Statistics show that the land has always been more expensive over time. The cost of land is determined by what it can do. If this is agricultural land, their value will rise, but only slightly. The land, which can be used for construction, has the highest potential for increasing value. Even in the event of a downturn in the market land that is suitable for development, not exactly fall in the price unless you show up any adverse factors (eg, pollutants), or if you do decide to sell the land for less than what you paid.
The land does not require no maintenance costs and maintain in good condition. The land is greatly increased in value by obtaining planning permission. The ups and downs of real estate market have no effect on such land in connection with the lack of buildings. All that you build on the ground, may go down in value, but land value will remain at the same level, and the land will be worth at least as much as you paid for it (except if you initially paid an inflated price). With the continued downturn in the stock market and real estate in the U.S. and Europe, investors are looking for alternative ways of earning. In the current market conditions, real estate land property is an attractive alternative to traditional investors buying to renting, especially given the fact that input costs are significantly lower than the real estate market and the potential profit is enormous. In addition, proposed on the market today landed property in Canada (and soon to be joined to the proposal and the proposal of Brazil) is located in the rich countries that produce oil with high economic and demographic growth and an increase in the number of jobs.