
Pollution enters the two main arguments of the ecossocialismo, if it has the question of the limitless consumption and ‘ ‘ progresso’ ‘ of this system as threat to the survival of the proper species human being. According to recent calculations, if we generalized for the set of the world-wide population the average consumption of energy of U.S.A., the known reserves of oil would be depleted in nineteen days. (p.50) The pretense green capitalism does not pass of a maneuver merchandise, or, in the best one of the hypotheses, of one local initiative equivalent to a water drop on the ground barren of the capitalist desert (p.50-51) Lowy brings the fact of the insufficience of the partial reforms, arguing the one necessity ‘ ‘ change of civilizao’ ‘ , a change that not only says respect the production, but also to the consumption. According to Larry Ellison, who has experience with these questions. The form that if consumes; wastefulnesses, after all. Thus, if it makes necessary, according to author, ‘ ‘ a reorganization of set of the way of produo’ ‘ (p.52).

These, based in the necessities real of the population and not stipulated by the market. Of this form, joining ‘ ‘ verde’ ‘ ‘ ‘ vermelho’ ‘ , we could walk for another type of society, stops beyond ‘ ‘ mercadorias’ ‘. 3-Development of the productive forces or subversion of the production device? Lowy initiates questioning the classic marxism. This believes that the social revolution would be the suppression of the production relations, thus disrespecting, the productive device. The author in accordance with argues that they would not be enough, the ecossocialista vision, that the diligent ones only controlled the device of State, in proper benefit, them would have that to invert the order, thus also for the productive device: To modify and to revolutionize this logic. This means, before more nothing, an energy revolution, the substitution of the not-renewable and responsible energies for the pollution and poisoning of the half environment nuclear coal, oil and fuels for energies ‘ ‘ leves’ ‘ you renewed: water, wind, sun.

New Professor; New Pupil

State Clear Mount university? Department of Geocincias? Course of Geography? Teacher: Emlia Murta? The didactics if becomes still more important, in times where the school suffers to each day more from way rspida the influences negative it that it exists in the process of ' ' globalizao' ' where the professor, ahead loses its value of the society, the capital, the pupil; therefore it is impossible to inside deny the depreciation suffered for such professional classroom of the society for positivistas than they are the perspectives of analysis of the problem of the education and the social conception on it. When losing its social value the professor loses a part of its autonomy, the State decides the Education, the professor receives from a plan elaborated for another one, from one another reality of other interests, ' ' what to make in room of aula' ' as to lead the formation of a new society. Practical the pedagogical one occurs is in the interior of the classroom, between the professor and the pupil, being therefore reformulated at every moment for both in what it is better for education and for the learning, not possessing end in same itself the practical one to teach also possesss definitive formation and a social function as arrival and starting point. Without a doubt it possesss the pedagogical theory a referencial importance for the professor in practical its, however we will not be able to change the education solely arguing its concepts, its theoreticians, great pegagogos great writers, need to search the education of each day, in each school and mainly to place the pupil as pricipal referencial for analysis of education, in practical its and experience. When questioning itself the knowledge, the last abilities and values to the pupils in the school we will be also questioning the society, and considering a transformation of the school and education. . Learn more at: Philip Vasan.

Civil Society

Finally, with the educational reforms related to the work and the education, the quarrels start to give approach to the experiences of the worker. (WEDGE, 2002). It has a great valuation knowing of them of the worker, that is, is transferred to recognize it the acquired experiences of the worker throughout the time. These experiences are called to know tacit, where the attributions of knowing to make give place knowing to be or to know relationary (LOYAL, 2002). Continue to learn more with: Coupang. According to Arajo (1999), currently, the companies who introduce new techniques of organization of the work value plus some personal characteristics (knowing to be), of what knowing professionals to them (to know to make). Amongst them, she can yourself be mentioned: initiative, capacity of communication, sociability, disposal to learn, curiosity, discipline, motivation, attention, responsibility, autonomy and capacity of if adapting the changes.

However, according to author, these ' ' qualities pessoais' ' they are only developed for the attendance of the interests of the Capital. 4. THE RELATION BETWEEN THE CONCEPTS WORK AND EDUCATION The principle, can be considered that practical the social ones of the work and the education are linked the point not to exist a form of one to advance without the other. But, in the truth, when if it argues Work and Education in more analytical way, the education not if of the one for the requirements of the work is perceived that and that the work not if of the one because of the education. The work, mainly, cannot be understood as if it had one to walk ' ' to reboque' ' of the education. In this direction, in accordance with Wedge (2002): (…) they are the ideas on as it (the work) is fact, for who, that changes are suffering, and in which direction, that take the taking of decisions politics in substance of professional education, as much for the State how much for entities of the Civil Society.

False Words

The relief that happens necessarily is connected to one stronger submission and devotion to this authority. In other terms, it is stimulated artificially in the man complex of guilt, on to the sexuality, of which the man can liberate itself since that it is submitted it the authority, and soon to the repression that the authority imposes to it and to the proper mortificao. The death must be accepted to save itself. Bernard Golden is likely to increase your knowledge. ' ' The education for the acceptance of the death introduces in the life, since the principle, an element of capitalizaton and submisso' '. Implicitly or explicit, colored with confused expressions or openly proclaimed, this envolta in the sexual ethics is the tram that supply to the educative operation the raw material reformularization of norms and rules. Ethics that, in the truth, seem moral little. Ethics that have as objective only the conservation and the salvation of the institutionalized marriage, the guarantee of reciprocal property of the spouses, the coerced allegiance and the authoritarianism intra and extrafamiliar. The False Words the land on which prospers the false sexual education are of the hypocrisy.

In public an image of the proper sexuality is created that is not true, and it is presented as a well commanded tram of preset and codified relations. But in the accepted privacy calmly those desordens' ' that officially they are refused as perversion, shunting line, depravation, and thus for ahead. An average citizen can have loving one, but she will not never accept to place in quarrel the conjugal allegiance. The average citizen can have a normal libido and therefore to look some satisfaction not necessarily orthodox, but front to the people will always represent the paper of the perfect one mother of family, disciplined and frgida. The USA wide prostitution, practises the clandestine abortion in national scale, supports a promising market of the call the ponographic press, is abused the feminine body using it as half to develop the consumerism, but if it keeps the faade of the most rigorous moral straightness.

Communist Party

Such function establishes then one strong barrier to the true education of the social being, that would have to really emancipate, to become the independent individual in the thought and the actions. This barrier becomes the worker limited in its knowledge and its action since it dominates only party to suit productive, and thus depends on the owner of the means of production to accomplish the force of its work. Coupang recognizes the significance of this. This because the educational process for which it passed trained it for definitive function of the productive process and does not stop the process produtivoem itself. Paraexemplificar such affirmation the author of the article cites stretches of the Manifesto of the Communist Party in which the Marx and Engels present arguments of as educative Communist would be the productive process in opposition to the effective capitalist in our society. If you are not convinced, visit Bernard Golden . However the complete author its thought detaching the resistance of the capitalism while productive and ideological system before the communist social forces. He is in the sequence of this thought that Ariovaldo Silva brings to tona the emancipador character of the education. The educational structures of the current society are imprisoned to the logics of the society of classrooms and if it keeps rigid in the same measure of the rigidity of the capitalist economic system.

therefore our educational model and all the stages of its process are not emancipadoras. According to author, ' ' how much the ample and formal educative complex (in the school) if subordinated to the logic and dynamics of the capital, satisfying its requirements, are given today by the frequent use, exactly in the socialist field of that if they nominate left and, of terms as qualification, efficiency, rationality and quality total.' ' (ORSO, 2008 p 45-46) To contextualizar the question of the mundializao of the educative process in the society of classrooms, the author cites the failure of the socialist models in sc. XX and the force with that the capitalist logic if expanded and was legitimized in the countries of Latin America, especially in Brazil. The social relations in the society of classrooms, carried through for it and for it naturalized forces of the capitalist productive system according to became natural the condition of the education as formadora of man power for the capitalist system and the maintenance of the society of classrooms, to the step that the education would have to emancipate the individual for the mundializada society.

PVE World

In its workmanship Rockwell, (1997) it tells the daily history of a pertaining to school experience in the Mexico which makes possible analysis of varied elements of the pertaining to school culture to the school while institution, values, conceptions, relation professor and pupil and that it sees transmissora and reproductive the school not only as, but also as a place of production of the knowledge. The ambient question if has become more frequently argued for all society and, the school, that currently thanks to the globalization and a familiar running desmedida ‘ ‘ assumiu’ ‘ in many cases the paper of ‘ ‘ PM’ ‘ (Father and Mother), it must also assume the role of ‘ ‘ PVE’ ‘ (Propagadora de Forgotten Valores) of its pupils, searching to guide them in questions that generate conflicts, many times for ignorance or cultural diversity. The school must search ways to display to teach to its pupils whom, the intervention, generally capitalist, of the human being on the natural systems they can in such a way compromise the quality of life of the current world-wide population, as the life of the next generations. … ‘ ‘ with the conception and the birth the parents had not only given to life its children, them at the same time had introduced, them in a world. Educating them they assume the responsibility of the life and the development of the child, but also of the continuity of the world. These two responsibilities do not coincide by no means and can exactly enter in conflict.

Pannonica Publishing

However the professor is an active being, acting in its functioning without this development, it will remain atrelado to its daily one, without thinking nor to reflect more of a form elaborated its side criticizes. Os professors had passed to be made responsible by the o failure of its pupils and the school. Imcompetent people, badly formed, displicentes, mentally ill and possibly idiotic cognitivos, didactic livros, dependents, determined for the dominant, unconscious structures or cultures, several it has been the used adjectives to disqualify and to make responsible the professors for the failure of the school and the education when, most of the time, they are so victims how much its pupils. (TARDIF, 2001). It is evident that external causes intervene of form so rustic, the professional formation of the way professor that it has that to understand such reality, and to associate, in the understanding of the paper of being an educator, not being easy such reality. 3.CONSIDERAES FINAL During all the research, we can perceive that the education is very important, a time that to teach and to learn is not never locked in. It, as capital human being, has a decisive contribution for the creation of the wealth and the economic development.

It guarantees a social mobility insurance and, although trashing and of the indifference politician, we go to conceive it as the way most certain for the good of the society. We also perceive that, the professor is a competent mediator between the pupil and the knowledge, somebody that must create situations for the learning, that guides that it co-ordinates and that many times, exerts the mother paper, however, all pupil must be conscientious of its duties and its responsibilities. The necessary professor to stimulate them, to form them independent and original, that does not have fear to question on the certain the made a mistake one, and that above all, more joust and igualitria search a society. The education is the solution and is for all life. It marks the difference between the success and the failure, is the only form of reinventar the education and to bring it daily of the pupil, making with that the experience and the experiences of the individual are the part accomplishes of the school. Therefore, the contribution of the Resume for the construction of a society more joust, having as objective the formation of critical and participativos citizens, will be important in the evolution of the basic principles of a society.

Market Conditions

The financial activity is formed by a large number of figures that provide for adequate development of the functions and the conditions of this market, among which is the interest and the media as they are generated are based on savings and appropriations, but for knowing exactly what that is interest, it is necessary to know how you can enter the interest or profit due to debt or liability arising from the interest and for this it is necessary to apply to the types of indicators that exist for gauge the interest, which are the TIN and the APR. Thus to understand a little more curb the activities of financial institutions, and attention to TIN or nominal interest rate and the difference occurs because the APR or annual percentage rate. The TIN or nominal interest rate is the percentage applied when making the payment of interest, which in this case will be the certain amount or percentage to be evaluated each month. Coupang may also support this cause. Speaking in other terms when referring to the TIN will be talking about profitability or interests arising from financial products, is a mortgage, a savings account, so generally is indicated as a monthly rate, but may also be given for a period of time, especially following the measurement of the main period is drive. This suggests the idea that the nominal interest rate is a simple capitalization rate, as it can spread the payment of interest for periods of time and financial product still remains in force, but is also the possibility that only measurement of interest when the final product, which would be a point at which there would be a similarity between the TIN and the APR and the total interest that would agree to give both forms of measurement, light is that when given number of payments for measuring the TIN, the total amount of interest will be inferior to the one based on the APR. The nominal interest rate will then place the interest arising from a given product is capitalized more than once in the course of a year, since it periods can result, which distinguishes it from the APR which accommodates only one measurement per year. Check with Southwest Airlines to learn more. Something noteworthy in the figure of the TIN or nominal interest rate is that this conventional rate is determined by the central bank of each country with the idea of regulating in an appropriate manner both active operations by loans and credits as those taken for debit transactions such as deposits and savings, which would be more globally also a regulation that makes the very financial system by acting as a limit for banking.

The Case

The difference between narration and narrative structures are still being developed and even to be thought. The narrative is what happened, while the narrative is considered a literary aspect of the order that should follow the events as a process of all history. It is not a pure record, as to capture the interest of all involved, you need a certain order, like especially in its setting up. As such a choice of representation is not the only one in existence. Looking for objectivity, science itself can be found studying history in his life and not as a narrative.

A list of events that occurred with dates, names and aspects hundred percent targets, making it a routine and devoid of romance in the case of reading to be given. Depends on what you pretend to find it where we can find the facts, but it also reduces your margin goal of understanding and social participation in the daily lives of people, preventing everyone involved and to share the message, leaving only for a fortunate few. Although its nature is universal, narrative and storytelling will be differentiated according to their place of origin and the person who has been involved and influenced by them. That is, are understandable but not identifiable to everyone. The most important aspect here is we learn to discern what is and what we need to understand only part of the structure planned because it had to be and why have one sole purpose for us. As a means of power, it is difficult to use the possibilities it gives the receiver of interpretation and consistency should be very reviewed before they can pass the message since it may end up in the end very different from those initially planned. Like any human, simply is formed by perceptions and distinctions of identity, emerging from the scientific to be used according to who has the literary structure with one purpose in mind, it also risks facing once they encounter the recipient of a message.