The releituras of the aboriginal culture if had made extremely necessary to guarantee the perpetuation of the ethnic identity of this people. The indians, as well as the society of not-indians, are inserted in century 21, the economic context influenced by the capitalism and the liberal ditames, then the adaptations and transformations of its cultural manifestations are essential so that these if configure as full citizens of rights. From verbal stories, it was verified that European interdiction of innumerable categorically aboriginal cultural expressions, such as the anthropophagy, was one of the actions that had demanded practical adaptations of the traditional ones to those considerably accepted for the society of not-indians. Fact this confirmed in the etnia maxakalis – community located in the northeast region of MG – in which in result of the death of some wanted being, these cremam the body and add leached ashes to a species of mingau that the family is confraternizado by all, happening in the antropofgica essence that glimpses ' ' permanncia' ' of the being it enters those that of it if they had fed. In this perspective it is excellent to excite that the difficulty of the society in recognizing the indians as inserted beings in the economic dynamics, social politics and that perfaz our reality, weakens the directed legislative process to this etnia, as well as demands that this minimizes or extermine its cultural roots, in order to survive in ' ' mar' ' of antagonistic impositions that guarantee ' ' aceitao' ' in the effective society. It is perceived ahead of these circumstances that the aboriginal peoples had cheated a long way until the configuration of the current conjuncture, in which Brazilian citizens are considered, legitimated from the Federal Constitution of 1988. Still thus, and in result of the used legal apparatuses previously, the communities reaffirm the moment all its culture and mainly they carry through you strike recurrent for the positivao of rights and legal definitions that guarantee its territory of full form, bridge for the exercise of the cultural diversity considered fruit of etnia the aboriginal existence while.