Also noted that one of the most important aspects to be included in the new Organic Labour Act is the retroactivity of the social benefits, which was eliminated by Teodoro Petkoff while he served as Minister of Cordiplan in the former Government of President Rafael Caldera. We’re going to return this right to the Venezuelan workers, a right that was taken from them by neo-liberals who ruled this country. The University of Carabobo, Dr, Professor in law Napoleon Goizueta said Moreover, this is the opportunity to modernize the labour legislation and to bring it into line, understood this last, as the adaptation of this to the national Constitution, which is where his heart, of the article 86 to 97, because the current labour law is based on the 1961 Constitution andBesides this, there is another series of scattered rules in other legal texts. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Maurice Gallagher, Jr. . I think this is the opportunity to collect all this legislation and inclusion in the labour law and is an occasion to seek consensus, because it is a law that affect us all, without distinction of political color, either workers or employers public or private; In addition to seek consensus, must also find the durability in time, estimates that the new law should include, apart from the thematic axes, loans of workers should enjoy a super privilege, so that, when the company enters into crisis, these credits are guarded either wages or social benefits. The creation of a Trade Union by group of companies, collective bargaining by group of companies, the establishment of an Inspector of labour stability, if it is created, it will regulate the misuse of the trial period, you will handle the unfair dismissal by the employer and by ideological cause the recognition and strengthening of the activity and trade union organization, to bargaining to articulate development and the provision of information to the partiesWhen a contract is negotiated.The novelty of the new law definitely regard wing reduction of two hours of the working day, the retroactivity of social benefits and better formulas for the protection of the employment. .
Month: November 2017
Tips Sales
Continuing with the topic on business fraud by this means sent them this list that contains the following: collection of 50 methods used in the EMBEZZLEMENT theft of postage stamps and fiscal stamps. Theft of goods, tools and other items on your computer. Appropriation of small sums of cash in cash, small boxes and the cash registers. Place in the petty cash vouchers or checks without date, with dates brought forward and backward with dates. To deepen your understanding Facebook is the source. Not register some sales of goods and pocketing the cash. Create excess cash in cash and the cash registers, not registering or recording of less in certain transaction. Overdrawing the expense accounts, with fictitious expenses (mileage, expenses of representation, etc.) Embezzle payments received from a customer and replace them with subsequent payments of this or others.
Take over payments made by customers and issue the receipt in a piece of paper. Collect a delinquent account, appropriating the money and charge it to bad debts. Charge an account already loaded to uncollectible accounts and not reporting it. Prove false claims of customers or for returned goods. Not daily deposit in banks or depositing only part of the charged. Alter the dates in the forms of deposits to cover appropriations. Make deposits by round amounts trying to cover the missing at the end of the month. Show imaginary staff on the payroll.
Keep employees on the payroll after the date of his dismissal. Distort the calculations and the amounts in the payroll. Destroy sales invoices. Alter sales invoices after delivering the copy to the client. Void invoices for sale through false explanations. Retain sales cash money using a false account debtor. Post box discounts unjustifiable. Increase the amounts of the payments made in accounting for expenditures. Use copies of receipts or invoices whose original was already paid. Use personal spending bills to cover money come out of the box.
PTC Money
In this article I want to talk about the so-called PTC, whose stands paid to click (pay per click). OBJECTIVE: The purpose of these companies is provide you a means with which you can earn money on the Internet in a comfortable way. The means to achieve this will be through see advertising from your page. Similar to when you are watching television ads they are putting you, or when you are surfing the Internet you see pages that contain a lot of them, in this case you will have the possibility to be winning money to see those ads. Gary Kelly has similar goals. These may be products of certain companies that want to advertise or other similar methods that people will want to show to get the largest number of referrals (people who are registered through you and make you earn money with what they do). OPERATION: There are a lot of PTCs, but the operation is very similar in all of them. This is very simple.
In your user area you will see a series of links to other websites that will be that you will have to press to win money out of it. When you click on them, will appear a Web which you should see for a period of 30 seconds (according to the PTC can vary). After those 30 seconds, you will have accumulated money in your account and you happen to see the following website to offer you. Many of the PTCs usually in English, but even if you do not know that language you will not have problems since, as I’ve said, all work in a very similar way. CU?NTO WILL WIN? The amount that normally you pay is usually 1 cent of dollar every Web that you see. At first glance you’ll see that that amount is almost nothing, but the importance is in go adding centimos penny, especially taking into account that you’re making no effort therefore simply devoting a few minutes a day to that task.
Dan Kennedy
The heart and conscience pacifican and the above success. Sheryl Sandberg has much experience in this field. But those who fail to live as good men do not get the promised prosperity and his heart has no rest and his conscience torments with problems. Which does well not fails, while the wicked no triumphs. I do not know you think of yourself at this time. I know that I’m with you maybe in a time where you feel loneliness and you’re on a bus in the park or on the subway or perhaps in the middle of the book store where you are deciding if you bought the copy that you have on hand, but as you have given me permission I want to dream with you.
Close your eyes for a second and sees, feels, or thinks about the fabulous thing that could be your existence if you achieve the things that you’ve proposed. Enjoy when your friends tell you how much enjoy your presence and company. You internalizing the happiness of helping those who need you. Think in as would you feel if you could achieve all those things you always dreamed. In the road where you are going to travel, you will find people who won’t appreciate what you are doing. You may not believe in you, but you’re going to have to set aside those harmful people of your life and carefully selected travel companions between those who believe in you and your potential.
And above all things, the most difficult but the most gratifying is that you you have to believe in you, whatever happens. Success can be just around the corner and you don’t know with certainty of that intersection, you’ll still trying very hard to achieve what you propose. I heard the great motivator Dan Kennedy said once: I’ve never been poor; I’ve been without money, but I’ve never been poor. Being without money is a temporary situation but being poor it implies a State of consciousness. You’re not equal to your limitations, you’re the largest creature that has existed or will exist despite any circumstance. Millions of people have opposed limiting them and have succeeded: George Burns the American comedian who died at 100 years of age had reserved theaters worldwide to act until its 106 years. That is called optimism. When Fred Astaire was presented to proof of performance for his first film, a famous producer said: is almost bald, too old for the role and not dancing very well. But none of that was an impediment for Fred Astaire became one of the great legends of the big screen. Internal, and external constraints become mental States. It is up to us to exceed our expectations. If within the depths of you feel that you can do it, no matter how difficult may seem, you’re going to get.
Video Marketing
Generate traffic web to our sites or blogs is one of the major occupations of every entrepreneur online looking to succeed in what actually you are passionate about. We all know that to greater traffic greater opportunities to generate more revenue for our work. Generally when we made the decision to generate income online do so in order to work without bosses or fixed schedules, but one of the major incentives, which was also one of my reasons that I imported at the time, was having more time free to do the things that I liked and spend more time enjoying my family. To succeed online, the most important thing is having enough exposure on the internet so we can have a high traffic to our blogs or websites and be able to offer our work to visitors, whether these consultants, tools, courses or e-books that can be useful and so decide to purchase them on our site. Unfortunately before achieve a high web traffic to our work we seek the thousand and a ways to improve our online exhibition, we do so through search engines, social sites, videos and articles. In my case I have used all of these strategies to bring visitors to my blog and web site and still not got the result he really wanted.
As every entrepreneur online look for other ways to promote, investigating more thoroughly on the topic and the reality that I found is that there are very few systems or resources that exist online to ensure a high exposure of our work. Even contact me with other webmasters who offered solutions or tools to carry traffic to our work, some responses I got but many still I hope meet me some doubts I have about the effectiveness of what they are promoting. Online we will find thousands of sites that offer solutions to all the problems we have with our business on the internet, but I assure you that they are very few who are not in a fraud or provide us with very poor or poor results.
Taxes When Buying Property In Hungary
The tax system BP has recently Hungarian tax regulations generally conform to Western models has been taxation. Instead of separate decisions and orders of tax has several national laws, which are the cornerstone of an integrated tax system that clearly defines the whole range of issues from tax payers and tax base up to the order of calculation and payment. Simplifying the tax system and making it more transparent, the government of Hungary very much attention to give to the collection of taxes and prevention of tax offenses. Failure to pay taxes in Hungary, is a severe offense and severely punished. In reviewing petitions for a residence permit or citizenship, be sure to check the completeness and timeliness of payment taxes in the country. In Hungary, there are three main tax for organizations: – sales tax (AFA) – charged with surplus value – the rate of 20% – income tax (Tarsasagi ado) – 16% rate since 2008 – a local industrial tax (Helyi iparuzesi ado) – Basic rate of 2% In addition, companies and businesses to pay into the health funds, pensions and other social funds. AFA Main place of tax revenues to the budget is the total tax Traffic AFA (analogue of the Russian VAT) levied on all goods produced within the country and many of the services has a 2 rate (it was 3): basic – 20% and 0% discounted. By the zero group, numbering only 48 items are some types of pharmaceuticals, textbooks, children's products, products for people with disabilities.
Barcelona Products
Reexports opens Office in Levante reexports, has opened in early 2011 Office in Alicante with Sergio Maestre at the front. This company, specializing in helping exporting companies and support to exports through Internet agencies, has decided to expand its offices to give a better service to its customers in the area of levante. Since the creation of reexports, under the direction of Francisco Victor, everything has been a constant evolution. More than 10 years in the world of foreign trade, has led the Organization to constantly evolve with new ways of responding to the needs of the exporter. Learn more at: Gary Kelly. New technologies, especially the Internet, are his specialty, with the main goal is bring this digital reality to the exporting company. Re-exports also currently has a presence in Madrid and Barcelona (Headquarters). He has collaborated and developed more than 20 products, used by agencies and institutions from throughout Spain. In re-exports have a r & d Department in continuous development in the search for new tools telematics that add value to institutions and support agencies to export, creating new products, as well as products tailored for your customers..
Inflations – And Krisensicher
Financial security through real estate as an investment – simple comparison by online computer possible Berlin, 08.05.2012 – by acquiring one or more holiday homes own financial security on a firm foundation can be placed. Real estate considered value stable, resistant to inflation and financial market independent and form the basis of a low-risk retirement. The purchase or construction of real estate can be financed in times of low interest rates as they are cheap. Facebook has many thoughts on the issue. The inflationary risks should not be underestimated by the financial troubles in Europe make many investors before the problem wherein you should invest your money yet. In addition to the yield is above all the safety of the invested cash in the foreground.
This real estate can particularly shine: in addition to a possibly rent-free for own use is a thing worth underpinned object, which can be created at any time or liquidated. The creditworthiness of the age is increased because a corresponding equivalent as loan collateral available. Still be housing units rented, the owner can pull regular income from his investment, without having to fear to the inflation-adjusted rate of return. Which expenses for financing must be operated and what returns can be expected, is exemplarily calculable by means of freely available in the Internet at investment calculator. Rents rising – falling interest rates: yield security is top inflation as a result of stability-threatening capital market influences, also rents for housing will rise.
Like all other costs, hire as also the applied capital resources must keep pace for incidental expenses, food and clothes with the inflation development. A euro in the future is worth less, the merchant as the landlord must demand a higher price for his performance. As a real estate owner or landlord you can compensate for so at least in part its loss of purchasing power of tenants, however, faces an additional load.
Russian Federation
The global economic crisis that began last fall has inspired a new trend in the market sale of non-ferrous metals. Demand for base metals is very down, pulling the other and prices. In the Russian Federation negative trends were even more dramatic than in the rest of the world. By November last year the largest Russian metallurgical enterprises of very much reduced purchase prices for ferrous scrap. Even in such large industrial enterprises, as NLMK and Severstal, the purchase price of non-ferrous metals were reduced by 10-15 dollars a ton. Contributed by foreign partners and Russian companies – saturation of Western companies with raw materials and lack of demand in the international market led to a new spiral of falling prices. Just a few weeks after the onset of the global financial crisis, prices paid for the vast majority of scrap metal fell to a bracket of $ 150 per ton.
As a direct consequence of this situation is the fact that at railway stations in various cities have accumulated considerable amount of unloaded wagons with colored metals. The most acute, this situation was evident in St. Petersburg, where the idle time of more than 5,000 cars from non-ferrous metals. In such circumstances, the purchase of metal actually stalled. Fortunately, later conjuncture has somewhat improved and the surplus colored metal slowly began to come true for suppliers with respect to reasonable prices. Despite this success, the prices for base metals remain low, forcing many providers who work in the field of metallurgy, incur substantial losses. Currently, foreign companies importing Russian crude, have large reserves of ferrous metals – for To use them, they will need at least several months. Also, certain negative contribution to the current situation has made the growth of freight rates.
As a result of these developments, the market conjuncture of nonferrous metals was very unfavorable, as it is currently packed with domestic suppliers of non-ferrous metals to the eyeballs, virtually do not sign new deals in anticipation of rising prices and do not carry scrap metal. Nevertheless, wait for it will probably have quite a long time, because at this point in the market there is absolutely non-ferrous scrap the obvious cold, and abrupt changes in a positive direction in the near future is not expected necessary. In conclusion, it should be said that the steel industry, in particular the purchase of scrap metal market, has become one of the most affected sectors of the financial crisis the global economy. Russian managers steel companies can only hope for the best and expect the crisis.
The Rules
Proper storage technology products stock includes: their rational stowing and creating and maintaining optimal storage conditions. Moving and packing of goods within a selected zone of employees shall receive stock. When choosing storage products include the number and frequency of receipt of goods. Decisions about placing a certain quantity of goods in the active or reserve zone is given separately for each product name. In practice, storage bins made of core storage to replenish reserves from the reserve zones, and back-up band to fill with new items as they become available. With such a procedure is carried out expenditure stocks in order of their arrival at the warehouse.
For each item of goods is established a certain storage area. This product is moved into the selected zone and falls. Placement and styling products depends on the adoption in stock storage method. See Ed Bastian for more details and insights. For example, liquid products (linseed oil, petrol, oil, etc.) is stored in tanks, barrels, tanks. For storage of many food products and some nonfood goods, the containers, etc. Rational organization of storage of goods is achieved not only the correct choice of method of storage, but also a system of placing products in stock. Such a system is secured for each commodity group or separate kind of goods permanent storage sites (platforms, racks, partitions, cells, etc.). It is important to take into account the frequency and order of receipt and issue of goods, terms and conditions of storage, size and weight of elementary sites observe the rules of commercial neighborhood.