
, Mercury received the highest marks for two-stroke engines with direct injection in a study conducted by the American consumer research center JD Power and Associates. The study was based on the opinion about nine thousand respondents, as well as on feedback from buyers of boats of the last two years, which compared the three most popular models of two-stroke engines with direct injection. OptiMax engines are made at the headquarters of Mercury Marine, located in the city of Fond du Onion (U.S.). The family includes twelve OptiMax engines ranging from 75 to 300 horsepower. The engines are controlled with modern on-board computers. Optimax injectors inject the fuel mixture after the closing valves in the top of the cylinder, causing the fuel is burned completely in a very short period of time. As a result, achieved a major fuel economy, maximum power for engines with a cylinder capacity data, and also complied with all requirements for releases into the environment. Direct injection engines inject oil separately, and only when really necessary.

According to the respondents in the survey, with data engines, there are much fewer problems than many other engines, they are quite powerful, reliable and easy to maintain. OptiMax engines just become famous all over the world thanks to its proprietary reliability and excellent performance in power. This award for the OptiMax engines MercuryMarine company receives is not the first time. OptiMax engines purchased in Russia can be a regional dealers “Vita-motors”. Get professional consultation can be as dealers and in the company’s head officeLLC “Vita-Motors” was founded on February 28, 2002 Since then, the “Vita-Motors” is the authorized distributor of Brunswick Marine in EMEA on the Urals: in Sverdlovsk, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg and Kurgan regions. And on June 7, 2007, the territory of the zone of responsibility of “Vita-motors” further expanded – added Tyumen Region, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets. Throughout this vast territory LLC “Vita Motors’ imports and markets a complete range of outboard motors Mercury, which is the widest range that can satisfy all customer needs, Motor power ranges from 2.5 to 300 hp In addition, “Vita-motors” has been supplying stationary diesel and gasoline engines MerCruiser, electric outboard motors Motorguide, PVC inflatable boats Quicksilver, plastic boats Quicksilver and Uttern, as well as spare parts, accessories, propellers, oils and chemicals Quicksilver. Today the company is “Vita-Motors” is the only distribution center Quicksilver and Uttern from Ufa and Vladivostok. Company “Vita-motors” offers a truly cost-effective solutions: the shortest possible delivery time, the system of warranty and after warranty service, self-selected and therefore the timing margin payment, the actual warehouse stock of products, the annual training of technical personnel and corrupt dealers, common advertising policy in the region.

Education Level

Their places will probably have taken (and they by some estimates nearly a quarter of all graduates). Outside of university classrooms were those in terms of their Knowledge was to take place there In this regard, it begs the question. Why in the Soviet times, our youth is one of the three most educated in the world? (Even 15 years ago, international organizations recognize that the level of Education in Russia than in most developed countries of the world. Today, these organizations show that we are lagging behind the average level in Europe), Is not this a consequence of thoughtless reform? Already in full force works the law on so-called two-tier, or "Bolognese", the system is lost when the concept of "specialist" is a preparation of bachelors and masters. Specialist training are guaranteed a high level of training. Now most students are bachelors, but it is much more short-term learning-4 years.

And much more lean program, more like a simple coaching specialty. In this situation we have, for example, engineers and technicians. The main training focus in the magistracy. Budget financing of graduate maintained only in federal universities and national universities. At the same time only 30% of baccalaureate graduates remain low places. In the remaining schools magistracy becomes fully paid. This raises another question. Why did the Soviet Union free learning 100% in German study of more than 90%, in France more than 80% and in Russia – only a third? Why is the estimated grant with respect to the subsistence level is lower now in high schools in 4 times? etc.

Is not it a consequence of the "residual" approach to education. In this case, say today that we should respond to requests for time, labor market demands, but why in this case should follow Western standards Our system in the past, just focused on the decision not only regular, but long-term objectives. In this regard, in our opinion, we should discuss in our society, innovations associated with ct (today, according to sociological research, almost half the population opposes the CSE). Create All-Russian Public Commission, independent of the Ministry of Education, including in its membership representatives of universities, specialized secondary schools, principals, parents' associations. At the time of Commission to suspend the law on compulsory use to allow leading universities to conduct the selection of applicants who passed the cse in order to minimize its negative effects in connection with the introduction of the "Bologna system" necessary to stop large-scale reduction of Universities (150-200). Many schools were in Czarist Russia, but today HH1 century! Bring order to the financing of universities, it is so one of the lowest in the world. We have already retreated, in the opinion of the fair Russian President Medvedev, to forward positions. None of the transformation does not lead to the desired result with mechanical follow different experience. It would be advisable to increase scholarships successful students to the level of real subsistence level, increase the average scholarship to graduate students and doctoral candidates, at least up to 10 thousand rubles necessary to make education not only quality but also the priority and available, return the material and spiritual strength. Keeping in mind that the priority of education is not a consequence of welfare state, and its underlying cause. Prudnikov, MN

Alberto Magallanes

Once we enter in online endeavors the knowledge we acquired are something that we can apply them in any niche market. -Speed of implementation this ability comes with training, since it is not enough to study or train if then that don’t apply, don’t carry that knowledge into action, only in this way we will know if they are applicable to our businesses or their use is not suitable, implement what we learn also is the only factor that will allow us to keep us together with the advances of technology in relation to our business. Only with the application arrived successes, never before. -Ability of imagination and ingenuity learn to access extensive information on the internet is also a great advantage when we have ventures in line, since most of the information can find it free, only have to know how to get to it; online, there are thousands of blogs in which we will find all kinds of information regarding what we want develop, if we apply our ingenuity and imagination will be able access it without any inconvenience. -Record be constants, devise a plan of action, devote a few hours a day to our business is something that will allow us to grow and results in our venture, constancy is an attitude that at the beginning perhaps cost us to achieve it, but after that we begin to see the results, we will experience firsthand its benefits. -Patience learn to have patience to wait for the results is what will allow us to continue even when seemingly seem that we don’t move anything, and I can assure you that these moments arrived, but with patience and perseverance we will succeed in overcoming these stages until we again see some results, the processes are often something slowly but surely. -Ability to learn from our mistakes when we are with our endeavors online there will be actions that not us provide favorable results or which provoke bitter experiences as in any business in the physical world, at this time we have to remember taking them as a teaching and try to learn from them too, then take another new action that superseded the earlier or to improve it. There is no doubt that everything we can learn, just have to have the opening to do so.

-Constant update update, update, update, not escatimare in the times that I can say it, the update in our endeavors in line are the key factor of all the successes, be aware of what makes our competence, implement their strategies and implement others, etc. We currently have excellent free tools like Google Alerts, which allow us to keep us up to date with information in our niche market. Surely there are other skills to bring to fruition our ventures online, these lists are just a few, I hope that them beyond served as guide or example since they are factors that all entrepreneurs have to pass, there is no exception in this. If you consider that I have omitted any other skill invite you comment me on the blog, or if you need information about these topics or everything to do with the creation of online ventures, the hope in which you will find extensive information for download free of charge on this and other topics. A big Hello. Jorge Alberto Magallanes. Original author and source of the article.

Catalog Colors

The first 2 species were stained by Catalog ral (color choices are many, 196 colors). Plates with crumbs match the color of the stone, which they covered with crumbs. Here, options for shades less (about 20). Again I quote the words of Igor Resurrection: "In the Soviet time in the design of the city to use up to 20 colors. Now the building painted in 200 colors at a time when Europe uses 600 colors. Asbestos and fiber cement boards are not usually used for the lining of tall buildings and apply, governed mainly at buildings with 5 floors and facing cottages and industrial buildings.

It would seem that might be easier for an architect – to choose a beautiful, neizbity, bright color cladding material, unexpected combinations and forms of hinged structures. In the end, everything to gain – and the building was modern, efficient system of warming and its appearance attracts and pleases the eye, and can become an ornament to the city. But even here there are its pitfalls. Aesthetics has ceased to be an independent category. It is subject to economic benefits and is measured in money.

A simple example – you buy a refrigerator. There are many, technical specifications are identical, cost about the same one and the same, but you need a fridge is not the classic white and navy blue. The seller tells you that the refrigerator that color have to wait some time until it will bring, at best. In the worst – such a refrigerator will cost more because you chose the color is not typical and, relatively speaking, a refrigerator must be specially painted in dark blue.

Wealth and Happiness

The decision to be happy is what filled with happiness. Only you, no one else, can make that decision. Neither his mother nor his father, or his spouse, nor his boss, nor the President of its Government can make that decision for you. The decision to be happy and carry out that decision. Where you grip it to that decision their happiness will reach new heights.

Remember every moment of his life that has been extremely happy and those moments are repeated with ever more frequency. Be happy now, guaranteed to be happy tomorrow. States of inner happiness, cause things, circumstances, conditions and happy relationships. Every second make efforts to be happy, will fill it with years of enjoyment. When be obliged to feel happy, so happy things happen le. The happiness will come that you associated with happiness. If you want to be happy, do not attempt to achieve happiness.

Happiness cannot be attained, can only be decided. Decide already being happy, decide now that it is happy. Never say when I get married I will be happy, when I graduate I will be happy, when you have a million dollars in embanco I’ll be happy. No, instead say: I am happy, I am now happy. In his book I am happy, I am rich, Andrew Corentt, beautifully exposes the principles of happiness and also the principles of success. All what you want to achieve will experience it more quickly if you are happy. Happiness makes it more powerful because you accept that you are responsible for everything created in his life, in his universe. That happiness makes easier communication with your subconscious and your unconscious. Happiness is the source of abundance. When you start experiencing happiness, then began to experience an enormous wealth, a great success, complete freedom and everything that you want. Being happy you will get the money that you want and you will find the person who you want to love. To experience happiness, success and wealth, I recommend the following: choose to be happy, right now. This is the main thing. Decide that everything you pass will take it as positive and cheerful. This decision yours he’ll be happier than anyone. Responsible for everything in your life. His decision will make it to be more powerful, since you agree that you are the creator of everything in his life and that creation is enormous, which confers enormous power immediately. Separate happiness achievement or success. Your happiness depends on a decision. Nothing more is needed. The achievement requires some sort of mental, physical, or both. For more happiness, wealth success, he held the power of the mind to create everything that you want, I recommend that you read the book, I am happy, I am Rico of Andrew Corentt, is insurance that if you read and applies all of its content and other tools, your life will fill up wealth, success and well-being.