick hit: “we are looking forward to the BarCamp Munich 2009 and especially on the intensive professional exchange with the participants”, Fiona Brutscher, author of the German forward corporate blogs An ideal platform to make new contacts and maintain old!” On the occasion of the BarCamp Munich 2009 be2 has something special “thought: be2 looks in the media competition for two” for the best answer to the question: what is two twice as nice? The participants are called upon to take a picture of their idea, to rotate a video or write a blog post. The best entry wins a Wii game console because Wii also play two twice as much fun! And as a consolation prize, three Twister games beckon. For more information, blog/barcamp /.

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